So the worlds biggest problem is someone saving another persons life? Or is the worlds biggest problem people giving money charity? Nono, it must be charities who actively help those in need?
The worlds biggest problem is money. Ever since money the world is getting worse and worse. Like in 400 bc. Those "caveman" didn't create a gigantic nuclear power plant or dig up all of the coal so we keep ourself warm for a day.
So the worlds biggest problem is someone saving another persons life? Or is the worlds biggest problem people giving money charity? Nono, it must be charities who actively help those in need?
hehe well ive been thinking about that befor. i came to the point that i could blame medical care for the problems in the world. because medical care made it possible that we live so long these days. people that wold have died befor can now be saved whit medical care. (playing whit nature to not let some1 die ... i wonder if christians wold stop going to the docter if they believed such thing =P ) so better medical care made the amount of people grow. wich are giving problems now
From a philosophical point of view..and a little common sense the worlds biggest problem is existence - everything strives to maintain it and yet to a certain point fails in the end.
I'd personally say the biggest problem is socialist freeloaders, I personally think a man should have to earn the money for food, instead of getting the "rich" people's tax money through welfare.
The world has no problems. Everyone does something for the benefits of others, whether they realise it or not :/ Of course, there are ALTERNATIVES to the methods used, of course. examples: The holocaust-Holocaust=creating a problem for Jews and humanitarian societies in general. Benefiting the Nazi party by helping to spread their beliefs...or something. Anyway, most people are referring to aspects of human beings, which are all in some ways beneficial to human beings themselves. (Greed/ambition is good for survival. Survival of the fittest?) Ok, end of rant.