ForumsWEPRWhy people believe in Jesus - God - (Rocky Balboa)?

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62 posts

I dont know why people believe in them, there wasn't a miracle NEVER the history about jesus is only a story we dont know if the miracles are real and, has he ever done nothing for you? no I'm Atheist and nothing happened to me in my life.

My parent injected me the religion, but when i grew up i became an atheist because i thought at that, i never went more to the church and nothing happened to me besides the fact that i dont need more to go to the church on sunday morning (Muahhauahh)

  • 135 Replies
9,462 posts

My parent injected me the religion, but when i grew up i became an atheist because i thought at that,

Many people don't break free of that injection of religion like you did.
554 posts

It is called childhood indoctrination. PArents tell kids that the magic sky fairy is really there even though you never see it, never interact with it and basically nothing would happen if it was not there. Except they don't say those last things. Anyway, kids are programmed genetically to believe what a person in a -position of authority tells them at a very young age as basic things like don't go near the cliff edge which can't be tested are accepted as fact. While this is usually beneficial some things like religion also get programmed into people and only some can break free. And some people believe so hard and want to please their parents that they take anything as a sign of god when they are mainly coincidences. And some people just can't picture a world were god does not exist and so cannot be converted. Most fundamentalists are like that I think. So people delude themsleves into thinking that god has shown himslef and if he has shown himself now then the bible must de facto be at leats reasonably accurate. And so the curse of superstition spreads.

3,025 posts

qwerty1011 Snapped that right on.

I really don't have anything to say but *nod*. Well said qwerty1011. :P

- H

3,139 posts

I think it depends on what you define as a miracle thought does it not?
I consider a baby born very premature but survives a miracle. Not a religious miracle but a miracle all the same.

It's understandable for some people to question faith and for others to simply not believe, but it's also important to understand why those who do believe, believe. If that makes any sense at all.

Scripture is the basis of believing in religious miracles but this is important for Christians - " Christians believe in a God who usually works through the normal processes of the universe, and keeps them operating. We sometimes call those regular patterns the 'laws of nature', but they are only descriptions of the way the universe normally operates. They don't decree that nothing can ever happen differently. The God who keeps them going can also act in a different way - a miraculous way - when he has a good reason to do so. But only for good reason, not just to satisfy curiosity."

& This ^ is why.

3,025 posts

Well said good sir. Please may I say that indoctrination isn't the only reason -- it wouldn't be so influencing if it didn't have good reasons (which as you pointed out, clearly seems to). Being on the WEPR for quite a while it seems that long drawn out discussions on this topic doesn't always help, I don't even bother posting on them anymore. In the position of Armor Games I think the reasoning is fair enough and whilst thinking from their perspective, understanding and respecting it is great and I would do in other debates... It doesn't seem to work on these forums. :<

Also yes about the miracles - it depends on what is considered one, and something against all odds can be considered a miracle - I probably wouldn't go as far as call it that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's considered as such. In this case I think miracle = Religous intervention.

- H

36 posts

Many people believe in Jesus/God/Christianity for many reasons. Whether it's because of hope, or because their family believes in Christianity and pull them into the religious circle. I believe the biggest reasons people believe in Christianity is for hope and perhaps sometimes, a limit. For instance, I know a family who decided to become Christians because they were poor and in need of financial help. I guess they thought God would help them through hard times such as this. It made them Christians when truly, they didn't really believe in the Christian God. It gave them hope, perhaps even false hope, but hope nevertheless. Hope can be good.

Perhaps it's also has to do with society. In countries such as America, where Christianity is the main religion and it's frown upon to be an Atheist or believe in other Gods. People don't like being the outcast, or the social rejects in a way. Plus, if you were born into a religious family where it would be a big deal if you were an atheist, than it'll really put pressure on you. Some don't like that pressure, and decide not to question God. Even if there wasn't a miracle in history, it gives people hope, and sometimes that's what people need.

To me honestly, I do not care if people believe in a religion. It is their beliefs, their life. It would be wrong for me to choose what they should believe in, what they should do with their lives. I do not what you believe in, as long as you don't push your thoughts on to me. I understand parents sometimes push their thoughts and beliefs of the world on their child, and to me, it's rather wrong. However, if the child choose to believe it... It is their choice. Their lives, and I think you should respect that. I'm rather sure you don't want people to choose what you should believe and think, do you?

Back to to the question at hand. To simply answer your question, people believe in Jesus/God/Christianity because they choose to. Or sometimes depending on the country, they are force to believe.

17 posts

Simple reason why. When children are young they beleive almost anything their parents tell them thats an explanation. AKA santa,god etc. When children grow up they learn independence from what their parents tell them. saddly the religion sticks. It happend to me until i became atheist. Also some do it out of fear, fear of death, others.

36 posts

Simple reason why. When children are young they beleive almost anything their parents tell them thats an explanation. AKA santa,god etc. When children grow up they learn independence from what their parents tell them. saddly the religion sticks. It happend to me until i became atheist. Also some do it out of fear, fear of death, others.

Explain people who turned into Christians. A friend of mine, an Atheist, he turned into a Christian. Not everyone was told by their parents to believe in Christianity. Some turned to it themselves.
3,085 posts

And, once you really start thinking about things, you'll realize just how much ground religion has lost to science over the last couple of hundred years. Religion and (most areas of) science cannot coexist peacefully because both seek to offer answers, sciences strives to find the answers through observation and experimentation and finding out what makes things tick, religion is happy just to say 'goddidit' and not look any deeper into issues.

3,085 posts

You see? That's all I hear from religious people - goddidit. Sure, you dress it up and insert God into scientific theories unnecessarily, putting an extraneous element into an already complete circuit so to speak but it all boils down to 'goddidit'. Why do you believe God did any of those things? What evidence do you have? Can you prove that the universe couldn't start without a God or that Evolution couldn't happen without one either? I didn't think so.

3,085 posts

You have yet to prove to me that God exists - I could assert the claim that there's a 200 mile long purple snake that's also invisible and lives in my bathroom and the burden of proof would be on me, right now, the burden of proof is on you to prove that God exists. Without proving that a deity exists, you cannot assert that they did X or Y because you cannot back up this claim, therefore you keep elements like deities away from scientific theories until you can actually prove they were there and the direct cause of what happened.

Anyway, just 'cos you hate going to church, doesn't mean you're not religious.

9,462 posts

Science does not exclude Religion nor does Religion Exclude Science.

Not directly, but when religion makes a claim that a god influenced this universe in some way it very much becomes the realm of science.

Unless, you think about random things and facts of life before going to bed.

What does the time of day have to do with it?

God created the earth, yes,

No gravity created the Earth, stepping back from there proto-stars that went supernova created the materials our solar system is made up of, including the earth.

God Created the big bang.

Thus creating the universe and the Earth.

No the Big Bang did not create the Earth. The Big Bang was the expansion of the universe from a singularity. There are a number of hypotheses as to how this happened but non of the require a magical being. Really all you've done here is say "I don't know so God did it" which is a fallacy.

Then, God created simple, one celled beings.

Chemistry answers this question with abiogenesis. We've even been able to replicate most of the process in the lab using less then what the Earth even had to work with. In fact the process is so simple and uses materials so readily available it surprising we haven't found basic life elsewhere in the universe yet.

Then, nature took charge, and evolving those 1 celled organisms.

I'm glad to see you at least recognize evolution doesn't deal with the formation of life.

What evidence?

The evidence that shows God did what you claim he did.

We can't prove which side is right, because

Were you alive when the big bang happened?

Were you with God when he created the world?

No and neither were you, so you can't claim god did what your claiming he did unless you can provide evidence showing god did it.
888 posts

well you've got some pretty horrible grammar but other then That. Jesus performed miracles and is the only one that has ever in the history of this world had the power to perform miracles because he was a living god.

888 posts

You have yet to prove to me that God exists.

It is not possible to prove god exists. You just have to feel that he exists.

879 posts

We can't prove which side is right, because

Were you alive when the big bang happened?

Were you with God when he created the world?

Before saying "Were you with God when he created the world?" you have to proof that God exists or at least give some good reasons why his existence is probable.
Oh, and were you alive when Napoleon lived? Not? How do you know that he really existed? How do you know that he was actually born and not a cyborg?

well you've got some pretty horrible grammar but other then That. Jesus performed miracles and is the only one that has ever in the history of this world had the power to perform miracles because he was a living god.

Oh yeah, Jebus. There's no unbiased proof that he did those miracles. There isn't even unbiased proof that he existed at all.

It is not possible to prove god exists.

So why should I believe in God?
You just have to feel that he exists.

Which God? Thor, Zeus, Vishnu?
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