ForumsWEPRAren't we better than this?

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123 posts

I have done this type of thread on other gaming sites, but none of them wanted to take a stance on this issue. Let me try it here, where civilized people are.

Moderators: If I missed something in the rules (I read them 5 times) please lock this thread.

I can't make it any clearer. Most people think I am insulting others, but I am not trying to.

TROLLS, SPAMMERS, LEAVE THIS THREAD ALONE! You got my thread LOCKED on other sites! Please refrain from flaming me or other people!

Now for the actual discussion.

We see it every-so-often. Another person has been bullied so badly that he/she has committed suicide. What were they being bullied about? They were being told they were gay.<-I hope this isn't going to be starred out. Nothing wrong with that word.

Why are we so afraid of being gay? When you go back in time, you can easily see that we have been afraid of many different things.

1500's---We were afraid of Jews.

The beginning of black slavery in America-1970's-- That certain word was used on African Americans.

1950's---If you were called a communist, you had no future.

2000-present--- If you're gay, you're a target.

This isn't a new trend. But why do we demonize others?! Aren't we human beings? Aren't we smarter than this!?

Until we learn that we are all EQUAL, nothing will change. I would like to hope that we could start here.

No matter what religion or political stance you have, remember one VERY important rule: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

Please comment as to why you think we demonize people. Also, please give out ideas on how we can shut down people who hate others (examples above).


  • 119 Replies
123 posts

^ Sorry I could't post for a while.

Guys, try not to troll. Let's create a suicide discussion thread because we have such an interest in it.

As for the person who called my family member a coward for attempting to escape a "temporary illness," that illness is a life long sickness that causes severe pain in his hands. He's a software developer by the way!

(I'm glad that this thread has lasted this long! I'm very pleased that we can talk about this like more mature people.)

123 posts


I just saw the other thread about suicide! Don't create any new ones! (LOL, I'm a noob at posting here still!)

183 posts

I don't like gay people because there was a gay kid in my grade who was gay for me and he followed me everywhere I went, and he didn't realize I hated him and I also told him I hated him. Yet he continued to follow me.

I m dying for a ***, and yet look at yourself whining . Seriously if you want to honour yourself, hid the faults of the people within your reach.
3,139 posts

Guys, try not to troll. Let's create a suicide discussion thread because we have such an interest in it.

We weren't trolling, the debate just got a bit heavy, but a new thread was created.

I don't like gay people because there was a gay kid in my grade who was gay for me and he followed me everywhere I went, and he didn't realize I hated him and I also told him I hated him. Yet he continued to follow me.

Don't flatter yourself; we need people to be more tolerant of homosexuals for society to function correctly.
123 posts

We weren't trolling, the debate just got a bit heavy, but a new thread was created.

Sorry, I came from RuneScape where it's considered trolling for having an argument (moderators there shut down threads like that). I was referring to those who put down people without even really knowing about them.

I don't like gay people because there was a gay kid in my grade who was gay for me and he followed me everywhere I went, and he didn't realize I hated him and I also told him I hated him. Yet he continued to follow me.

Maybe he followed you around because everyone else around him hated him? A little sympathy goes a long way in life. Just because someone is gay, and they're of the same sex as you, doesn't mean that they want to date you! When I'm around female co-workers, do I want to date them? No! It's a professional relationship.

The same can be said of these type of relationships. A friendship is very different from being "in love" with each other. If he knew that you weren't gay, he just wanted to hang out with you. Just as friends, not as future partners.
3,139 posts

Sorry, I came from RuneScape where it's considered trolling for having an argument (moderators there shut down threads like that). I was referring to those who put down people without even really knowing about them.

I'm on runescape too, so i don't see how that's relevant.

We were having a debate, not an argument.
24 posts

Well people are afraid of change and anything less then their/our standards is unacceptable,and if something is different from their standards of life is instantly incorrect to them and dislike them for not following the route everyone else takes. And they get worried that what they think is incorrect will become tolerated in today's society and loathe the people who take that different route verbally or physically to show others their opinions on the subject and try and force their own way of life on others (usually children of their own) and then that's usually then their children's perspective on the subject and the cycle will continue unless someone does something. But this is just my opinion though on the subject of why people are unable to understand we are all equal and act horrible to each others.

123 posts

I seemed to be on the "bad guy" list on RuneScape. Locked threads practically every time I posted with concerns. *shrugs*

Anyway, I love debates (technically, the definition of an argument is to support your idea with facts to counter your opponents ideas). A fight is where you insult each other. (Yes, I just love being politically correct )

Well people are afraid of change and anything less then their/our standards is unacceptable,and if something is different from their standards of life is instantly incorrect to them and dislike them for not following the route everyone else takes...

You hit the nail on the head. Though I also believe that children watch to see what their parents hate or fear. It gets ingrained into their minds.

I heard a quote once (I can't remember where) that said "fear feeds on itself." I think that the quote has truth to it. Fear goes back to our primal roots. Heck, all animals have fear! It's our natural instinct to fear.

Again, you hit the nail on the head with your post!
5,340 posts

yes, most people hate because of what they learned from their parents. for example, i cant really blame any nazi child who hated jews. he is a child and all he wants is to play. im sure that growing with different paresnt he wouldnt care who jews are. i guess thats where hatred usually come from.

the second place is probably thinking something of a whole group while only one person did that.

but people can overcome those 2. the second one is actually pretty easy when you understand that every singal human has his own personality.

the first one is harder and only deep people can really make it. while you grow up you have to understand that your parents arent the heroes you thought they are when you were a child. they are just 2 random people with an opinion. so you have to go and try to understand the world on your own. its difficult because if you do that you might face the fact that eveything you were taught was a lie or wrong. that is why most people keep hating or thinking something even when they get many proves that its wrong.

experience and knowlegde are 2 of the few things that no one can take from you. but if you do the above then you might lose it. and i know and can surely say that it is very frightening to lose those things.

1,482 posts

yes, most people hate because of what they learned from their parents.

I'd say it has more to do with one's outside environment.
Lots of people I know never had to had a discussion/find out what their parents thought about gays, whether they support them or not.
Your example of one nazi child with different parents would work, because at the time, this hatred was taught [possibly the house], but much more at schools, and shown in the outside world by actions.
It is never just your parents. I mean, look at the US, monstrous divorce rates and teen pregnancies, etc, etc, it's not as if parents are the only controlling factors in people's lives because only deep people can free themselves of their parents thoughts.
5,340 posts

yeys youu are completely right and ii shouldve maantioneed it. still, i related espacaially to parernts becauase for a cchild, its a fact that his parentts are always right. (sorry for typing like this. bad keyboard)

187 posts

It really comes down to our basic instinct of survival. For the first humans, if you could bully/steal food from someone else, you lived longer. That thought pattern has changed over time depending on the technological advancements and rise of society.

In the medieval times, by reducing africans to less than human, you got free labour and could do whatever you wanted to them (screwing with their societies was popular back then).

Nowadays it's just a way to be "better" than someone else. If you do use that reason, then your not better than the name you called that person. Unfortunately, these names/ideas are now so deeply embedded in our societies that it is very hard too stop the usage of these words/ideas.

150 posts

At the same time pushing world tolerance.

608 posts

People decide who they want to be and we should respect that.

There will always be people who don't care about others or respect them. We just have to learn to ignore them.
2,487 posts

There will always be people who don't care about others or respect them. We just have to learn to ignore them.

these people are very hard to ignore, mainly because they go to such great lengths to heard and acknowledged.

mankind will always discriminate. when we are done with sexuality, we will discriminate something else as if it was a total threat to the worlds infrastructure. who knows, if we make contact with life on other planets, we will discriminate them because they are different.

same situation as the native americans to the europeans, or todays homosexuality aspects to republicans.
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