you think only religion people have problem with gays?
Religions openly teach that it's a sin, I know of nothing else that does.
turst me even without religion, there would still be many people who hate gays
Not nearly as many, and those who did would be just homophobic, aka, the irrational fear of gay people. There wouldn't be rational people who hate them as well just for who they are.
a religion can say what is right and wrong but it doesnt mean you have to hate the person you think does something wrong
Maybe hate is the wrong word. Condemn, might fit better. You can't honestly tell me that when you see a gay person, "You're going to end up in hell" doesn't run through your head. You may have pity, or you may try to help them, or you may hate them, but i'd bet you have some sort of response that you wouldn't have otherwise without your religion.
religion creates hope
It can also create despair. Using the gay example, what happens when you're gay and religious?
and it can even teach to except other people
School can teach people as well.
and im sure many people would break the rules that are actually written in the bible and ARE important like not killing
No, i'm fairly sure lots of people would kill if not for the threat of jail if they did so, regardless of the Bible. Actually, it's probably more likely that they would, as the Bible does preach killing,
this may be a biased site, but the bible verses are legitimate so yes, if you're a true follower of Christianity, you'd be a mass murderer.