Hell those of you think it will be just a big party with all your friends... BEWARE!!! For it is not a party but a punishment.the worst place to ever be for an eternity a punishment for those who have rejected Christ.[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD4ZoM2Qh10&feature=related]
Annyway - prove to me that Hell exists and then we'll talk, alright? I don't want you using the Bible either, that's not a reliable document, I want some solid proof.
Who cares, it exists just as much as heaven and god, which is not at all. Unless you can prove it. Plus, who says even if it does exist, that it really is a punishment? All christians are afraid of hell and say it's a punishment, because christianity and the bible tells so. But what if it is nothing more than false propaganda from "god"? What if he wants us to believe that? What if hell is indeed a cool place to be?
"sigh" here we go again I am trying to warn people like you.
-sigh- here we go again, some jumped up religious nutjob trying to force his convictions onto other people for 'their own good', I get enough of this from other people like you and not a single one of them has been able to prove Hell exists.
I was really undecided until today about this since there are people who worship god and people that worship satan. I couldn't decide if I wanted hell or heaven, because I didn't know what one was the actually omnipotent one. But now I solved it. I flipped a coin and it said me to choose hell, and that's a proof that satan is omnipotent because if god was he would have made the coin turn out heaven.
Hey, I wrote that as a joke, but it's actually logic!
Why did you post that if you knew how it would end anyway? Seriously, sheesh...
I am trying to warn people like you.
I will join Avorne's aversion towards people who perform "selfless" proselitism. Which is also a reason why I don't like missionaries. Keep your belief to yourself and other christians as long as you can't prove a single thing.
I also agree with Avorne. Too many people claim things. I would really enjoy some proof of any kind. Proof is wonderful as it helps prevent arguments [sometimes] and as an added bonus, it includes research, which will help you become more informed and make it easier for you to defend your position.
i'm a catholic and I can fully say without a doubt that this tiger guy is crazy and/or a fanatic.
He's saying what you believe, he's just vocal about it. Sounds crazy to hear your own beliefs spouted off like that, huh. Makes you wonder why anyone believes it.
Kasic that's a bit harsh, I mean, in a way it's kind of true but in no way is it the same thing. The person you spoke to may follow it under different contexts, I mean - right now it's a bit late to go into detail but the scope of it for various reasons (teachings, stories, little things, etc) makes the scope of difference within Christian's reasons for belief wide and you combatted it in a fairly blunt, even unfair, manner, in my opinion.
I'mma just sayin' that you may have been able to go about it better - and that's coming from me.... :P
Kasic that's a bit harsh, I mean, in a way it's kind of true but in no way is it the same thing. The person you spoke to may follow it under different contexts, I mean - right now it's a bit late to go into detail but the scope of it for various reasons (teachings, stories, little things, etc) makes the scope of difference within Christian's reasons for belief wide and you combatted it in a fairly blunt, even unfair, manner, in my opinion.
Hell those of you think it will be just a big party with all your friends... BEWARE!!! For it is not a party but a punishment.the worst place to ever be for an eternity a punishment for those who have rejected Christ.[
Does the Catholic church believe that you go to hell if you don't follow them? Yes.
Does the Catholic church believe hell is a party? No.
Does the Catholic church believe hell is the worst place and that you will be there for an eterenity? Yes.
Neither do I, but some believers do and can. They see that without it, they have no moral code and no definition for living correctly. I don't know (or want to know) where I would be without my morality - I'd go as far to say that I'd rather never been born if I had never developed this morality. Yes, they believe in Hell, but its the emphasis on what they believe in that can easily make a difference in how you can better approach them. Of all the ways you could have, in my opinion Kasic, you picked one of the worst.
. Yes, they believe in Hell, but its the emphasis on what they believe in that can easily make a difference in how you can better approach them. Of all the ways you could have, in my opinion Kasic, you picked one of the worst.
My goal wasn't to approach him, it was to show him that the person whom he is calling a crazy/fanatic holds the same beliefs as he does. Emphesis does not change the fact that they are the same, only what each individual considers most important.