
3228 468092
90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
506 posts

i dont really care if you are or not
doesnt really bother me

That is actually the best attitude of them all. When you're gay or a lesbian all you want to do is just lead a normal life. You don't want it to be an issue. I am so tired of this being an issue. In the future when nobody cares and it's looked at as a non issue, it's just excepted. Then the world will be a better place and a whole population of people will be very happy lol
373 posts

Excuse me, but there's a bit of Christian-bashing going on here. We don't put down what Athiests believe in, why do Athiests have to put down what we believe in?

I'm tired of "relgious people" saying this is a sin and this is a sin while at the same time sinning away in their own lives.

Excuse me, but everybody sins. The difference is that Christians know that they must ask for forgiveness of their sins and know that they must try their hardest not to sin. Unfortunately, nobody but Jesus has ever made it through their whole life without sinning.
2,150 posts

Okay, if you are tired of this being an issue, then why did you revive it. It was good and dead for a while, but you had to go and give your complaints about this, and bring it back up... great job.

506 posts

Okay, if you are tired of this being an issue, then why did you revive it. It was good and dead for a while, but you had to go and give your complaints about this, and bring it back up... great job.

If that was directed at me, it was not "good and dead for a while." This topic is constantly revived.

Post before me: Posted Aug 29, '08 at 10:14pm
My post: Posted Aug 29, '08 at 10:15pm

How exactly did I revive a dead topic?
2,662 posts

What about that time he went skitz and busted up that temple eh? Dont tell me that isnt a sin in some form no matter how justified the act.

803 posts

Dude I'm an Emo muslim , i think I'm the most "different" person you could find , what I am saying is that I don't support homosexual ways , otherwise I don't have a problem with them , normally I see a couple of gays , I don't care but since there happens to be a thread over here to debate about it I just think I can speak my mind , and my views , its nothing personal but I just don't support gay people (or tans or bi people )

How would that make you feel if you were not allowed to be married because you are a muslim? You can't change who you are. I am glad you are speaking your mind. By support their cause, what do you mean? I doubt any of us go out to the world and tell them to become homosexual. However, most of us accept homosexuals and realize we are all different so why should we pick on one group of people.

Religion is sort of hypocrite. I mean arrogance and assault are considered sins in the bible, correct? Don't you think it is arrogant to dislike a group of people just because they are different? Aren't you assaulting them when you insult them or just don't accept them? I think it is wrong that the bible is basically saying hate differences in people but then it says don't assault others.
2,150 posts

It wasn't necessarily directed at you intentionally, but people either revive this topic to flame religion or for Christians to say that being gay is a sin, now just let the damned thing die already and SHUTUP

506 posts

bq. It wasn't necessarily directed at you intentionally, but people either revive this topic to flame religion or for Christians to say that being gay is a sin, now just let the ****ed thing die already and SHUTUP

Well as I said before. It will be nice when topics like this don't exist and it's a non issue. But that's not going to happen for sometime and new people and old rivals are going to revive and continue to post in this thread. Just a fact of life and this forum.

26 posts

i think its well kinda creepy i mean well yea im not going into details

198 posts

@ totalreview

First of all , I don't believe in the teachings of the bible , I have my own book , Second , My book condems the gays , when i say i don't support their cause it means that I am against what they stand for , Also many people go around thinking that all Muslims are terrorists , if you don't know about our religion than just shut up , being gay is not being different , it is going against what God has said , and basically , if the only person you fear is God , and God says something is wrong , who am I to question what he says? Islam is a religion of peace , yet people think it starts all the wars , (terrorists who claim to be Muslims are not , in fact they have created their own religion and call it Islam =[)
Yes , I do wish that the world was rid of this Homosexual craze , but that doesnt mean I'm racist against any one

9,434 posts

i think its well kinda creepy i mean well yea im not going into details

What's creepy?

I really don't understand why religious people have such a problem with it. If you think we're going to hell, well, then that's our problem. Don't go flaming anyone for it. You don't want to save any gays from the hell (and I doubt many wants to be saved anyway), so if the choices of gay people is such an issue to you (any of you), why don't you just feel sad that people are sinning their way into hell instead of harshly and with anger telling them it's wrong?
This may not make sense. But really, if it's not affecting you directly (and it's not, is it?), can't you just ignore it and let people go to hell if they want to?
If Jahve exists, I am going to hell for so many reasons. I don't care. I live my life as best I can.
198 posts

@ zophia

Personally , I don't want any1 going to hell , seriously , the main reason I'm on this thread is so that I can spread a clear message , and hope that no one even considers being gay , so maybe then there would be 1 less person to go to hell , but if you are sooo sure you wana go to hell , be my guest , say hi to the devil for me will ya?

90 posts

Okay, if you are tired of this being an issue, then why did you revive it. It was good and dead for a while, but you had to go and give your complaints about this, and bring it back up... great job.
THey wanted my thread to live on in history. ;D
9,434 posts

I think it is a generally accepted view, that you do not choose to be gay (or straight for that matter).
And spreading a clear message, well sure... It's fine, but please don't ever be rude to those who choose not to be ashamed of their same sex attractions. It will always be the individuals decision.

As for my hole going to hell thing... If the christians/catholiccs/jews/muslims are right, I probably will. I don't like those religions, mainly for the mayhem they have caused throughout history.
I don't believe you'll be punished for your beliefs after departing the physical world. I'm not an atheist, btw. Just haven't found my religious affiliation yet.

423 posts

For the person who commented about Christin bashing and said that they don't bash atheists, um, yeah, I beg to differ. Everytime a Chrsitina says atheists are going to hell because they don't belive in God, that's bashing athesits. Also, I'm so sick and tired of some "Christians" who call anyone who doesn't interpret Christianity in the exact same way that they do to be Atheists. It just shows how shallow and simple their minds are. Their reasoning goes like this "Either you interpret the bible exactly as I do, or you're an atheist" there is more than black and white and even more than grey. You can believe that homosexuality is okay and still consider yourself a Christian.

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