Well, homosexuality is a morality issue. But define morality. And what are those morals? How did we come up with those morals and why do we enforce those morals by making them laws? Sodomy? Do you know that Sodom is a city in the Bible? Did you know that Babylon had all of this stuff, homosexuality, murder, suicide. Do you know where that ended up? Do you know of a Babylon in modern society. Name one city, no, one nation that allows all of these things and is still running smoothly, without any problems, and the people are happy.
Morality-conformity to the rules of right conduct; moral or virtuous conduct. 2. moral quality or character. 3. virtue in sexual matters; chastity. 4. a doctrine or system of morals. 5. moral instruction; a moral lesson, precept, discourse, or utterance (dictionary.com)
During the 10th and 11th centuries, the code of chivalry extended from warfare, to to what we know today; which includes kindness and mercy to those inferior to him. i.e. peasants, women, children, priests and merchants. This practice was influenced by Christianity.
Now what can I take from this bit of information? being kind to women, sparing them in warfare, or anyone unarmed. Basically, showing mercy to the innocent.
so, some of this morality can date back to the medieval times. That morality came from the Bible. Some of this morality is accepted in modern society by Americans. Therefore, the Bible still has influence in the world today.
Now, tell me that religion isn't involved with this problem
I think that homosexuality is gross and obscene, and so does God, he specifically states in the Bible the aforementioned concept. What happens when people start turning to homosexuality, well just look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Some of the people had turned to homosexuality, and that God so mad he BURNED THE CITY TO THE GROUND WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE FROM HEAVEN. Ye, not good. So that might be where the U.S.A's heading if the government doesn't step in and s top homosexuals rights.
Only if you promise to please stay away from us.
and so does God, he specifically states in the Bible
The bible also says you can sell your daughters into slavery and that eating shellfish is an abomination. Abomination, now that is quite a word. Will hellfire rain down on us because we eat clams?
The bible uses the same word when describing both homosexuals and shellfish. So logically (haha) they should both be the same amount of bad. Eating a lobster should be just as bad as two chicks making out. Yet I don't see the God Hates Clams signs anywhere.
and so does God,
And I do not believe in a god but if there was such a creature how could you or anyone else presume to know the mind of GOD? From a centuries old book colored by the hand that wrote it, an ordinary man. Most of which wasn't even included in the bible you see today.
Some of the people had turned to homosexuality, and that God so mad he BURNED THE CITY TO THE GROUND WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE FROM HEAVEN. Ye, not good. So that might be where the U.S.A's heading if the government doesn't step in and s top homosexuals rights.
You're joking, right? Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities that were completely drenched in the sin of man. Homosexuality was one of many. And if you really think that God is going to smite the United States, go stick your head outdoors. You must have never left your house, or something.
Haha, I found this list on a Facebook group called "Gay Marriage Killed the Dinosaurs".
Top 17 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong:
17. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.
16. Gay culture is a new fad created by the liberal media to undermine long-standing traditions. We know this is true because gay sex did not exist in ancient Greece and Rome.
15. There are plenty of straight families looking to adopt, and every unwanted child already has a loving family. This is why foster care does not exist.
14. Conservatives know best how to create strong families. That is why it is not true that Texas and Mississippi have the highest teen birthrates, and Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire have the lowest. This is a myth spread by the liberal media.
13. Marriage is a religious institution, defined by churches. This is why atheists do not marry. Christians also never get a divorce.
12. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why our society has no single parents.
11. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.
10. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
9. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.
8. Gay marriage should be decided by the people and their elected representatives, not the courts. The framers checked the courts, which represent mainstream public opinion, with legislatures created to protect the rights of minorities from the tyranny of the majority. Interference by courts in this matter is inappropriate, just as it has been every time the courts have tried to hold back legislatures pushing for civil rights.
7. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
6. Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because "separate but equal" institutions are a good way to satisfy the demands of uppity minority groups.
5. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.
4. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
3. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
2. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
I'd think that gay couples would have a higher chance of getting stds than heterosexual couples. Just think about it...How do you think they how do it? well, since the hole in front is gone, there is only one other place for it...
Wrongliness. The possibility is absolutely equal for gays and straight, it ALL depends on how well protected they are. As in CONDOMS. After all, lots of straight people have bumsex too.
I think that homosexuality is gross and obscene, and so does God, he specifically states in the Bible the aforementioned concept. What happens when people start turning to homosexuality, well just look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Some of the people had turned to homosexuality, and that God so mad he BURNED THE CITY TO THE GROUND WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE FROM HEAVEN. Ye, not good. So that might be where the U.S.A's heading if the government doesn't step in and s top homosexuals rights.
I lol'ed. If you honestly believe that, I won't even bother arguing. I'll just lol, despite it really being sad.
Also, hurray for the list Zootsuit_riot posted! It makes such AWESOME points!
I think that homosexuality is gross and obscene, and so does God, he specifically states in the Bible the aforementioned concept. What happens when people start turning to homosexuality, well just look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Some of the people had turned to homosexuality, and that God so mad he BURNED THE CITY TO THE GROUND WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE FROM HEAVEN. Ye, not good. So that might be where the U.S.A's heading if the government doesn't step in and s top homosexuals rights WOOT FOR WHOEVER POSTED THIS HIGH FIVE GAY MARRIAGE IS WRONG!!!
I think that homosexuality is gross and obscene, and so does God, he specifically states in the Bible the aforementioned concept.
Have God give me a call about the conversation you two have had stating that he told you what he thinks. Otherwise, don't tell everybody what God does or does not like.
Aaroniscool you are wrong in so many ways okay first all crimes against god are equal murderers that are christian what are you smoking if your a murderer your not christian suicide is against the bible it says so. Being gay is wrong everyone get over it where we as humans designed for gay sex NO we where not come on look at the blatant facts
Anyways, Alexander the Great was gay as well (or bi, but I think he cheated with another guy on his wife, I am not completely sure) and he was able to take over sooo much territory. God sure was not looking down on this gay war pig who beleived in other gods.