ForumsThe TavernTop 5 things young teens have completely wrong, (A Rant)

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I have noticed that teen culture has changed a lot since I was 13, and teens these days are so different, and it makes me die a little inside that they are so coddled and sheltered these days. It's actually quite sickening. The things people push on teens today is ridiculous and stupid. Here's the top five things I have found completely wrong with teen culture today.

#5: Vampires don't sparkle: I'm sure you all have heard of that horrible, horrible waste of money and bad talent known as 'twilight.' Not only did they make just about the WORST movie in history, they also completely destroyed the lore of the vampire. Teens these days now don't understand what a true vampire is. Vampires don't sparkle, vampires don't fall in love with humans, vampires don't talk about their feelings. Vampires are blood- sucking demons of the night who pray on humans for their blood. THAT'S IT! They don't sparkle in sunlight, THEY DIE! They don't talk about their feelings, they don't have feelings. Vampires don't fall in love with ugly women, either. They take the hottest chick in the village, and bite her to make her the vampire's bride for the sole purpose of producing little vampire babies. They also live in Transylvania, not WASHINGTON.

#4: The idiocy of cartoons is astounding: Cartoons these days have to be done by people who get paid in meth, because there's no other explanation for the absolute crap they put on TV these days. Growing up, I watched Tom and Jerry, the Looney Toons, those good cartoons that actually had a plot and actually were funny. the crap on today is absolutely horrible.

#3: The true value of a dollar: Kids these days don't understand what it is to have money, the green blood that makes the world spin. When I was a kid, I had to scrub the house SPOTLESS so I could make $1.75 so I then could sprint to the already passing ice- cream truck, in my bleach- stained shirt to get a ninja turtles ice cream bar. Now, kids just DEMAND it! They do absolutely NOTHING! I work 34 hours a week to make a wage where I STILL can't move out of my house, I can barely afford my car, and I never have enough money to go to walmart and buy a pair of pants, FOR WORK! What are these kids going to do when the mommy and daddy honeyhole runs out? have a temper tantrum and cry about it?

#2 Just because you have an autotune doesn't mean you have talent: The music teens listen to is TERRIBLE! Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus? Give me a break! they use so many auto tunes and voice effects that talent is completely useless! As long as they are good looking, they put em on stage and auto tune the hell out of them. The first band I listened to was the Beatles, there is true talent. The kids these days have absolutely NONE! It's like the record company went out and said "who is the most marketable idiot out there?" BOOM! Justin Biever. (I hereby REFUSE to correctly spell his name. he doesn't deserve it.) Biever has no talent. Biever is a total ******.

And the #1 thing teens have completely wrong is......

...wait for it....

DA- DA! The #1 thing kids have completely wrong is the meaning behind school: Seriously. Is is so imposed on kids that the meaning of school is to be the most popular person ever and have the most boyfriends/girlfriends they can. IT'S NOT! The purpose of school is to educate you so you don't suck at life! Half the crap they teach you, you'll probably never use, but they are also teaching you other things by the head fake (thank you Randy Pausch!). Yeah, you may never need to know that ridiculous math equation, but you're learning problem solving, critical thinking, and how to take something, and apply it universally. There is a point to learning this, and the point is so you don't fail at life.

Overall, my hopes for the generation under me are completely gone. I have no hope in any of these kids, and they're all going to be failures at life.
Rant over.

  • 96 Replies
3 posts

For 3, I dont get money, i have to work for it....

819 posts

#5 Sparkely... Absolutely not the way I ever want to visualize vampires because then my eyes will burn out of sockets. I sat through the first eight letters of Twilight and never touched the **** thing again. May it burn as the author is crucified. I completely agree to this one.

#4 I can't watch cartoons anymore. When I was younger maybe but not now. Though I suppose the cartoons aren't all made for teens, but for an even younger generation perhaps?

#3 I am fourteen and trying to get my first job at the end of the month when I am fifteen, and I have always been taught the value of a dollar since I was around ten or so. Anyway your absolutely right about most teens not know the true value of the dollar.

#2 I agree with this entirely. Well unless your including P!nk because I do like her music. Though basically all auto tune users have no talent.

#1 I make straight A's and haven't had a girlfriend that goes to my school since seventh grade. Though that is true true for the most part. I have seen several kids that just cheat and text whoever they're going to screw later that night.

One thing I don't like about this generation (this applies to girls in particular) is that they try and grow up way too quickly. True, this has always been the case, but it's far more severe than I've ever seen it. Why would a 12-year-old girl need to wear hoop earrings, make-up, a somewhat revealing strapped shirt and booty shorts? What do they expect is going to happen to them if they dress like that?

I can not stand girls like this. Not only do their looks bother me so does their attitude towards anyone who doesn't look like a **** or ******.
3,139 posts

#5 THEY DON'T SPARKLE? You have ruined my life. Edward sparkles, and i WILL marry him;

Real #5. What ever happened to the graphic novels showing vampires ripping someones throat out? The movies like Queen of the ****ed where we could try understand their blood thirst in real way. Sparkles? Pft.

#4 You can never beat classic cartoons, and kids these days who rant and rave about the HD graphics are making cartoons better are wrong. It never mattered that the graphics were horrible, the lines were funnier, the story line was a lot better and more was acceptable.

#3. I agree and disagree. The value of money is very important but times have changed and inflation has hit. Sure when we were young we'd do chores to afford sweets or save up and go to the cinema (Which was a huge deal when you paid for yourself). But now technology is here and most parents want to buy their kids cell phones for their safety which is understandable. But with cell phones being a much bigger market, people want the better phones to show off with.

#2. I am missus JB. No i'm totally joking, because i'm team edward and Justin Biebers initials are like Jacob Blacks and Edward would disown me.

Real #2. Even back in our day autotune ruled celebrity status - Britney spears?

#1 I hate seeing kids who say school is unimportant - it is highly important, but as the above post states, balance is key. School isn't solely our future but it helps us have a better one. A lot of people who left my school without exams are on government money and doing nothing. I'd prefer to have my University to pass time with and learn new things if nothing else.

3,139 posts

ut as the above post states, balance is key

Sorry to double post, but i meant @loloynage2s comment :]
5,642 posts

OOoooogh. I can't help but feel you're at least partially wrong in a lot of these complaints.

#5. That whole movement began with the anne rice or something novels. For most of history vampires were still seen as a type of sex symbol. They were meant to symbolize **** and sadism while the woman is considered the masochist (sexist in that matter, isn't it?). The idea that vampires are nothing but compelte monsters is only seen in a few different movies, and even then those vampires are just of a certain genre. I personally like the vampires from the World of Darkness lore, for the fact that they pay attention to both the old and the nu-age vampires while making them all likeable and interesting.

#4. I'll agree that cartoons are much worse nowadays. To me adventure time and regular show- shows that everyone loves to death- are pure eyecandy and really have no character development or plot. However, I don't think that Tom & Jerry OR the Loony Toons had any form of coherent plot. They have about as much plot as a williams street cartoon. They were nice and they had good old fashioned slapstick comedy, but they weren't masterpieces like samurai jack or any show with actual character development.

#3. It's not that we don't know the value of a dollar. It's that your generation realized that treating kids as free slave labor isn't exactly the most healthy thing for a psyche. As with any abuse or mistreatment, it makes you cold and it makes you bitter. Just as bitter as my drunken father made me way back when. Frankly I just feel sad for you that you were cleaning the entire house just to get a **** ice cream bar. If I was you I'd have acted out and demanded my right as a human to be given enough money for at least THREE ice cream bars after a day of such rigorous work. Maids are paid much more for less work. And they're probably an immigrant.

#2. Beatles aren't that great. Sure it's easy singing but a lot of their music just seems liek ad roning noise and lacks a helluva lot of melody. I prefer System of a Down, Voltaire, Apocaliptica, Black Sabbath, Rise Against, a bunch of indie techno artists, and... you know, people who actually know how to use melody.

#1. Hahah, what do you think we are, stuck in the **** 80s? Ever since middle school the school system literally bashes it into your head that you have to think about your future in college right f*cking now if you don't want to shovel dirt for a living. Sure, during elementary and the early part of middleschool kids don't really give a ****, but that's because they usually don't get held back if they don't give a ****, as long as their cognitive abilities are good enough they won't be held back. They're learning to do what humans do, which is to get by, and it's the parent's fault for not making them want to aspire beyond getting by.

4,104 posts

Vampires don't sparkle

If they existed they would.

The idiocy of cartoons is astounding

I can mostly agree with this.

The true value of a dollar

Every person i know past the age of 12 has gotten a job to make money.

Just because you have an autotune doesn't mean you have talent

A large majority hates those artists and complain about their inability to sing.

thing kids have completely wrong is the meaning behind school

They start caring about popularity in 5th grade, and begin to care about school in 8th, and completely care about school in 10th. Nobody thinks is for friends, some kids just treat it that way. In my middle school, some of the most popular kids were the kids in the honor classes.
15,595 posts

The music teens listen to is TERRIBLE!

Implying the music you listen to is better, it's opinion based.
As long as they are good looking, they put em on stage and auto tune the hell out of them.

You should search up on YouTube them playing instruments and even singing without auto-tune. They are pretty talented without it, but with auto-tune it makes the sound better to the general populous. Also, you're implying all music that has auto-tune is bad.
I listen to awesome music. Good rock and metal, like Rush, Metallica, Deep Purple, Styx, and Slayer. Actual, talented music.

Implying the music you listen to is the best kind of music.

Meh. I don't particularly like pop music or the songs by those two people Pyro named, but I can understand they're talented in some ways. I can also see that the music I listen to isn't the best, and I shouldn't state it as such because I'm not arrogant.

Just wanted to post that because many people enjoy jumping on the bandwagon of agreeing without proper knowledge of things.

Oh, and I generally agree with the things Thoad said. I was on the first page typing out things, but then I came to page three to see Thoad posted things similar to what I typed out.
3,085 posts

Welcome to old age, Pyro, you'll soon be telling them young 'uns to git off yer lawn. The evolution of culture that occurs with each generation is always frowned upon by the previous generations.

296 posts

One thing I don't like about this generation (this applies to girls in particular) is that they try and grow up way too quickly. True, this has always been the case, but it's far more severe than I've ever seen it. Why would a 12-year-old girl need to wear hoop earrings, make-up, a somewhat revealing strapped shirt and booty shorts? What do they expect is going to happen to them if they dress like that?

First off there were some 12 year-old girls in my class who just made their hair look nice and wore some nice clothes. Not all of them dress like complete dumbbutts (didn't feel like bleeping it out) but some do but it they hardly dress like freak-shows trying so hard to get a guy they look like a dumbbutt. That is all.
3,139 posts

One thing I don't like about this generation (this applies to girls in particular) is that they try and grow up way too quickly. True, this has always been the case, but it's far more severe than I've ever seen it. Why would a 12-year-old girl need to wear hoop earrings, make-up, a somewhat revealing strapped shirt and booty shorts? What do they expect is going to happen to them if they dress like that?

I think those girls are very much a minority.
9,438 posts

I most certainly agree with #4. Go watch Animaniacs on youtube and compare it to the useless shows of today. That show, which aired thru the 90s, even had educational value (learn the presidents, US states and capitals, nations of the world). They don't make shows like that anymore.

6,800 posts

5. Aggree, though in my area, Twilight seems to have gone extinct.

4. Mostly Aggree, though there are a few exceptions. Spongebob, and Foster's Home. Shows are epic.

3. I didn't know this was a problem. I do work if I want money. Every fancy thing I currently own I bought: Xbox, video games, iPod. I don't get a lot of crap for Christmas, and even less for my birthday. I hated having to carry 50 lb bags of sand in the middle of summer, but it was worth the reward of the newest video game. Granted, I made minimum wage, but it was worth it. Plus, I've learned the value of hard work.

2. Totally aggree. Autotune doesn't sound natural. So how people listen to it, is beyond me. Its gotten even worse, in my opinion. First Autotune, now its just a total lack of substance. Selena Gomez's new hit 'Like a love song', just has her repeating the chorus for the last 2 minutes of the song. 'I love you like a love song baby'. What happened to talent?

1. I blame the welfare state. Why work hard if I can just get checks in the mail for sitting on my lazy ***? Then the Feds want to tax the rich. SO all it does is encourage laziness, and punish hard work. Of course, our education system is crap too; Teacher's Unions (You sit inside an air conditioned building all day. How bad is it?), Lazy Teachers, and the fact that the failing schools get the most funds. Its effed up.

You forgot sexual imagery thats rampant among my age group. Push up bras, wearing pants the show your briefs, etc. It seems like the majority of people in my highschool think they've failed if they don't get laid atleast once. I blame the over-sensualization of the media.

2,917 posts

Cartoons do suck these days. I only like the old Spongebob.
And as for Twilight, that's just girls. Hopefully.

And your generalizing about the music.

846 posts

I agree
Although I personally disagree with them all, meaning I don't believe vampires sparkle, I do agree with the fact that today's cartoons are pretty bad and I still watch the older cartoons whenever they are on sometimes, I mostly (mwhahaha) understand the volume of money, I hate today's mainstream Autotuned music, although I do like Dubstep. I prefer bands like The Eagles, Journey, AC/DC, etc, and people really don't understand the value of education anymore, it really annoys me.

2,157 posts

Well. Some of it I find harsh, others I can agree with.

5. Meh. I never liked vampire crap anyway. However, Twilight is pooping with it waaaaay to much.

4. Yeah, just look at Cartoon Network nowadays. Their latest shows are "Half-Naked Animals" and some other utterly stupid show.

3. I use the money I get from birthdays, etc. to do stuff that requires money. I don't use it crazily and don't beg for it from my parents. In fact, I'll argue with my parents on occasion when they try to give me money to do something with a friend.

2. YESS! Thank you for saying so! All of this auto tune crap needs to be done away with. The saddest thing is the willingness of not only teens, but young adults to accept it! My friends blast it loudly and it almost kills me to hear it. You know, with a little practice, I can talk fast. You think I could be a millionaire? :P

1. Again, thank you! Everyone is obsessed with "getting girls" and crap like that. They do it just for bragging rights, and I've seen people really down because of all this. I go to school to learn, I love learning. It saddens me that everyone else views it as a popularity arena.

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