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ForumsGamesExit Path 2 Tournament

342 64717
430 posts

Okay, well as we all know, Exit Path 2 is going to be released. Since we now have confirmation from John that there will be private rooms, I think that a tournament is in order since so many people have been wanting to do that.

This tournament will be set 3 days after the official game(not the beta) is released. That way we can get to know the stages a little first. So expect this to happen around the July-August area.

Number of participants will depend on how many people apply. I plan for this not to be more than about 64 or 128 people, so if more than that apply(unlikely), I will simply do a first come first served basis.

Here are the rules to enter:

1. You must have played at last 1,000 matches on the original Exit Path.
2. You must sign up on here by simply stating you want to enter.
3. When you sign up, post your stats (meaning matches,wins, etc.) so I know that you have at least 1,000 matches
, and your win %from Exit Path(original) will determine your seeding, much like in a professional sports league.

As for racing rules, I can't post many right now because we don't really know the gameplay yet.
The only rules right now is that the rooms will be 4 people each.
Also, those who were given access to the beta will be put into the same 1st round mtaches whenever possible because those who playd the beta will have an unfair advantage over those who did not.

How to advance to next round:
Each room will play 25 races, with the 2 plyers with the most wins will advance to the next round.
This will continue until we are down to only 2 players remaining, where the 2 will play 1 final round of 15 races.

Also, Epicness raised a point to me that might be interesting that if maybe a mod. or admin. agrees, maybe the winner of the tournament will get a merit. Keep in mind this is not for sure, just a thought.

Thank you for reading all this(if you were crazy enough to read all this), and please enter.

  • 342 Replies
5,340 posts

i dont think there should be a test. after all its ep2 and not 1. they could be very different and i think the tournament should include everybody. also, i think its better that experienced people will race unexperienced people at the begining. i know it might be unfair for them but i think you should try and make those last rounds as intense as you can.

also... did you include me as a player?

366 posts

For this tournament players gonna try to discover the best tech imaginable for each level, so in some way, we all are gonna be considered bad as a started point. Like you not gonna reveal how fast u can go anyways.

In fact this is a friendly tournament (the more players the best) and the point is not to discover asap who is the best player, rather than have fun discovering ep2.

I vote for Beta vs non-Beta

Btw im trying to get 1000 matches with my acc

430 posts

@AnbuHank "Seeding" (not speed) is what american sports leagues(im assuming you don't live in america if you didn't know what that meant) where how you do in the regular season determines your seed. Number 1 seed means you had the most wins, 2 seed means 2nd most wins, etc.

But in the case of this tournament, it will be based on your win%.

Also, to your other question, who says we can't just do another tournament later?

@thebluerabbit Yes, you are in. I know how good you are, so I'll just put you as a 70% win%.

566 posts

Personally, I wouldn't mind occasionally helping out as a watcher. But it depends on when the game releases and if the time itself is reasonable for me (I got most of my exams in july, not to mention german timezone kinda means I'm atleast 6 hours ahead of the US).

As for testing, I vote against that. Firstly, to allow more players entry into the tournament and secondly, because it just artificially lengthens the whole thing (and wouldn't the testing round play out like the normal first round anyway? :S).

For the seeds, if it's in any way possible, I would combine both the seed thing and the Beta vs. Non-beta thing. But since that requires a bit more work, I won't blame you if you don't want to do it. In that case I vote for Beta vs. Non-Beta.

It would be like saying "Hammers vs. Swords, who wins?"

If you really feel it's a problem, we could just declare 1 winner each and then have them fight as a kind of tournament highlight. And since I assume a few of us won't get picked for Beta, it could still be an even match.
156 posts

Secondly, PLEASE post your STATS. Not your guesses for your win%. So many people will probably say "My win percentage is about 40%" or "My win% is about 50%". It's already hard enough on me to have to make a seedings list that's accurate, but when people guess, it's even harder. Just please post your matches and wins.

My stats were erased several times but I remember at a time my ratio was exactly 93%
349 posts

Z ill be a watcher since i would just get dominated at racing :P ill just do tricz as i watch their times ill be the wandering trickser

181 posts

1953 matches 1044 Wins.
I would love to join =D

15,595 posts

Shouldn't we post screen-shots of our statistics? It's very easy to just put numbers out here then say you want to join.

566 posts

This is true, but so far, there didn't seem to be any unrealistic numbers. I mean, why would you make up a low-ish % and then be sad you have a low-ish%?

15,595 posts

why would you make up a low-ish % and then be sad you have a low-ish%?

Maybe so you don't get questioned about your score and you can enter. Well, it was just an idea so that you don't have a lot of people coming into here lying about their stats then ruining part of the tournament by doing so.
566 posts

Then I suggest all other applications from now have a picture for reference?

Of course, that still leaves a loophole of "Sorry, my stats got erased" which would still give you an opportunity to make up things ;P

430 posts

Matrix, I understand that people can easily just post fake stats. But then when they actually get to play, they will realize that they are simply out of their league, and will get their butts kicked.

Also, as opposed to you, I like to believe in the honesty and goodness in people.

Last thing, I was wondering if you guys would be interested in this. It's to determine 3rd and 4th place, that when the finals are set between the last 2 people, the other 2 people who were also in that round get to play against each other to decide 3rd place.

Just say yes or no to this idea.

15,595 posts

Also, as opposed to you, I like to believe in the honesty and goodness in people.

Nowhere in my post I stated that I don't believe people. You misunderstood me. But this being the Internet, and we can't see the people and we don't know them, they could easily post fake statistics. That will slow the tournament down because if many people post fake statistics it'll ruin the gameplay.
156 posts

I like that idea Z. Go through with it

566 posts

Good idea indeed. I remember John mentioning it's 6 spots in a room right now, so the setup would be something like this:

1) Finalist 1
2) Finalist 2
3) Z as Judge
4) Runnaer-Up 1
5) Runner-Up 2

So do we fill this spot somehow or will we just keep it at 5 people in the final room?

We could maybe have some seprate event to fill this last viewer spot.

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