ForumsWEPRshould there be just one religion or hundreds of religion

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tell me what you think

  • 152 Replies
5,552 posts

Well a few things like God and I think life after death(not compleatly sure) are things it would be pretty hard to have without religon

That's not morals. That's like, "There's a purple penguin that lives in australia and it serves you fish sticks once you die" aka, unbacked belief in something that really doesn't pertain to this life.
3,371 posts

That's not morals. That's like, "There's a purple penguin that lives in australia and it serves you fish sticks once you die" aka, unbacked belief in something that really doesn't pertain to this life.

Wait, weren't you asking for belifes that wouldn't be around without religon? If you're asking for morals then that's something I can't give. They come naturally without religon.
5,340 posts

Yes you can, in fact, it would probably be more common, as religion teaches arrogance (Like this) and that you and only you are right, and that anyone who opposes you is wrong, and that you have a right as a follower of the one true religion to teach them this or make sure they aren't allowed to continue doing such.

did you even read my last comment about that? if im like that and im guessing dair is the same, then there are many other people like us so what your saying isnt true to everyone and you cant even say it is true to the most people.
322 posts

It doesn't even have to go that far. I have muslim friends and we can have discussions about our religon. We're just careful we don't just insalt each other.

That's why I said Can. Because some people take those things seriously, I know a few myself.
5,552 posts

If you're asking for morals then that's something I can't give. They come naturally without religon.

Pretty much yes.

What does religion bring to humanity aside from it's specific beliefs? The answer is: Nothing. Therefore, it's useless, and the only thing it adds are what they preach to be sins, which just creates hatred. Thus, any "good" created by religion already exists, pretty much canceling that, so it only creates hate.
5,340 posts

religion doesnt necesairly creates hatred. its those weak people who take it too far. also... why did you ignore my post?

5,552 posts

religion doesnt necesairly creates hatred. its those weak people who take it too far.

All it does that nothing else does is invent "sins" and "evil" and say that that's wrong, and then you get all sorts of evil from that trying to prevent said evil. There is absolutely nothing against being gay except for religion, so all religion has done in this case is create hatred towards gay people. What a great contribution.

also... why did you ignore my post?

Which post? This one?

did you even read my last comment about that? if im like that and im guessing dair is the same, then there are many other people like us so what your saying isnt true to everyone and you cant even say it is true to the most people.

Because the last post before this is on page 2.

no, its because i was born to that religion and that i never heard of someone who got hurt because of that religion

Anyways responding to the first one...Even if religion isn't taken to an extreme by a majority of people, it's still taken there by a lot. So you have something that preaches hatred towards certain groups/activites, but even if most don't listen, some do, don't you agree it would be better to just simply have that gone? I'll say this again; religion adds absolutely nothing that is not already in place, morally or physically, it just adds its own beliefs on what's wrong in addition to what's right, thus creating hatred, and only hatred, as it creates nothing else.
5,340 posts

All it does that nothing else does is invent "sins" and "evil" and say that that's wrong, and then you get all sorts of evil from that trying to prevent said evil. There is absolutely nothing against being gay except for religion, so all religion has done in this case is create hatred towards gay people. What a great contribution.

you think only religion people have problem with gays? turst me even without religion, there would still be many people who hate gays. i dont think judaism has anything against gays yet i know many people who have problems with it. no religion wouldnt solve as many problem as you think it would.

a religion can say what is right and wrong but it doesnt mean you have to hate the person you think does something wrong. again those are just those people who take it to the extreme. religion creates hope (might be false hope, also it might be the truth. no one proved or disproved anything). and it can even teach to except other people. and im sure many people would break the rules that are actually written in the bible and ARE important like not killing. those who hate because of the bible might just think that unwritten rules arent important because they tend to take things so seriously
1,482 posts

To extend to Bluerabbits idea of religion not solving issues like... not liking homosexuality.
Would it have any impact on culture?
What if you have a village.
In that village, nobody is gay.
Then one day, some kid is gay -- Even though you all have no religion, wouldn't this still be seen as weird or out of the norm?

So, even without religion, wouldn't tend to make different laws and cultures based on what we think is correct?

9,462 posts

Then one day, some kid is gay -- Even though you all have no religion, wouldn't this still be seen as weird or out of the norm?

Given the scenario it probably would. Though being treated as weird and being treated as wrong aren't the same thing.
5,552 posts

you think only religion people have problem with gays?

Religions openly teach that it's a sin, I know of nothing else that does.

turst me even without religion, there would still be many people who hate gays

Not nearly as many, and those who did would be just homophobic, aka, the irrational fear of gay people. There wouldn't be rational people who hate them as well just for who they are.

a religion can say what is right and wrong but it doesnt mean you have to hate the person you think does something wrong

Maybe hate is the wrong word. Condemn, might fit better. You can't honestly tell me that when you see a gay person, "You're going to end up in hell" doesn't run through your head. You may have pity, or you may try to help them, or you may hate them, but i'd bet you have some sort of response that you wouldn't have otherwise without your religion.

religion creates hope

It can also create despair. Using the gay example, what happens when you're gay and religious?

and it can even teach to except other people

School can teach people as well.

and im sure many people would break the rules that are actually written in the bible and ARE important like not killing

No, i'm fairly sure lots of people would kill if not for the threat of jail if they did so, regardless of the Bible. Actually, it's probably more likely that they would, as the Bible does preach killing, this may be a biased site, but the bible verses are legitimate so yes, if you're a true follower of Christianity, you'd be a mass murderer.
1,482 posts

Given the scenario it probably would. Though being treated as weird and being treated as wrong aren't the same thing.

Well, yeah, but throughout much of human history, different cultures haven't been all to kind to abnormalities.
315 posts

No, i'm fairly sure lots of people would kill if not for the threat of jail if they did so, regardless of the Bible. Actually, it's probably more likely that they would, as the Bible does preach killing, this may be a biased site, but the bible verses are legitimate so yes, if you're a true follower of Christianity, you'd be a mass murderer.
Here are some key points you have to think about: 1) Whos is speaking, God, or a human? 2) These verses are meant to express how ****ing these acts are. They probably aren't supposed to be taken literally, considering that murder isn't shined upon by God.
3,085 posts

Oh, God doesn't like his followers to kill other people, he seems perfectly fine wiping out humans as and when he sees fit though. We'd arrest or at least look down upon someone who attacked and/or killed their own children but if it's God then it's A-OK in your books.

9,462 posts

Oh, God doesn't like his followers to kill other people

Yet there are points in the Bible whee God has a whole army of people to do just that.
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