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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
803 posts

I also wouldn't say that family members and friends really influence them to, "come out of the closet," but those people might encourage him/her to do so.

Well, my point is that environment controls how much they show their homosexuality. However, it does not create a homosexual.

Hah no one says it with the meaning "gay". No one even thinks of homosexuals when you say "This is so gay". Its a social thing. Since thats what everyone is heard, that "this is so gay" just mean this is stupid, thats the first thing they hear.

Okay, people are subconsciously insulting the homosexuals then. You are replacing stupid with gay. I seriously want to know who came up with this. I mean inanimate objects like computers do not have a sexuality.

No idea how the brain can be affected in such a way to go for the opposite sex. I'm doubting the possibility.

You are not told to be straight. You are not told to like girls. You grow up knowing that you have feelings for girls. It is already installed in your brain by the gene. The same goes for homosexuals. They have always had feelings for boys even if they liked girls at first.

you are a bit-ch, you fuc-king retard, get a life.

Watch out everyone. We have a tough guy on the internet.
1,973 posts

Nah, I have to agree with Drace. Calling something gay does not relate to sexual orientation at all. It's actually used to say something is stupid. And calling a computer gay, since not relating to sexuality, meaning that the computer is stupid and annoying.

139 posts

Well, I'll weigh in, just because I feel very strongly about the word "gay".

Hah no one says it with the meaning "gay". No one even thinks of homosexuals when you say "This is so gay". Its a social thing. Since thats what everyone is heard, that "this is so gay" just mean this is stupid, thats the first thing they hear.

It doesn't matter what people's intents are, the message is the same. Sure some people can recognize that the person who says that isn't being mature (and probably isn't actually intending to put down gays) and just shrug it off, but it is still poignant. I am one of those people who can shrug it off, but I still get after them and tell them not to say it.

There was this teacher earlier this year that gave a great, simple lecture on this issue. She said something like:

There was a 10 year old girl. She had learning disabilities, just enough to need extra help in school. One day she was with her parents and she overheard someone say "That's stupid". She told her parents that that hurt her because it implies there is something BAD about being stupid. She said, "I'm not smart like everyone else, so that means I'm stupid. It's not a bad thing, but when they say it, they make it sound bad. Why couldn't they say 'That's silly' or something?"

The little girl didn't know any different, so when they heard them say something bad was stupid, she took it as being stupid was bad, so she must be bad. It's a simple little story that explains how the smallest things can affect people.

Back to the topic of what causes homosexuality (or any other sexual orientation):

My stance on this is apathy. I really don't care what causes it, because until there is definate proof (or something close to it) it is all just speculation. I don't care because if it is in my DNA or all in my head, either way I am what I am. Knowing that "x" causes it, isn't going to change me. Even IF it is a choice, then fine, I happily make that choice. I personally don't feel it is, but oh well. I guess what I am driving at is it is speculate all you want, but don't become overly invested in those speculation, anything is possible.
1,973 posts

In that instance, Eyes, the little girl will think and take seriously everything she hears. That is common among younger children. That's how Hitler assembled his army. He taught kids about his beliefs, so they grew up believing what they were told. Hopefully, most people are old or mature enough to understand that it is in no means meant to be an insult. I have even heard my gay friends say, "That's so gay!" It's a joke, but he knows that it isn't supposed to be an insult.

139 posts

Yes, but I think the feeling is the same. When I hear it, my first thought is "That makes no sense". However you twist it, you are using an innocent word for homosexual to insult someone/thing. You may as well call someone a fa.g/n-word/b/c/a/any curse word or insulting name because if you don't mean it in the "bad" way, then it can't hurt, right?

So yes, in the perfect world people would be mature enough to understand that they probably aren't directly insulting them (better yet, people would be mature enough not to use it at all), but not everyone is. I'm mature enough that I don't start bawling when someone says it, but I'm still a little discusted because even if they don't mean it, it is the same word and I can't help but connect the dots.

1,361 posts

Im Not trying to be religous but God made Adam and Eve. Man And Woman. Did He make 2 men? Did he make 2 women? No. He make 1 man and 1 woman. And raptor. Religion IS Part Of the Subject.

581 posts

God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve...jk...everyone needs to leave the homos alone.

803 posts

Im Not trying to be religous but God made Adam and Eve. Man And Woman. Did He make 2 men? Did he make 2 women? No. He make 1 man and 1 woman. And raptor. Religion IS Part Of the Subject.

Basing your opinions off what a man in the sky says is pretty ridiculous to me. It is fine to believe what you want but hurting others should not be acceptable.

everyone needs to leave the homos alone.

It is fine if you don't support homosexuality but there is no reason to insult them. It is all about tolerance. You may not like one homosexual but does that mean you should hate all homosexuals? No, just ignore them if that makes it easier not to insult them for you.

tempo, I know you were not insulting them but I used it to make a point.
581 posts

totalreview, read some of the earlier post I have left. i have no problem with homos. so before you use me to make a point, get your facts straight.

803 posts

totalreview, read some of the earlier post I have left. i have no problem with homos. so before you use me to make a point, get your facts straight.

What the heck? I just said that you were not insulting them. I just used that quote of you to lead into my next point. I was agreeing with you.
581 posts

absolutely my fault TR. thought you were being mean. i apologize sincerely. my bad.

323 posts

I do get what you are saying. I tried to show you a story of why homosexuals come out later in life. Answer my question, how many homosexuals have you talked to? Their family member or friend influences them to come out. That person has always been a homosexual because of the gene. They just never knew when to come out. Also, that is my point about "That's so gay." Everyone uses this as an insult so it provokes homophobia among especially teens.

I have talked ot homosexuals, but not about their homosexuality. But have you talked to every single homosexual in the world? If you haven't then I highly doubt that you know the reason why every single homosexual is a homosexual. And yes I know saying that phrase is insulting homosexuals, I just stated that people are doing it sub-consciously and probably don't mean any harm.
343 posts
Nomad is an insult

1,416 posts


More and more research is coming out that proves there is a "gay gene." And any homosexual will tell you that they did not choose to be gay. You didn't choose to be straight. You are just attracted to the opposite gender. Same thing with gays. Why would they go through all that social stigma and torture and choose to be attracted to the same sex? It's completely absurd.

323 posts

You really think that there is not one homosexual that was a complete heterosexual for most of their life then had a huge influence or trauma that lead them to become gay? not one?

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