The only reason this thread is brought back is because someone comes in and says they hate homosexuals. We all group together and try to make the person less ignorant. It only works sometimes.
We've decided that unless the topic goes to spam, it won't get locked. Else it completely dies and gets lost somewhere beyond the first few pages, and that's the same thing.
But anyway...unless there's nothing to talk about...
This has probably been said already in the vast folds of nothingness that is this forum, but if people would just mind their own damn business and not believe that they have the moral superiority to say what others should and should not do, then there would be no problems regarding homosexuality.
All I've got to say about the matter is that homosexuals should be pitied, not hated. Most homosexuals have had a bad relationship with the opposite gender or have just become lost at some point in their lives and need help. Therefore, we shouldn't rave against them, we should show them that we care about them and understand them. They will appreciate kindness more than anger.
gays should be pitied. they have to endure so much crap from (most of) society i feel bad for them. not because they are gay but because they are considered "socially incorrect" which is bullspit. live and let live.
I dont think that being gay is right at all but i do think that everyone should be aloud to express them selfs in their own way.Saying that someone cant be gay isnt right so how would you feel is gay was normal and stright was wrong and you got picked on cause you were straight.
I'd give them no pity, but I DO give pity to those that discriminate against them. They don't understand how to love's sad really. Homosexuals are just like heteros, just that they have different sexual preferances.