Erm...IF there is a true religion, there should only be that one, because all others would be a lie.
I don't think the question was about them being true or not. I think it was more about should there be several or only one religious institute. I mean no religion is really true, so like you said we should have none; but you can't ignore all those believeing people. Well those people are also essentially the source of why there are several religions, and I don't think we can change something there, except with a global crusade-like thing and lots of violence. And even if someone succeeded we'd have the problem I wrote about on page one.
i think there should be many religions. the problem isnt the religion itself but how far people can take it and if they hurt other people because of it. i enjoy many different types of culture and espacially stories of other religios.
This isn't entirely true. An extremist of a truly peaceful religion would take peace to an extreme. So I think extremists of a religion turning violent is telling of that religions teachings.
I don't think the number of religions matter. I mean, exclude the Eastern part of the globe, and you're left with what, 3 religions + Judaism?
I know there are loads, but a huge population on the earth follows 1 out of four at best, so I think the only issue is how people are raised into/ taught religions. They should be given an option to make their own decision, and they should know that it is inevitable that they will find people with a different belief. With that said, I'm sure there would be a better lack of extremism in the world. At least, I hope so.
Extreme Buddhism...Hmm...Now there's an interesting though :O
Wouldn't that suck, I mean, they'd like, get rid of all technology ._.
I agree with Xcalibur45. There is no way everyone can agree on one religion. You will have your extremist who will go have there own views on the religion and will eventually break off to there own sect. As long as religion has been there has always been someone saying no thats no right, this is how it should be. So Multiple religions is the only thing that can work. I'm not saying that is does work obviously all the wars and such prove otherwise but,
Well there is no reason over any other religion for one to be right and the are contradictory so logically they must all be wrong since there is no reason for either one to be right. So no religions.
what? religion has been around as long as we can think, humans have a need to explain what they don't understand, now that we don't need religion to explain anything there is no use for it
Conflicts and wars are in human nature, its wrong to blame it on religion. I heard its actually scientifically proven Humans "need" to classify other people in different categories (by race, nationality, economic class or whatever). Other then that I think its silly to think this even possible so the best alternative is to get all religions are peaceful as possible in order to minimize the number of conflicts based on it.
I don't think the number of religions matter. I mean, exclude the Eastern part of the globe, and you're left with what, 3 religions + Judaism?
You need to add every kind of split in the main religions, such as Catholics and protestants Christians or Shia and Sunni Muslims. Then there's also the small religions such as the Druz secrete religion (worked by a small people living around Israel, Syria and Lebanon). Then ofc there's all the pagan religions of Africa.
Religon is too big to not be sperated. It would be like having the U.S be one big state eventually it would just collaspe and brake into different groups. The universe favors disorder.