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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
343 posts

So what about that makes you feel good? That the unbelievers are going to go to hell and your not, lolz?


And considering you have to abide with the Bible's teachings all your life, lol, that just makes one fear that there going to hell...

its your choice to fear but if you truly belive you wont be afraid cuz u know ur safe

btw have fun @ judgment
438 posts

That was pure cut and paste sad you forgot how to type and at Drace we follow what God says because we are thankful that he forgives us. And he does forgive unbeileivers but only if they admit with a clear conscience that they are sinful and deserve nothing but his wrath.

343 posts

In what way? In my opinion, religion is a bunch of whooey. You guys are being led by beliefs that have no solid proof that your actual religion exists. No religion does. Don't you think that his absence is slightly odd?

no if he were here to much then wed be dependant on him for everything idiot.

dont get me started on proof of the bible. i have debated for about 1 year and ill screw u up.

also if gay is natural then why would they need female reproductive parts????
3,176 posts

(wow this is fun ain't it Zophia? lol) (I have problems typing? What's this I'm looking at above my post? Xantos needs to have English lessons)

I will have fun with it, because it's not going to happen in my lifetime. When IS it going to happen? Don't give me this "the judgement will happen at any time", there's no science in that.

And how about we talk about the actual SUBJECT AT HAND? This ain't the religion thread.

9,434 posts

Actually we are cuz we beleive in a happy afterlife of perfection for the beleivers and hell fo rthe unbeleivers. And George said it but you look deeply into it adn it mentions GOd quite a few times.

Who says one needs to believe in a happy ever after to be happy? I certainly don't. I'm not an atheist, but I don't believe in either heaven or hell.
Karma, plz.

Will the homosexuals be judged for loving, or the homophobs for hating?

Why do Christians even bother yelling that it is wrong? Can't you just move along, feeling sorry for us because we sin according to your grand big almighty book?
Why do you need to express hate?

So true. C/p'ed ffr.
343 posts

will have fun with it, because it's not going to happen in my lifetime. When IS it going to happen? Don't give me this "the judgement will happen at any time", there's no science in that

what is science but a man-made way of looking at the world through our tiny brains. you in essance know nothing.
3,176 posts

Paradox time!

Hell is pain. I'm a Masochist. Hell = heaven for me = ) Devil will not touch me because I have a fetish with pain, therefore Hell and Heaven is the same. YAY!

438 posts

Yeah right hell will be eveything you hate combined with ragin gfire adn a thirst and hunger that will never be quenched but like the story of Lazarus the rich man called to him pleae Lazarus give me some water just a drop that' sall but you cannot travel from heaven to hell so he the rich man whithered away in pain and agony.

3,176 posts

BACK to the topic. Homosexuality is fine. Christians don't. Who cares? Only they do. They believe their religion is superior among others, big whoop. Homosexuals cannot reproduce, because they need a part from both male and female. Ours is fine apparently. Why should their practice be any different. Because of "God"? If God really cares, he would tell all you people to accept them for who they are and leave it at that.

9,434 posts

[quote]So what about that makes you feel good? That the unbelievers are going to go to hell and your not, lolz?

You must be one of the worst Christians ever.
btw have fun @ judgment

Oh, I'm sure I will. I'll give Satan a cookie for you.

That was pure cut and paste sad you forgot how to type

More like, sad the discussion is repeating itself so badly that he can express himself purely with previous posts.

(wow this is fun ain't it Zophia? lol)

Yes, but also kinda sad. Then again, I don't really care unless they try to bash me for loving my girl.

Quit discussing Christianity. You may express your Christian views on the topic, but stop doing the rest.
873 posts

yes, his are better than yours. GOd is truth. The bible is the word of god. therefore the bible is truth
oh hey it looks like i joined at the right time, this is gonna be fun, i put up with this crap every freaking day and no one has beaten me. I see another bible loving christian has joined and just says "your all wrong because my book says so". (im trying not to get off topic but this makes me mad) Your book was written by over 42 people i think it is, and written over a time period of thousand of years. Your book has been re-written so many times, it is many entire books, what you have now is probably 2/3 or even only 1/2 of the original thing, and yet somehow you base it all on guys never ceise to amaze me in your stupidity.

on topic, this is coming from a bisexual person, who hasnt been for very long. To, i think masterxantos, a page or 2 back, i think he was saying, if people are allowed to be gay, soon will want to marry animals...and so on (i hear it all the time) i dont see how people come up with this, you are loving another human, what isnt natural about that, and for some reason alot of these haters seem to think that all homosexuality is is just a big orgy, thats not the case at all, 2 people love each other, they know the other very well and know they can stay together forever, how is that so wrong?
ill post some more in a minute im kinda tired right now
343 posts

BACK to the topic.

for once

Homosexuality is fine. Christians don't. Who cares? Only they do. They believe their religion is superior among others, big whoop.

only for you

Homosexuals cannot reproduce, because they need a part from both male and female.

why do you think that is

Ours is fine apparently. Why should their practice be any different. Because of "God"? If God really cares, he would tell all you people to accept them for who they are and leave it at that.

God dosnt accept sin, god hates it. hate is not a sin btw.
3,176 posts

That does it Zerato! I'm referring you to the mods! All you do is constant flaming toward us! We at one time have NOT insulted you, we have just questioned the fact about your practice! Not once have we flamed you yet we get this:

[q] retard [/q]

[q] we will be forgiven, unlike you [/q]

[q] idiot [/q]

[q] I'll screw you up [/q]

Oh btw: you know what screwing is? EWWW!! I'm not gay, go away you homosexual Christian OMG!!!

438 posts

wait i thought you approved of them weird how you woul dhate if we called you gay even if you aren'y.

343 posts

oh hey it looks like i joined at the right time, this is gonna be fun, i put up with this crap every freaking day and no one has beaten me.

bring it ****

Your book was written by over 42 people i think it is, and written over a time period of thousand of years. Your book has been re-written so many times, it is many entire books, what you have now is probably 2/3 or even only 1/2 of the original thing, and yet somehow you base it all on guys never ceise to amaze me in your stupidity.

ignorance of my religion srtike one. also look @ the dead sea scroll the look at the bible, count the difference in words.

i dont see how people come up with this, you are loving another human, what isnt natural about that,

its a human of the same sex idiot
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