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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
2,301 posts

@ Drace
You have far to little faith in biology. Science is one of the few things you can trust.

323 posts

@ Xzeno

The only way that would work would be if the fact they actually liked men would be in the sub-conscious part of their brain that came from their parent. And if so think about their ancestors, they all reproduced to create one another so how would they be gay?

803 posts

What about all those people who are heterosexuals at first but then decide to turn their life around as they increasingly become attracted to men?

Have you ever talked to someone who did that? Probably not so you have no right to say they chose that. I talked to someone and they said they always had a feeling they liked guys but didn't want to be insulted. He said he finally decided to come out. That is the problem with this world. So many people insult homosexuals that it scares them to be who they are.

And how would their be a gene to be homosexual if obviously someones parents can't be, because they had to reproduce somehow.

Well, possibly, the boy may get a gene from the mother which makes him like other boys. They are researching more into this but it would make sense. Now you will ask how that happens. Well, how do babies become deformed? Same answer.

Compare our generation to the last.
Our genes did not change so much.

Okay, so you say I am completely wrong and then don't even back up your answer. Wow, okay then. Also, when did I say genes differ from generation to generation?

Your brain does not even know what a male or female is at birth, it cannot assign a gene to make you attracted to it. Same with taste of things...

So you are basically saying when you are born, you have no brain? The brain is made while in the womb and you receive genes which make who you are. As you grow up, your brain becomes more mature with the genes you received and that is when homosexuality is shown.

Too much faith on biology.

Biology is backed up by facts. Your opinion is not backed up by anything.
2,301 posts

@ Drace
You mean to say the urge to pass on one's genes, the driving instinct of all life on earth, is not genetic?

3,880 posts

You mean to say the urge to pass on one's genes

The urge?
Its more emotional then anything.

Most times its just a sexual urge, and thats because of hormones.
2,301 posts

Love, hate, joy, anger... It's all in you're genes.

3,880 posts

Love, hate, joy, anger... It's all in you're genes.

Ahh yes, the brain needs these things to function.

These emotions are set of results from certain triggers. They activate when certain thoughts are entered to the brain.

There not thoughts though, just effects.
803 posts

These emotions are set of results from certain triggers. They activate when certain thoughts are entered to the brain.

Your brain is already made though. The brain determines how you take these thoughts. Your ability to love really is not going to change throughout your life. If you are an outgoing person, nothing is going to make you a shy person. If you get angry at people easily, nothing is going to make you a less angry person.
3,880 posts

Your ability to love really is not going to change throughout your life. If you are an outgoing person, nothing is going to make you a shy person. If you get angry at people easily, nothing is going to make you a less angry person.

Those are all gathered through living.
Definitely being social or not.

nothing is going to make you a less angry person.

People are usually angry because of stress.

The brain determines how you take these thoughts.

The brain takes thoughts based on other thoughts. All our brains are not different. What kind of genetic magic would have to work to get this through?

Genes don't explain this.
You can be very far from what your parents personality is.
803 posts

Those are all gathered through living.
Definitely being social or not.

Read the first part this. It shows that aggressive teens have more different emotional response parts of the brain than laid-back teens. Yes, some of it can be blamed on living but the brain was still made in that child in a way that makes them aggressive.

Genes don't explain this.
You can be very far from what your parents personality is.

You can have different hair and eye color from your parents. Your parents may both be blonde and you can be a brunette. That just shows there are faults with genes. This relates to homosexuality. You can have a different sexuality from your parents.
3,880 posts

That was quite a pathetic article...

Other studies have found that extreme neglect and sexual and physical abuse can impact brain development. A stressful home environment has also been linked to the early onset of puberty in girls, he says.

Genes don't explain this.
You can be very far from what your parents personality is.

My point is that if your actions are controlled by genes...well ehh you can be way different then your parents. Not just sometimes. Most times actually.
803 posts

That was quite a pathetic article...

Not really. It is just saying that other studies have shown home life can impact the brain too but look at this...

"What we found was there was actually a relationship between the size and the structure of the various parts of the brain and the way the kids behave in these interactions"

My point is that if your actions are controlled by genes...well ehh you can be way different then your parents. Not just sometimes. Most times actually.

You don't get all your genes from your parents though. You can get them from grandparents or even further back. Your parents can be carriers of a gene. How do you think disease is carried through? The same goes with genes.

We are getting off topic so either make a new thread or drop this.
3,880 posts

I don't see how you are to discuss homosexuality, or anything perhaps, without going off topic. Homosexuality reaches out into different topics, one is genes, and that is what we are talking about.

323 posts

Have you ever talked to someone who did that? Probably not so you have no right to say they chose that. I talked to someone and they said they always had a feeling they liked guys but didn't want to be insulted. He said he finally decided to come out. That is the problem with this world. So many people insult homosexuals that it scares them to be who they are.


Ok so maybe that person was effected by this "certain" gene and was a homosexual from birth. But I am sure that not every single homosexual in the world became a homosexual because of that gene. I am sure that some men just stopped liking women after a while be whatever the reason may be. And just so you don't get the wrong idea, I would never insult a homosexual for being one or make fun of them. I just don't really agree with it and would not try to convince one to stop being one, it was their choice and I respect that.
323 posts

@ Drace

You are right, we are not going off topic. We are talking about genes that have to do with homosexuality. If we need to go a little off topic to prove our point that has to do with homosexuality then im sure thats fine. Otherwise im sure that a mod or admin would have stopped us.

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