You know what? most of the people on this site are atheiests , so i dont care , i believe in the truth , and I can say that I'm not going to hell for being a gay person , if you are too blind to realize whats right and whats wrong , then , all i can say is , we will see who has the last laugh...
simply because an individual chooses not to interpret the bible in the exact way you and your church does does not mean that they are atheists. Some people just want to be a bit more accepting.
You're a fine example of turning the other cheek aren't you? It's so easy to hate gays but not so easy to follow other teachings that I'm sure you must believe in like turning the other cheek. It's people like you that turn people away from Christianity. Hypocrits.
haven't you ever heard of the passage that says remove the log in your eye before removing the splinter in the other persons? It means look at your own sins before pointing out those in others.
I'm not all that religious, though certainly not an atheist, but I just thought I should point a few things out to you.
I mean "we'll see who has the last laugh" you're implying that you'll laugh at those who go to hell. Do you think that God would really want someone like you in Heaven? I don't think so.
that was a little harsh I know, but I'm tired of "relgious people" saying this is a sin and this is a sin while at the same time sinning away in their own lives. Some people think because they go to church on Sunday they are able perfect and able to point out everyones faults.
that was a little harsh I know, but I'm tired of "relgious people" saying this is a sin and this is a sin while at the same time sinning away in their own lives.
I agree. If they were truly enlightened, they would realize that everyone sins, in both small and large ways.
As far as the religious argument goes against homosexuality... I haven't really ever heard a good argument from that angle. All that people tend to do, is claim through blind faith that it is wrong. But do they actually look into it? Research? Have any evidence? Studying to be a scientist, I need more that just 'because He said so.'
As far as the religious argument goes against homosexuality... I haven't really ever heard a good argument from that angle. All that people tend to do, is claim through blind faith that it is wrong. But do they actually look into it? Research? Have any evidence? Studying to be a scientist, I need more that just 'because He said so.'
How true....The evidece of most christians is if your a homosexual you despise god's ways, well i think they are wrong they should accept the attitude towards life of the homosexualls. i mean serious? How can you love god if you dislike a part of your own race? Also the most christians condemn homosexuals to be devils :P i think that is a bit to exaggerated
*randomly points out that there isn't much of the original Bible left in the translated prints of it* They've edited so much out. That's why so few have heard of Lillith.
Why is it, that a book can have so much power over the way people think, just because there's enough of them thinking it...
*randomly points out that there isn't much of the original Bible left in the translated prints of it* They've edited so much out. That's why so few have heard of Lillith.
Why is it, that a book can have so much power over the way people think, just because there's enough of them thinking it
so true, with so many translations im sure that the original would be a good bit thicker. It is sad that most of the people that belive think this kind of stuff belive out of total faith. And not having very much backing it up except a few quotes from the bible (which i dont think should be used for debates)
*randomly points out that there isn't much of the original Bible left in the translated prints of it* They've edited so much out. That's why so few have heard of Lillith.
Why is it, that a book can have so much power over the way people think, just because there's enough of them thinking it...
I agree. It bothers me that people take the Bible word for word, and do not look behind to see the intended meanings. They take everything for absolute fact, when it should be looked at for teaching morals and a guideline as to how people should act towards one another.
"Oh hai, ima liek totallies reed teh bibulz, eet sas gaaay iz rrrrrrong!" Fundamentalists are lolcat fails. Stating something is wrong, just because it vaguely says so in a book, is just no good. Stating it's wrong because it's unnatural - well, animals display homosexual behaviour, and even if that isn't enough... Well, what's really left to be natural when it comes to humans. The world has way more human beings than is needed, we don't need to reproduce that badly. We're past that stage. At least in the more "modern" parts of the world.
I just randomly ranted on this topic, I'm not syre why. >.> Hopefully because I care.
The bible is a book that was written hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Times change. It was only 30 odd years ago that people were legally allowed to be gay (well to sodomise) but tha was it basically. If that much changed 30 years ago, think how much has changed since then. If people take word for word a book written hundreds of years ago then they are just foolish and regressive. They are the people that are not ready to accept 20th century values and ideals let alone the 21st.