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ForumsGamesExit Path 2 Tournament

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430 posts

Okay, well as we all know, Exit Path 2 is going to be released. Since we now have confirmation from John that there will be private rooms, I think that a tournament is in order since so many people have been wanting to do that.

This tournament will be set 3 days after the official game(not the beta) is released. That way we can get to know the stages a little first. So expect this to happen around the July-August area.

Number of participants will depend on how many people apply. I plan for this not to be more than about 64 or 128 people, so if more than that apply(unlikely), I will simply do a first come first served basis.

Here are the rules to enter:

1. You must have played at last 1,000 matches on the original Exit Path.
2. You must sign up on here by simply stating you want to enter.
3. When you sign up, post your stats (meaning matches,wins, etc.) so I know that you have at least 1,000 matches
, and your win %from Exit Path(original) will determine your seeding, much like in a professional sports league.

As for racing rules, I can't post many right now because we don't really know the gameplay yet.
The only rules right now is that the rooms will be 4 people each.
Also, those who were given access to the beta will be put into the same 1st round mtaches whenever possible because those who playd the beta will have an unfair advantage over those who did not.

How to advance to next round:
Each room will play 25 races, with the 2 plyers with the most wins will advance to the next round.
This will continue until we are down to only 2 players remaining, where the 2 will play 1 final round of 15 races.

Also, Epicness raised a point to me that might be interesting that if maybe a mod. or admin. agrees, maybe the winner of the tournament will get a merit. Keep in mind this is not for sure, just a thought.

Thank you for reading all this(if you were crazy enough to read all this), and please enter.

  • 342 Replies
15,595 posts

Alright, so I just read the whole thread.

My stats before they got erased were 8,000-6,000. That's an estimate.

1,612 posts

Okay, as for the issue of guests, no. As for the issue of darwin, even greater extent of no. If he was perma-banned, it will make it a pain to set up times to work around that.

He could just tell us his guest name once he's on. And we can always use the ghost chat to talk with him if John closes the game chat for guests.
5,340 posts

Secondly, PLEASE post your STATS. Not your guesses for your win%. So many people will probably say "My win percentage is about 40%" or "My win% is about 50%". It's already hard enough on me to have to make a seedings list that's accurate, but when people guess, it's even harder. Just please post your matches and wins.

but you said those who dont have any stats like me will post a guess... anyway will you use my guess? or do you think i should do what i said a few pages back (you didnt answer me for that)

He could just tell us his guest name once he's on. And we can always use the ghost chat to talk with him if John closes the game chat for guests.

lol we could also talk to him on the chat on the game XD
5 posts

I am kind of low on my win ratio, but I still want to join...

15,595 posts

My stats for my account is around 500 matches played with 460 wins

To correct this. I just logged onto my account on Exit Path and I have 573 matches played and 510 of them won.
349 posts

yea darwins IP adress has been banned since he shared his account with some11 else :'(

349 posts

sry bout double post 1503 wins 3824 losses...thats what tricz do to accounts :P and always playing with people waaaaay better then me...*cough pain and faith cough*

103 posts

To the low winratio thingy:

Girls and Guys... finally open your eyes and realise that stats mean nothing. They don't make good races. They don't reflect your skill. They are a good seeding hint yes but thats it. I have ssen 70% and higher ratios run after couple races. I have seen 90%ratios push their statistics and leave midgame to avoid losses. Under these may be known players that shall be unnamed.
So gtfo with bad feellings when you got about 30% or so....In the end your run quality and your enjoyment in EP (EP2 maybe) counts.. sheesh

15,595 posts

Girls and Guys... finally open your eyes and realise that stats mean nothing. They don't make good races. They don't reflect your skill. They are a good seeding hint yes but thats it. I have ssen 70% and higher ratios run after couple races. I have seen 90%ratios push their statistics and leave midgame to avoid losses. Under these may be known players that shall be unnamed.
So gtfo with bad feellings when you got about 30% or so....In the end your run quality and your enjoyment in EP (EP2 maybe) counts.. sheesh

Stats mean something when you play the game with other experienced players and don't quit the game. If you just go around playing the inexperienced people and leaving when you find someone good at the game, then they don't mean a thing. Stats for entering the competition shouldn't mean much, but if you don't have a certain amount of matches played on the game then how are people going to be able to tell if you know how to play well, or if you are just a newcomer.

Your opinion on the matter isn't a fact, just because you've seen a few people here and there quit with a high win ratio doesn't mean that everyone with a high win ratio will do it. Look at many of the GhostOf players, they're stats had to be above 50% and they had to win 5 out of 20 matches with a tester. And all the testers were very good players of the game, so yes, most of the time stats do mean something while playing. It's there to keep track of your progress on the game.

People shouldn't have bad feelings about having a low win ratio, since you did that to yourself most likely. Doing tricks and such, most people that have been posting in this thread about having a low win ratio are actually really good players of Exit Path, but they must not race often because they get bored with it.

You're not really making sense with your last sentence. Saying that run quality matters, but saying that having a decent win ratio doesn't matter doesn't make much sense. Because if you had good run quality while racing then you should have a good ratio.(Excluding the people that do tricks.)
566 posts

To the low winratio thingy:

Girls and Guys... finally open your eyes and realise that stats mean nothing. They don't make good races. They don't reflect your skill. They are a good seeding hint yes but thats it. I have ssen 70% and higher ratios run after couple races. I have seen 90%ratios push their statistics and leave midgame to avoid losses. Under these may be known players that shall be unnamed.
So gtfo with bad feellings when you got about 30% or so....In the end your run quality and your enjoyment in EP (EP2 maybe) counts.. sheesh

Friggin quoted for truth, got not much to say. Actually nevermind, because I shall use my old % to prove myself infinitely superior to you :3

*stuff Matrix posted*

Wheeeeeee, let's start from the top.

Stats mean something when you play the game with other experienced players and don't quit the game. If you just go around playing the inexperienced people and leaving when you find someone good at the game, then they don't mean a thing. Stats for entering the competition shouldn't mean much, but if you don't have a certain amount of matches played on the game then how are people going to be able to tell if you know how to play well, or if you are just a newcomer.

Actually what Faith meant by stats (correct me if I'm wrong there) was only the win%. He even said himself that getting 1000 matches is easy to do ;P. Of course having a minimum requirement of matches is needed to show that you atleast have reasonable experience with the game.

Also think of this: The best way to improve yourself is by racing with people that are actually better than you. But the obvious downside to that is that your win% will ultimately suffer. For the sake of argument, imagine there is a "best" and a "second best player" in the game (we will call the latter Tart just because it's faster to type; no reference to any Tarts you may know online is intended ;D). Imagine Tart plays only against the best player and loses most of his matches (it won't be as realistic to say he loses ALL but that's not the point), but plays the best regularly because it gives him the best challenge. As such his % goes down over time(let's say something like 50-60%). Even though Tart could hold his own against all other players, his win% could still be lower than that of other people. Does that mean Tart is worse than the players who don't play people that regularly beat them (or rather only play people that are of somewhat equal skill)? Of course not. But it shows that we cannot take stats as objective truth. You admitted as much yourself.

Your opinion on the matter isn't a fact, just because you've seen a few people here and there quit with a high win ratio doesn't mean that everyone with a high win ratio will do it. Look at many of the GhostOf players, they're stats had to be above 50% and they had to win 5 out of 20 matches with a tester. And all the testers were very good players of the game, so yes, most of the time stats do mean something while playing. It's there to keep track of your progress on the game.

To be fair, looking back at it, a minimum match count would have probably been better than 50%. Also, you make it sound like this isn't a reoccuring problem. I could easily go on Exit Path right now, and play some guests and I guarantee you most of them will leave if I keep winning races. I even remember some of the Ghosts doing that back in the day. The test was mostly implemented as a way to reduce the number of actual bad players joining. So it really shouldn't be used as an end-all argument for the skill thing. Since the Ghost clan needs a little reneweal anyway, I intend to do some clean-up and renovation when EP2 arrives (Of course assuming that people are fine with it).

I think the match/win% relation does not indicate skill, but overall consistency instead (which IS a different thing, as it just shows you win a lot, ignoring the skilllevel of your opponents).

People shouldn't have bad feelings about having a low win ratio, since you did that to yourself most likely. Doing tricks and such, most people that have been posting in this thread about having a low win ratio are actually really good players of Exit Path, but they must not race often because they get bored with i

This is mostly Faith's argument so I'm not sure why you were arguing against it in the other paragraphs :S

The whole "less % because of tricks thing" is really the best argument for why stats shouldn't and can't possibly be objective fact in any way.

You're not really making sense with your last sentence. Saying that run quality matters, but saying that having a decent win ratio doesn't matter doesn't make much sense. Because if you had good run quality while racing then you should have a good ratio.(Excluding the people that do tricks.)

It makes perfect sense if you accept that your stats are irrelevant. If they weren't we could just crown the victor right now :S

Run quality basically means ACTUAL tournament performance, regardless of %. Besides certain people perform better while under the *stress* of a tourny

(Excluding the people that do tricks.)

And that's what makes your argument problematic.
15,595 posts

The best way to improve yourself is by racing with people that are actually better than you. But the obvious downside to that is that your win% will ultimately suffer.

That isn't going to help much. Look at it like this: You're a newcomer to the game, the people better than you are finishing the races very quickly and that doesn't give you time to play. The best way to actually get better at the game is to play people around your skill level. It's what I did and I got great at the game. I played with a lot of people around my skill level, then I played with people better than me so that I could see what and how they did each level because I could keep up with them, but not beat them often.
This is mostly Faith's argument so I'm not sure why you were arguing against it in the other paragraphs

The paragraphs were about how stats should matter if you've earned them, but people shouldn't feel bad for having a low win ratio if they do it to themselves.
Since the Ghost clan needs a little reneweal anyway, I intend to do some clean-up and renovation when EP2 arrives (Of course assuming that people are fine with it).

I don't think many people will care. There are only about ten active GhostOf accounts on Exit Path. I don't really pay attention to who plays anymore.
It makes perfect sense if you accept that your stats are irrelevant. If they weren't we could just crown the victor right now

Judging a winner for a tournament that hasn't been played yet is an invalid argument. I talked about the stats because if you earned them, then it's the smartest thing to do to let the person in the tournament to play. But as I said before, or after this paragraph, there should be some kind of meeting about the tournament then have test runs so that you don't have horrible players in the tournament slowing the whole thing down.
And that's what makes your argument problematic.

My last paragraph was about how if he said that run quality matters, then they should have a decent win ratio because having run quality - racing - and winning should get that. I excluded the people that don't race because it's obvious that they won't have a good ratio.

But if there was some kind of testing thing for the tournament then the stats shouldn't matter at all. Z, or whoever decides to run this tournament should gather everyone into the Ghosts chat then have some kind of testing thing or racing thing with others to make sure good players make it into the tournament.

I wasn't going to post here since I'm so tired, I haven't slept in about eighteen hours, and I wasn't going to read your post, but I did, and I posted about it. I might've misunderstood some things since I'm so tired, but if I did, then tell me.
566 posts

then I played with people better than me so that I could see what and how they did each level because I could keep up with them, but not beat them often.

Exactly. You can't learn as much from a player around your skill level. By imitating and learning from better players, you can find flaws in your strategy and improve upon them. This happens with people around your skill too, but not as much.

The paragraphs were about how stats should matter if you've earned them, but people shouldn't feel bad for having a low win ratio if they do it to themselves.

Now DO tell how you'll make the differentiation. Even if you *earned* most of your stats, you could still bring them down with whatever else you do on the game (tricks etc.).

I don't think many people will care. There are only about ten active GhostOf accounts on Exit Path. I don't really pay attention to who plays anymore.

This is Exit Path 1. Going by the general reception of this thread, it's entirely possible interest will be back for EP2. Not to mention you can always start over again.

Judging a winner for a tournament that hasn't been played yet is an invalid argument. I talked about the stats because if you earned them, then it's the smartest thing to do to let the person in the tournament to play. But as I said before, or after this paragraph, there should be some kind of meeting about the tournament then have test runs so that you don't have horrible players in the tournament slowing the whole thing down.

First off, that was sarcasm. Secondly, that will make the tournament too limited. So you don't want to have bad players to not slow down the tourny but want to have an entire preliminary phase instead? That could possibly slow it down even more depending on the actual number of participants. If all else fails, you can just cap off the amount of participants. Not to mention I see no harm in allowing more people in because:

1) It makes the tournament more appealing if not just all the omgsuper players enter; and longer tournies are interesting for a longer time

2) Increases competition and also reveals the talents of more unknown players

3) If they are so bad as you say you are, they'll get weeded out anyway

Besides just because they are "bad" during that testing phase, wouldn't necessarily mean they won't be able to win the tournament.

My last paragraph was about how if he said that run quality matters, then they should have a decent win ratio because having run quality - racing - and winning should get that. I excluded the people that don't race because it's obvious that they won't have a good ratio.

Everything falls apart, if you make the distinction of "earning stats" and "oh well they are good but did other things". A ranking can only be objective if it's the same for everyone, so the trick players are either "bad players" or the stats don't matter. There's no real way around that.

But if there was some kind of testing thing for the tournament then the stats shouldn't matter at all. Z, or whoever decides to run this tournament should gather everyone into the Ghosts chat then have some kind of testing thing or racing thing with others to make sure good players make it into the tournament.

Again, this would just "slow the whole thing down" even more.
5,340 posts

lol i dont want to make you angry or something but z is making this tournament and he HAS to read almost EVERYTHING we post. so id suggest you will move this to the gepd thread? XD

430 posts

Okay, if your post does not have to do with the tournament, please regulate it to the General Exit Path Discussion please and thank you(meaning kenty, matrix, faith and whoever else was involved).

Second, would anyone else like to volunteer to be a watcher? I won't make you be one when you're racing.

Okay, well I'd like to have a vote on these 2 topics please.

1) Would you want to have to make players whow ant to enter do some kind of test as Matrix suggested?

2) Which of these styles would you want to see used for the tournament?
Where if you are a high seed, you play a low seed (like how in the NBA the number 1 seed plays 8 seed, 2 seed plays 7 seed, etc.)

Try to make the 1st round matches as even as I possibly can.

Or divide the Beta testers and non-Beta testers into 2 groups, then have the top 2 from each side play it out?

591 posts

1) Would you want to have to make players who want to enter do some kind of test as Matrix suggested?

In my opinion, tests are useless. This is a tournament, not some kind of multiplayer game war. Tests will only waste more of your time. Use your time focusing on group stage rounds and/or bracket rounds. Also, tournaments are (or should be) for fun. Having to go through all those tests will just ruin the fun and will stress out the competitor.

2) Which of these styles would you want to see used for the tournament?
Where if you are a high speed, you play a low speed (like how in the NBA the number 1 speed plays 8 speed, 2 speed plays 7 speed, etc.)

Do you mean "speed" instead of "seed?" I don't understand your question. Could you give a better example please?

Try to make the 1st round matches as even as I possibly can.

Or divide the Beta testers and non-Beta testers into 2 groups, then have the top 2 from each side play it out?

Well... As far as I'm concerned, it would be better if you divide the Beta testers and non-Beta testers into groups, and have basically 2 tournaments. 1 tournament is for the Beta people. The other is for the other people. Don't have the top people from each group play with each other for the tournament. It would be like saying "Hammers vs. Swords, who wins?" Only have the 2 groups play against each other if both of them had 1 month to play and get used to the game.

By the way, I'd wait at least a month after Exit Path 2 is out. This gives the competitors time to get used to the game. It'll also give the tournament host and helpers time to set up the tournament. If we stick to this format, we know what to expect. If we start making the brackets, trophies, rules, etc. now, who knows what will happen later. I think it would be better to wait then do those things rather than do it now and make tons of tweaks later. I'm not saying that the work should be done at the last minute; I just thought that it would be easier doing it later.
Showing 61-75 of 342