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ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

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Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

  • 3,990 Replies
3,025 posts

why did you reply to most of my hints as "This would only apply in CoD", or something of that nature? Are you aware that this is a CALL OF DUTY THREAD??

Well aware, but bare in mind your first words on this thread were:

Sorry if I misinterpreted :/

Have you ever played Call of Duty?? I've put tons of time into online multiplayer, and all of those are legitimately useful strategies in almost all CoD games.

I've played a lot of hours of Call of Duty too, and yes, whilst your tactics do usually work, they won't against those of a higher skillset, as in, they won't fall for some of it.

You don't always pull off a couple-shot kill. In terms of stalking, you don't want to miss.

Accuracy would let you kill a guy fast enough, unless it's an SMG or pistol you're using which even then, he would need to be turning a corner just as you go to shoot - and even then a bunny hop around said corner will easily clarify if he was waiting or if you can manage to pick him off.

Don't take a shot unless you are sure to get a hit marker
3,025 posts

Sorry for fail post >.>

Don't take a shot unless you are sure to get a hit marker

Sorry if I was nitpicking but a hitmarker =/= a kill. The points for an assist is also usually very bad, and even so the time taken to possibly get those points can still be used to better use.

The LMG thing was for people that have bad aim and want to get a kill even if it means using 59 bullets.

Bad aim should be solved by making it better - it really isn't difficult.

If what you're saying is "Battlefield issues don't apply to Call of Duty", then you're right. Otherwise, what the heck?

My point being that AR bursts aren't required in CoD if you have the slightest of a steady hand on the mouse.
If it's consoles, then screw that, the hardware itself is balance issues.

I already explained this...

How where what why when, and the other word I missed. Right, who. lol
If you could point out the actual statement(s) where you explained it, it would help me a bit :P


My justification was in your first sentence - my misinterpretation but not necessarily my fault.

I'm talking about using a shotgun.

If you can take a guy with you, which was mentioned when you first mentioned this, then that can be considered a fair trade in CoD. 1:1 Ratio.

Wow, really?

I can only assume that is sarcasm. If not, then it sounds like huge disappointment.
I'm gonna go with sarcasm.

In which case, YA RLY! :P

The image that you're actually worth playing with. Players leave rooms that have sore losers.

Err... those players are dumb? Blame the game, not the player, if there's a balance issue. Furthermore, would you blame people who play on a professional level that use whatever they can in the game to win?
No, that's kind of the point.

Use whatever you can to win, granted I don't use the considered "nooby" stuff but I don't really blame someone else for doing that.

It's better to get good at playing without pulling cheap skills.

for people that have bad aim and want to get a kill even if it means using 59 bullets.


Some of the tips are just to have more fun playing. There are things you can do to win, but you'll ruin it for other people, such as using a grenade launcher to kill people you can't even see

Using that makes it better for your teammates, because it can take out strategy positions the enemies hold / are in. The only thing is people dislike it because it's used as the primary weapon by most users.

If you're a sniper, being spotted is EVERYTHING.

It's CoD, back when I tried Quickscope Noscope I could probably shoot my way out of it - and even if I didn't (which it's CoD, expect to die), I would leave with at least a positive balance in my favor (as in an above 1:1 ratio).

And it's hard to shoot your way out of being spotted by a guy carrying an M60.

If you're good with the pistol compared to the average CoD gamer, you would win.
Especially on Black Ops where it takes more to put someone down, fast trigger finger and a good handle will help you out.

and that's not the objective of being a good sniper.

Getting kills is the objective of a sniper, do whatever you can to achieve that. In terms of MW2, running around QS NS is equally efficient as camping down the corridor.

In Black Ops? Perhaps not the wisest decision.

Running, hiding, and killing people without them even knowing you were there is what being a good sniper is all about.

On small maps.. Right.

That does sound more like Battlefield, you know. CoD isn't realistic, and it probably won't ever be. The objective of "special ops" isn't to jump around bunny hopping and shooting from the hip, it's to quietly execute a surgical attack.

The objective of a sniper is long range sniping, and by long I mean further than the length of the map Wasteland.
But you haven't got that in CoD, so you're stuck with strategic position holding and running around with QS NS.

With other strategies, but you get my point.

Friendships are made with losers and winners.

In the actual case of CoD (and League of Legends, just to point out), that's rare. Granted, I've made friends from both teams (enemy or ally) in both games but it's less likely and is the interpretation of those who do rage through the mike.

Okay? Go post on a different thread.

Quick question - what was you trying to achieve with that?

- H
1,304 posts

[quote]Dignity of not being known as the noob who fires noob tubes everywhere.
You mean the ones who get all the attention from the rage of other gamers and don't actually care using what's in the game to win?[/quote]

Yes. Those people.
It's just like someone doing something in real life, it may be legal but its not socially acceptable.
3,025 posts

It's just like someone doing something in real life, it may be legal but its not socially acceptable.

Err, but in real life, professional play is doing what you need to do within the confines of the game to win.

Also, I don't think the culture of the real world nor the community of the CoD realm have the qualifications to decide what I should be allowed to do.
As far as I know / am concerned, I'm more qualified.

- H
8 posts

i think you should actually play COD then using cheats and stuff because what is the point of buying the game if you r just going to use cheats the whole game i mean i understand walkthrough's but why cheats man i dont think they should have made cheats it is in the name cheat thats just not fair

1,434 posts

i think you should actually play COD then using cheats and stuff

Are there cheats for Call of Duty? I know there's one where you can unlock all the missions in CoD 2, but that's about it.

what is the point of buying the game if you r just going to use cheats the whole game

Saint's Row and GTA use cheats to their advantage, allowing players to have epic-sandbox fun with the massive amounts of fun cheats the game allows.

i dont think they should have made cheats it is in the name cheat thats just not fair

Cheats were made for people who care more about the storyline in games, not necessarily the gameplay aspect. If someone finds a game incredibly difficult and unable to defeat on the easiest difficulty setting, but really wants to see how Nero saves the da- sorry, I mean, how Protagonist X completes Plot X, they can use cheats to run through the game and experience the story.

If you're referencing online multiplayer, they're not cheats, they're glitches, something MW2 was littered with back at its release date.

5,952 posts

Yeah but it's not only gliches. Cheat codes r one thing, having is another. 95% of all 10 prestige players r hackers or have been hacked. My friend got hacked and he hated it cauz he could not unlock the stuff himself

1,304 posts

[quote]It's just like someone doing something in real life, it may be legal but its not socially acceptable.
Err, but in real life, professional play is doing what you need to do within the confines of the game to win.[/quote]

And most of the professional league gamer torunaments ban noob tubes.

Also, I don't think the... community of the CoD realm have the qualifications to decide what I should be allowed to do.

Why? Maybe some of them do?
Also, by this post, it also sounds as if you are making it seem as if the CoD community has no power and that the makers of CoD shouldn't listen to them.
8 posts

u should make a game like a td flash with all the gunz fromm waw to mw2 to black ops but make like in single games

3,025 posts

And most of the professional league gamer torunaments ban noob tubes.

A limitation not there for other players, though.

That, and they didn't ban noobtubes, in professional play, from what I know. Call of Duty 4 had 2 types of mods (and several varieties of each), ProMod and Pam4, which used the AK's as main weapons, bolt-action snipers as the only snipers and no noobtubes as well. It's literally not present in that mod, and it's the one used for pro play.

MW2 and Black Ops has no proper professional scene from what I know, I really don't think there is one.

Why? Maybe some of them do?

Maybe, but I'm not going to much lengths finding them.

Also, by this post, it also sounds as if you are making it seem as if the CoD community has no power and that the makers of CoD shouldn't listen to them.

That wasn't my intention. Infact I'm suggesting the opposite - I don't like noobtubes, and I don't like some perks in the game, and yet the developers keep implementing them each game, why is that?!

I want them to listen, but what I'm saying is if it IS in the game, a player is allowed to use it.

If you're referencing online multiplayer, they're not cheats, they're glitches, something MW2 was littered with back at its release date.

Glitches... kind of allowed considering the developers done jack about them.

My friend got hacked and he hated it cauz he could not unlock the stuff himself

Why do people care about Prestige? Yay, I'm gonna remove all the stuff I got so I can do it all again and get a new shiny badge!

It's the most dull feature they could have implemented, ever. The time they could've spent doing Prestige could've been done for new things on your Emblem, a new crosshair for your Red Dot / Reflex Sight, w/e, it could've been used better. Repetition is a poor feature and I'm surprised a lot of people has fallen for it.

- H
3,025 posts

the game was a lot of fun when you first started off and couldn't wait to see what new gun or perk you were going to get when you got promoted.

I know the structure of CoD, so I didn't really care all that much for a new weapon, but new perks was something I liked.

Bottom line: I would NOT do it all over again.

Sure, it's not as much fun or surprising as it was, but it's still fun to go back to the beginning, when you needed skill more than firepower.

1) The beginning for me wasn't too fun anyway, I was just happy to get to the point where I could make very viable classes.
2) Skill should be needed more than firepower anyway.

One of the most fun things about CoD is getting promoted and getting a new gun, perk, or whatever.

I'm consciously aware that it's not new, and it's the same stuff. I'm not going to hide the fact that I've done this before for the feelings of amazement, when I get something "new".

Yes, I have a lot of fun with a decked-out class with everything I could ever want, but when the match ends, all your hard work in the match gives you nothing.

It should give you want you're looking for in the end - entertainment. There's nothing left for me on Bad Company 2, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying it.

It gets boring to finish and see that you need 0 EXP to get something.

If I enjoyed the game, I would play it on occasion, I don't play Bad Company that much, only when I feel like and it's good because of it. The reason I would dislike CoD, is the reasons stated over 30 pages of debate.

Oh, look, I got 28 kills. Reward: nothing.

28 Kills that half the time don't mean anything to me anyway. Yay, 28 kills - but is it people of my skill level? Usually not.

For the challenge, and the fun.

I don't see the fun for the reasons I stated, and there was never really a challenge in the first place.

I'm surprised you haven't given Prestige a try,

I have and more than once, it was annoying to find that I had to do the same thing for another class slot.

You would rather have one more shiny red dot customization option? Seriously?

Yeah, and a good one, not the stupid generic ones which really aren't a big change in the game.
Or even a big customization, since they're not exactly unique.

until I actually got the nerve to try it.

Err no, I tried it, and I stick by the logic that losing something to gain a badge and some other stuff is unnecessary and a poor shot at adding longevity.

Getting promoted rocks.

Doing it the second, third, fourth time, not so much.

Getting nothing for doing good doesn't.

I wouldn't call it good. At least I have a hint of record when I get medals on Battlefield, oorah, I have 400 dog tags and over 300 of them are unique - and the names of each one I knifed.

I have over 300 revive medals, that means I've gotten 1,500 revives, minimum. That means I've effectively kept a team alive for 20 whole rounds.

And I don't even play for that. I play for entertainment - the idea of having that recorded only just occurred to me.

I see the idea of pursuing something, it does feel bland afterwards, but NOT the same thing. I still have rank 50 to get to on Battlefield, it will probably die for me afterwards.

Prestiging is one of the most under-appreciated elements of CoD.

Doubtful, considering what I just said.

Perhaps to those who feels like they're being rewarded, but to me I'm doing the same thing against bad players. What else can I actually say?

How many more unnecessary add-ons do you need?

And you don't view Prestiging for things as unnecessary? Let me get my darn 10 classes on Modern Warfare 2 without prestiging. It's retarded how they figured that one out.

They gave you too many to start with.

Considering that the significant changes in most of them were minimal, I agree.

- H
156 posts

The only reason I prestiged, (I am 15th Prestige by the way...) is because I could not stand staying at a level, earning XP that went towards nothing when I could be moving forward. The only reason I see to stop prestiging is if you REALLY like the prestige emblem you have.

5,952 posts

I don't prestige so I get all the pros and have epic classes. But sadly I only have 5 class slots. I have black ops on wii and make two profiles, one for pros and one for prestige. I can't really do that on ps3 cauz I can't use my same email.

1,304 posts

The only reason I prestige is because- once your at level 50, you have all the guns. Yay. Nothing new happens. I like it when you unlock things, slowly clawing your way back up.

Plus, it's always fun to own a level 50 with the ASP with your level 1.

3,025 posts

Again, we're not talking about Battlefield. This is a Call of Duty only forum, and aspects of Call of Duty are being compared only to other aspects of Call of Duty.

CoD isn't the end all, be all thing though, it has derivatives.

And it has inspiration, just like any other game.
Battlefield started 2002, CoD1 started 2003, there was probably some inspiration.

Even if it weren't, comparisons always help because in the game industry ideas are stolen, refined and reused for multiple different things, and the 2 most apparent occurrances of this is simply:
RIFT - Very familiar to WoW, refines the "live" feel of the game, from what I know.
Homefront - Direct copy to Modern Warfare 2. Except done so poorly in the singleplayer, Multiplayer I don't really need to make a comment on, and shouldn't anyways since I haven't played it.

If Prestiging was so lame, they wouldn't have put it in every Call of Duty game to date with online play.

Grenade Launcher.
Last Stand.
Do I need to elaboirate?

It's a system good for people who feel like they achieve something. I don't, because it's an easy to play game, it's a counter-productive feature.

Here. Have everything. Enjoy being superior forever

Whom's to say you should be superior? Is that another design flaw?
Skill > Items, that should be the case in an FPS, but it isn't.

with the extra custom class as an incentive and a bonus

I don't want to have to rank all the way up again to have more options, find another way to grant me a class, people don't want to burn all their time just getting another class so they can do S&D the way they want to.

And I don't understand how you said you play for entertainment when you said, immediately after that,

"The only reason I prestiged, (I am 15th Prestige by the way...) is because I could not stand staying at a level, earning XP that went towards nothing when I could be moving forward. The only reason I see to stop prestiging is if you REALLY like the prestige emblem you have."
- Malkoir

He didn't say anything after that...

Then don't play. No one is forcing you to enjoy the style of CoD,

The style is brainless, fun and adrenline rushing - and it's a Triple A game that basically speartips the game industry to people who don't know much about it.

THAT, is a bad influence.

If it's such a pain to Prestige for the rewards, then don't Prestige.

You shouldn't have to prestige, and that is one of my points.
Well, in terms of no. of classes, you shouldn't have to. If you want the vanity - fine, I couldn't really care less (about the game anyway but still).

Getting a new custom class for Prestiging is the same as getting a new gun or Perk for being promoted.

No, because when you unlock a perk or weapon you're ADVANCING, once you Presitge you go back to Square 1, but you get a wider path to go on.

You make it sound like playing CoD is like slave labour.

It is for anyone with a decent mindset of how a good game should be.

If it's such a problem, go back to Battlefield.

Again, the influence.
That, and I don't do this for my e-peen, I do this for other people who want to listen, I'm not gonna haul myself into a corner and enjoy myself, because I'd rather help others, because that will actually help me.

If you play for entertainment, and CoD isn't entertaining, then don't play it.

It's not complicated.

No, it isn't.
You're forgetting the aspect of business. CoD is successful - they're gonna continue the recipe, that's the most obvious thing ever.
BUT, it influences the game industry poorly, little work into balance, little work into catering for the computer (which is objectively the most powerful port for a game), and little work into making the game actually WORK in the case of Black Ops.

What else is it? Brainless, fun, adrenline-rushing, is the words I used before that. If you wanna relax and kill people when running around, sure - no problem.
But when a TRIPLE A GAME has more glitches and imbalance than a freakin' indie game, getting all the praise and all the money, for occupying the EXACT same job an indie developer could do perfectly, it's a pain.

If you're so pro that the game is a bore to you, then you're playing the wrong game.

Yeah, but the game is in the wrong section of games. I don't even think that FPS has the maximum skillset for skill, but at least have the bloody decency to make sure it works and is balanced properly.
Then, even after that, don't have it as this corny game for what appears to be whiny teenagers when the potential is so much more as a Triple A.

- H
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