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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
10,816 posts

That I am. Not so much as to say that the mind is not of the brain's function though.

Okay, so you can see that while dualism is an alright place to start, you could do better, yes?

You seem like a person who likes to think by being challenged. Try looking up monism and see where you get with that.

I am just arguing that you are not quite born gay, but rather through experience.

Seeing as we're getting past the divide of "choice/not a choice", I will try to explain to everybody how the above is true: If one were not aware of their attractions, or the name, then they could not reasonably claim that they were gay or whatever. This may appear to be a trivial point but in the light of our cultural climate which still strongly favors heterosexual behaviors, it forms the basis of much repression- people who might not be so attracted to the opposite sex but their own, who can't figure out how to express this because they've been expected to be straight and think maybe something is 'wrong with them' instead.

Furthermore (as I've said a few dozen times on this forum alone), sexual behavior is part of a much more complex behaviors- seeing as it is a focal point of our lives it makes sense to acknowledge how pervasive it can be in other areas of our lives. There is also the role of sexual fantasy and how this is managed (or not managed), and how this relates to sexual attraction.

Sometimes (if you feel up to it), it may be worth taking a really good, close long look at yourself to see how you yourself work. Certain things may not match up. Other things won't make any sense. You don't necessarily have to worry- but being aware of things can certainly help one come to terms and even get over the unreasonable fear of other things. It's okay to question things, especially yourself.
10,816 posts

Well the other soldiers will insult them, beat them up maybe. I don't suppose they are able to control the soldier's behaviors. Plus, some get disturbed...

There was a separate thread specifically on this topic- about the Boy Scouts of America, which has a similar culture to most militaries.

As expected, military institutions tend to follow an antiquated cultural mindset, which includes traditionalist values regarding gender, and therefore sexuality (though this no longer makes sense to most of the rest of the world). If you wish to join the military, the culture is still institutionalised to the point that it's simply very unwise to buck the trend. I'm not bagging out the military- but it is a fairly foregone conclusion seeing as the focus of the military, the value backbone is preservation and conservation, and therefore instilling a rigorous conformism throughout the major bulk of the forces. Therefore there's precious little space for cultural innovation.

So we'll see where things go from here, since the disparity between the armed forces and the rest of the world is only becoming even more apparent as time goes on.
16 posts

Well the other soldiers will insult them, beat them up maybe. I don't suppose they are able to control the soldier's behaviors. Plus, some get disturbed...

But why should the military discharge soldiers because of something they can't help? Not all the world is against gays. People don't always get beaten up 24/7 because they are gay. It happens rarely.

It's reasonable, sure, until somebody does come out, in which case it's not fair in the least.
506 posts

[quote]It's reasonable, sure, until somebody does come out, in which case it's not fair in the least.[quote]

It's not usually fair when your part of a minority. It took hundreds of years for women to get even a tenth of the freedoms we have today. Luckily though we live in a time when it shouldn't take gays as long as it took racial minorities to get basic human rights. Usually, people are more progressive.

3,880 posts

It took hundreds of years for women to get even a tenth of the freedoms we have today. Luckily though we live in a time when it shouldn't take gays as long as it took racial minorities to get basic human rights. Usually, people are more progressive.

Heh, todays society is totally messed up, you might want to take that back.

Question: Has the homosexuality rate increased?
3,880 posts

Oh and yes Strop, I explained some of that before in this thread, but my poor vocabulary leads to poor explanation

Were all bisexuals in a sense.

Surely the rate of homosexuality differs from area to area, time to time? Although there are some places where gays gather. San Francisco for one...or so I heard.

You seem like a person who likes to think by being challenged.

Yes. Challenges mean more thought. As a result new ideas and the more ideas you have, the nicer.
Even knowing you are arguing on the wrong forces you to think more.
506 posts

Heh, todays society is totally messed up, you might want to take that back.

I don't see why. People get more progressive and bigots eventually die off with way of thinking fading away. Slave owners held the assumption that blacks weren't actually people and denied them rights. Women were a step below farm animals. These thinkings were wrong and faded away with the sick minds that thought them up. The same thing is happening now. Eventually we'll be able to get married in all parts of the world and being gay won't be "wrong" anymore. The voice of a bigot is a harsh one to listen to and eventually the masses simply stop listening. And the minority becomes first tolerated then accepted. Soon the minority is just another section of the majority. Progress.
290 posts

To Kris1027: Society is not all that progressive, our use of technology is but our society and our ideals take a very long time to change. Like you said it took women actually thousands of years, going back to prehistoric and up, to get any kind of rights. Then it took racial minorites the same amount of time. It will probably be faster for gays but I'm baseing that off the fact that some states in the U.S. are now voting to allow it.

To Drace: I didn't know they had the nuber of homosexuals charted...

3,880 posts

People get more progressive and bigots eventually die off with way of thinking fading away.

New bigots are born. Many countries are religious.
Science is becoming the new religion.

As much as I hate the saying "History repeats itself", it applies here.

And gays being just like us goes toward the point that homosexuality is not a gene caused thingy.
If homosexuals cannot produce their genes, then it should not continue on. If somehow some homosexual gene carriers end up with women then it shows that many of us are just bisexual. If that is true, homosexuality rate should be decreasing, not increasing since only a few homosexuals actually reproduce.

Sexual orientation does not exist.
3,880 posts

Of course there is science which says the other.

Sorry, I'm very skeptical of scientific findings. I think they make conclusions too quickly. In a world where we know so little, that is a bad choice :-$

139 posts

Question: Has the homosexuality rate increased?

I think there are a number of factors to consider and not all the answers are there.

First, you need a definition of homosexuality. Seems simple, but the parameters need to be drawn. The "homosexuality rate" could be anything from the number of homosexual acts to the number of people who identify as being homosexual. That in and of itself is a muddy area.

Then (if you can get a clear definition of homosexuality rate), you need to compare it from different times. I have no idea how you can even do that. Good luck.

I really don't see how you can measure the "rate of homosexuality". If someone else can, good for them.

I think an important thing to note when considering the rate of change of homosexuality is that the theory of what causes homosexuality would sway the decision (since I believe it would be speculation). What I mean is that one person may believe that homosexuality is a choice (to whatever degree) and people have been influenced by society into think one way or the other. On the other hand if you think that homosexuality is somehow predetermined (and thus not a result of society), there shouldn't be any difference in the rate (because regardless of how you identify yourself, you would be homosexual or not). And then again, there is a whole spectrum in between that would need to be considered.

Plus the whole idea of sexuality boggles my mind because all these lables and rescritions have been put in place, when, in reality, I think it is so fluid that the lables become moot.
3,880 posts

You are not anymore likely to be gay if your parents are.

506 posts

And gays being just like us goes toward the point that homosexuality is not a gene caused thingy.

The funny thing about posting a link is that no one is going to look haha.

Scientists are now discovering that the brains of lesbians are more like a straight man's and a gay mans is more like a woman's. The physical attributes of the homosexual brain resemble those found in the opposite sex. I'm not a scientist. I know what I know. First of all I'm not a lesbian because daddy abandoned me or a bunch of men sucked in bed. Second, I didn't ever choose to be gay. Third, science is now slowly coming out with the proof that shows number one and two to be true.

Homosexuality is not a mental illness or a disease. The gene for it is not passed down from generation to generation or logically gay kids would come from gay parents which we know is stupid. And more gay people nowadays are indeed having children and the majority of these children are not going to be gay. Because there is nothing to pass down.

The physical evidence is coming more and more. You'd think millions of people practically screaming something would be enough but no on ever believes the eye witness without a picture of the crime I suppose.
3,880 posts

Exactly. If they are passed from genes, there should be some variance , no?

803 posts

You are not anymore likely to be gay if your parents are.

Not all genes come from your parents though.
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