be careful now. if I remember right, we americans give your country millions trying to stop terrorism, while at the same time, you didn't know that bin laden was practically next to your equivalent of westpoint.
be careful now. if I remember right, we americans give your country millions trying to stop terrorism, while at the same time, you didn't know that bin laden was practically next to your equivalent of westpoint.
I don't want to start a political discussion. But are you really thinking, that the american government did this only to stop terrorism?
I don't want to start a political discussion. But are you really thinking, that the american government did this only to stop terrorism?
it was one of the reasons we gave it to them, we gave it so they could boost their military power, and be able to ally with us when we asked. and because bin laden was "hiding under their nose" the goverment is now contemplating if pakistan is giving some of the money we gave them to the very people we oppose. so in other words, I as an american see no reason why pakistan should receive any more funding just because they ask.
The world biggest problem is Sarah Palin, Justin Bieber and p*rn!
wow there with the last one
I as an american see no reason why pakistan should receive any more funding just because they ask.
And I don't see why China should give money to America, when they spend all their money on Wall Street or military, or should I say that so called "War on terror" or War on drugs".