ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

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Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

  • 3,990 Replies
15,595 posts

I prefered getting straight kills then all the crazy &quotoints get you streaks" idea.

I feel like the new way is better. With the old way you could easily camp and get a high killstreak, but here you have to work hard for it. Play the objective and stay alive, true skill. The assault scorestreaks also don't help much with getting more of them, so with this we don't see so much air support spam.
5,952 posts

I feel like the new way is better. With the old way you could easily camp and get a high killstreak, but here you have to work hard for it.

Yeah thats great and all, but part of the fun is the pressure. You know, that moment when you were one away from your first moab in mw3? That joy and terror? That is an important part of multiplayer experience that I feel they removed this game. I am unsure of when I will get my killstreaks.
Im not gonna call them scorestreaks or points streaks. They are killstreaks.
15,595 posts

I am unsure of when I will get my killstreaks.

There's a bar that fills up when you get points.
6,800 posts

Oh yeah, BO2 came out...

Well it sounds like everyone is in the honeymoon phase: "You got a few problems baby but I'll keep coming back." Have fun kiddies.

15,595 posts

Well it sounds like everyone is in the honeymoon phase: "You got a few problems baby but I'll keep coming back." Have fun kiddies.

I'm not, I'm trying to be as objective as possible when it comes to BO2, so I don't make the same mistake as I did with MW3. The only real problems multiplayer has so far is the occasional in game lag and matchmaking. The other issue I've been reading is that people think the SMGs are too powerful and the assault rifles are too weak.
I don't think this is the case, SMGs are poor at long range and it'll take too long to get a kill, while assault rifles are great at mid-long and okay in close, but if you go one on one against an SMG you'll lose, which is to be expected. They're supposed to dominate close range.

Zombies on the other hand, I'm disappointed with it. They seem to have taken out a lot of things that made it fun in Black Ops 1. Pack a punch is difficult to use, you have to do a lot of complex crap just to use it. From what I've seen I think they took out some drinks, mule kick (hold three weapons). Awkward map design. I expected maps similar to Kino in this game, but these new ones make it very difficult to get anything done. A lot of ways for zombies to get you, things get in the way of you moving around, too much lava/fire, and they feel small. Original characters are gone, I thought they were gonna at least include some old maps with them. Now you have these new ones for the bus game mode, then on the other two maps you get CDC/CIA people with no personality.

I also expected something better for the bus game mode on zombies. They made it look like it was gonna be a campaign with cut scenes and stuff, but it's just "you start here, build something, take bus to next location, repeat".
5,825 posts

Well it sounds like everyone is in the honeymoon phase: "You got a few problems baby but I'll keep coming back." Have fun kiddies.

I paid more attention this time than I did for MW3, this one is actually good. I actually paid attention to the maps, gun balance and lag and it's all good unlike MWawful.
5,825 posts

I agree with this, if lets say I'm using the MTAR and the enemy is using the MP7(which by the way is much weaker now) the MP7 will almost always win. Also,it feels like burst fire weapons are too weak, for instance it feels like the Swat which description states it's high damage can't stop an MTAR at range.

I actually bought and use the SWAT, and I really liked it at first, I was doing pretty well with it but all of a sudden I've started sucking with it, I'm starting to get better but I don't know what happened. One of the main reasons I still use it is to get the select fire attachment so that it'll be good again.

Also, they said you could refund your unlock tokens, anyone know how to do that?
15,595 posts

Also, they said you could refund your unlock tokens, anyone know how to do that?

When you prestige you can do it, but I wouldn't do it. It's basically starting over from the beginning. Everything is locked and you start out with 5 like when you first start playing.
15,595 posts

Anyone know if you can bring over perks or if they're already unlocked when you prestige? I'd like to bring over Ghost because of all the UAV spam. It's not as severe as MW3, but everyone seems to use it because the scorestreaks are difficult to get.

5,825 posts

When you prestige you can do it, but I wouldn't do it. It's basically starting over from the beginning. Everything is locked and you start out with 5 like when you first start playing.

Wait, so let's say I get to final prestige level 55, that means that whatever guns and perks I bought I'm stuck with forever?
509 posts

Zombies on the other hand, I'm disappointed with it. They seem to have taken out a lot of things that made it fun in Black Ops 1. Pack a punch is difficult to use, you have to do a lot of complex crap just to use it. From what I've seen I think they took out some drinks, mule kick (hold three weapons). Awkward map design. I expected maps similar to Kino in this game, but these new ones make it very difficult to get anything done. A lot of ways for zombies to get you, things get in the way of you moving around, too much lava/fire, and they feel small. Original characters are gone, I thought they were gonna at least include some old maps with them. Now you have these new ones for the bus game mode, then on the other two maps you get CDC/CIA people with no personality.

I disagree. The maps feel excellent to me in zombies. I think tranzit was a bit of a let down but otherwise I love the zombies. PHD is removed which I was happy and sad at the same time. No ray gun spam but I still thought it was awesome. Also, I recommend playing survival on nuketown, it brings back a lot of memories and is cool if you've played the MP one too.

Also, so much lag on MP and zombies for PS3. It really kills some enjoyment for me. I keep getting kicked from lobbies and zombies.
5,825 posts

Zombies on the other hand, I'm disappointed with it. They seem to have taken out a lot of things that made it fun in Black Ops 1. Pack a punch is difficult to use, you have to do a lot of complex crap just to use it. From what I've seen I think they took out some drinks, mule kick (hold three weapons). Awkward map design. I expected maps similar to Kino in this game, but these new ones make it very difficult to get anything done. A lot of ways for zombies to get you, things get in the way of you moving around, too much lava/fire, and they feel small. Original characters are gone, I thought they were gonna at least include some old maps with them. Now you have these new ones for the bus game mode, then on the other two maps you get CDC/CIA people with no personality.

While I was disappointed myself at first, but eventually I got used to it and enjoy it very much. I've gotten to the point where I hardly ever get hurt by the fire in the ground. Just adapt and maybe it'll get better.

Also, so much lag on MP and zombies for PS3. It really kills some enjoyment for me. I keep getting kicked from lobbies and zombies.

My friend recently showed me a cool trick to help with that. When you're searching for a lobby, go to "core" or whatever, and before you pick a gamemode press "X" (or the PS3 equivalent of it which would be square I believe) and change the option to fastest and that'll set you up with faster lobbies.
1,676 posts

Multiplayer in Blackops 2 is the most rage inducing thing in the world. In fact, all of the Call of Duty games are the most rage inducing games ever. I feel like I wasted my money, yet again. It doesn't matter how much they try to make Zombies or the Campaign good. Multiplayer matters a lot, but they fail every single time. Of course, I'm talking about bull crap that has lasted throughout all of their games. First of all, the spawning. Seriously. All other games have seemed to figure out how to fix the spawning problems, except Call of Duty. They only care about trying to add new things to a game that will never be any different from the others, no matter how hard they try to make it different.

Hey, lets add new killstreaks and call them scorestreaks, new guns, and new ways to piss people off! Lets also keep the broken spawn system and keep people complaining! Oh, and who cares about the people who complain. We are already rich and famous, and Call of Duty has a whole bunch of faithful people to buy our newer games that we will half-heartedly created! Say, next time, we should add a scorestreak that releases Godzilla and instantly kills all the enemies! But sir, shouldn't we make it less powerful so people don't get mad after getting killed by Godzilla? I mean, should it only last for maybe... 15 seconds or so?
"Hell no! In fact, lets make it spawn kill the enemy team for the rest of the whole match! That'll make people happy! Amirite, Johnson? Uhhh...

That's how it probably goes.

And is it me, or are people on the Xbox 360 just plain *****? Excuse me for using that kind of word, but seriously. It seems like whenever I play on the PC, people are nice 90% of the time. On the 360, I encounter at least 60 kids who rant and curse within maybe four or five games of any Call of Duty game. Oh... maybe its because Call of Duty knows just how to tinker with the rage button on most people.

Some people will say "You're only mad because you suck at Call of Duty!" in response to this also. I already know it. And in fact, I'm usually teetering on a neutral k/d ratio. People make way too much of a deal out of a kill/death ratio as well, which was created by none other than the Call of Duty games. Chalk another point up for them!

5,952 posts

There's a bar that fills up when you get points.

But I can't tell exactly what it is. I just see it think, "oh I'm close" not oh I'm 2 kills away" like I used to.
The servers are messed up. My ps3 frozen up tonight while using the emblem editor too, but that was after about 4 hours straight of gaming.
478 posts

Zombies is good and fun yeah, but only because it's zombies. I feel like it could be way funner than what it is right now. They either focused their entire attention to the multiplayer or just simply got lazy with the zombies. Let's discuss.

There's 3 maps, ALL of which are on the game mode "Tranzit". Talk about laziness. They took 'Town' and added basic perks and pack-a-punch. Why on earth would they take out Mulekick? They added that at the end of the BO run, and now they abandon it? Why? And what about other perks such as Deadshot, PhD, etc?

Two of those maps don't even have pack-a-punch and one has no perks and no pack-a-punch? Again, WHY? I guess the Depot map is okay because it's sort of reminiscent of Nacht Der Untoten. But the creativity behind the making of zombies in BO2 is just non-existent.

What's new? Different guns? Lava? The Tranzit game mode which is impossible to play with randoms? Double pack-a-punch? (Which really doesn't make any difference from the first pack-a-punch besides the sight.)

They just regressed, in my opinion. There are so many things that they could have added or should have. What about wonder weapons? There's only one, on Tranzit, which you have to build and eventually it falls apart. Are you kidding? No wonder weapons, no crossbow, no added special grenades (besides that one thing that doesn't do much).

There's no maps like Kino Der Toten or Ascension. I love those maps. Everybody loves those maps. The craziness and the amount of strategies were endless.

The maps are small, cluttered, and lazily put together. Why would you have only one map with pack-a-punch?

And also, I like the Tranzit idea/game mode. It's a brilliant idea that was (again) poorly executed. Jugg shouldn't be so hard to get (with randoms). There should be a wonder weapon in the box, not a piece of garbage that you have to travel all over the map to put together that'll fall apart in minutes and having to repeatedly put it together. Pack-a-punch shouldn't require so much to get to. Again, I love playing with random people because you never know what you're going to get from them. But it's impossible without other people who are skilled and also know what they're doing.

The zombie part of the game is already feeling repetitive, and I've only played the game for three days. Can you imagine how it'll feel months from now?

Sorry for the rant guys. But I'm a huge zombie lover and I've been disappointed at the highest of levels. Maybe my expectations were too high, I dunno. Let me know what you guys think.

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