Looking for a Clan for xbox 360. we could specialize in using a certain primary, secondary, equipment etc... it doesnt really matter. The clan would be for Modern Warfare 3, and honstsly you dont have to be that good, just not a total noob. If you want to join message me on my profile, and we could get a private match setup. Also, if you want to join please do not cuzz cuz that can be really annoying..... So if you want to join, comment on my profile.
Another question.... Does anyone agree that the Type 95 and the Fmg9 Akimbo is really overpowered? (not to mention annoying?)
exactly. Not to say it needs to take 10 shots to kill a guy to be fair, but if two of the bullets in the type 95 connect, the target is dead. Fmg9 akimbo is equally annoying. Speaking of annoyance, i was playing today and i was facing some noobs with type 95's and fmgy akimbos, and they were all bragging at the end of the game how much better they are than everyone else. I will admit- i use to use the type 95, and i got some of my best kds, and i thought myself sooooo good. It also doesnt help that the starter machine pistol is the fmg9, so when someone starts the game they think themselves grand cuz the use the most overpowered and cheap gun in the game.
I get it gold and then only use it when I need a little boost. I have people yell at me saying I'm a try hard sometimes but I don't use it as a regular.
Is it me or is it harder to level up after prestiging? I entered first prestige on the 28th of January and I'm only on level 60. Granted I only play MW3 for one-three hours a day, and that's not always playing. I'll play four-eight matches then take a short break. But anyway, when I got the game I was at level 80 on the third or fourth day of having the game and I played the same amount back then.
Is it me or is it harder to level up after prestiging?
I don't get to play that much, because of school and other things that happen in life, but for me it has been easier to level up after prestiging. Of course, I'm using a gun I brought with me and I am a bit better at the maps and at playing overall. But I don't think prestiging has anything to do with ranking up difficulties. Especially because you get another challenge category after prestiging.
I have noticed that it's alot harder to level after prestiging too, they may have made it that way to prolong the experience and keep you wraped in while they make a new map pack. It could also be that when everyone got the game, there were alot less people who go tryhard with FMG9's or the ACR and now everyone either takes longer to level after their losses or stoop down to the tryhard's level.
Did you read the challenges and go for them, or do you just play?
Only challenges I read are my prestige ones since I'm going for 1k kills with each assault streak. The emblems are epic. I check my kills occasionally, but that's it, don't look at challenges other than that, just play. Always been like that.
Anyone agree that if you have a ballistic vest on that it should take two-three knife strikes to kill you? I've always thought that the knife in CoD was overpowered and they should make something for tactical equipment where it doesn't kill you in one strike, like a special vest, and once the limit of knife hits is reached while wearing the vest then it's one hit. But instead of that they could always just make the knife weaker.
First of all they should make it so that Final Stand doesn't make knives damage you less. Bloody 5 times in 3 games I knifed people on Final Stand and got a hit marker.