There's not much of a difference between the two, besides the size and maybe reload times. L11 looks sleeker to me, and doesn't take up much of the screen.
Well, throwing this class set up out there for people who want easy kills/having trouble with the game:
Easy Mode: Type 95 with red dot sight and rapid fire Akimbo MP9s (any machine pistol is good, I just prefer these) Bouncing Betty (lethal doesn't really matter, but I like covering flank spots with this) | Portable Radar Sleight of Hand | Quickdraw | Stalker Predator missile, precision airstrike, and reaper
Played six or seven ground war matches with that set up and I always went 40-55/1-4. Nearly got a moab with that class too, but as with most long killstreaks with an assault package I ran out of ammo on both my guns and couldn't find one to pick up.
Three words people, just three words... Domination, Is, Beast. Truth be told I know, I know. But for some reason... the rest of the game modes suck. But I do like Barebones > Pure Deathmatch easy kills of course. Domination I think its pretty strategy type, not unless you have a mic.
That is true my friend, Domination is up for the flags and captures. But don't forget kills equal up to your FAMAS (Gun Reference I don't know whats your favorite) once you gain a bit more kills. Remember they topple together and add up, and then you can get EXP for your kills. It's pretty hard getting kills at Domination not unless your skilled. I'm just still a low leveled hoe, but whatever I can handle my shizzle. Oh and what I meant about getting kills for exp and your weapon, its the achievements is whats it called. It gets pretty nice EXP, but if you want more kills and get achievements I would suggest Barebones > Pure Deathmatch.
I see, I'm seriously a idiot using snipers. I use Rifles mostly since the most weapon I use is FAMAS, but I have a question Vic. How would you feel about a AK47. Attachments are Grip, and Rapid Fire. I looked at its stats and toppled it, and it was pretty good. But I was thinking about using it in Domination, since people use weapons with a hell high of fire rate instead of slow shotgun style.
Personaly I haven't got high enough to get ak but I like the G36c with holagraphic scope and grenade laucher just get it's levels up. Secondry stinger. Perks blind eye pro, assasin pro and stalker Bouncing Betty emp grenade suppourt counter uav recon drone and stealth bomber.
Interesting combination. For me I'm only sticking with Black Ops for now, I tried MW3 at my cousins house didn't satisfy me. But on Black Ops. Famas with Extended or Some times Dual Mag, Second is.. well its just an RPG, Perks Hardline if thats correct, Warlord, Ninja, and the rest is Frag, Concussion, and C4.