ForumsThe TavernTop 5 things young teens have completely wrong, (A Rant)

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I have noticed that teen culture has changed a lot since I was 13, and teens these days are so different, and it makes me die a little inside that they are so coddled and sheltered these days. It's actually quite sickening. The things people push on teens today is ridiculous and stupid. Here's the top five things I have found completely wrong with teen culture today.

#5: Vampires don't sparkle: I'm sure you all have heard of that horrible, horrible waste of money and bad talent known as 'twilight.' Not only did they make just about the WORST movie in history, they also completely destroyed the lore of the vampire. Teens these days now don't understand what a true vampire is. Vampires don't sparkle, vampires don't fall in love with humans, vampires don't talk about their feelings. Vampires are blood- sucking demons of the night who pray on humans for their blood. THAT'S IT! They don't sparkle in sunlight, THEY DIE! They don't talk about their feelings, they don't have feelings. Vampires don't fall in love with ugly women, either. They take the hottest chick in the village, and bite her to make her the vampire's bride for the sole purpose of producing little vampire babies. They also live in Transylvania, not WASHINGTON.

#4: The idiocy of cartoons is astounding: Cartoons these days have to be done by people who get paid in meth, because there's no other explanation for the absolute crap they put on TV these days. Growing up, I watched Tom and Jerry, the Looney Toons, those good cartoons that actually had a plot and actually were funny. the crap on today is absolutely horrible.

#3: The true value of a dollar: Kids these days don't understand what it is to have money, the green blood that makes the world spin. When I was a kid, I had to scrub the house SPOTLESS so I could make $1.75 so I then could sprint to the already passing ice- cream truck, in my bleach- stained shirt to get a ninja turtles ice cream bar. Now, kids just DEMAND it! They do absolutely NOTHING! I work 34 hours a week to make a wage where I STILL can't move out of my house, I can barely afford my car, and I never have enough money to go to walmart and buy a pair of pants, FOR WORK! What are these kids going to do when the mommy and daddy honeyhole runs out? have a temper tantrum and cry about it?

#2 Just because you have an autotune doesn't mean you have talent: The music teens listen to is TERRIBLE! Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus? Give me a break! they use so many auto tunes and voice effects that talent is completely useless! As long as they are good looking, they put em on stage and auto tune the hell out of them. The first band I listened to was the Beatles, there is true talent. The kids these days have absolutely NONE! It's like the record company went out and said "who is the most marketable idiot out there?" BOOM! Justin Biever. (I hereby REFUSE to correctly spell his name. he doesn't deserve it.) Biever has no talent. Biever is a total ******.

And the #1 thing teens have completely wrong is......

...wait for it....

DA- DA! The #1 thing kids have completely wrong is the meaning behind school: Seriously. Is is so imposed on kids that the meaning of school is to be the most popular person ever and have the most boyfriends/girlfriends they can. IT'S NOT! The purpose of school is to educate you so you don't suck at life! Half the crap they teach you, you'll probably never use, but they are also teaching you other things by the head fake (thank you Randy Pausch!). Yeah, you may never need to know that ridiculous math equation, but you're learning problem solving, critical thinking, and how to take something, and apply it universally. There is a point to learning this, and the point is so you don't fail at life.

Overall, my hopes for the generation under me are completely gone. I have no hope in any of these kids, and they're all going to be failures at life.
Rant over.

  • 96 Replies
2,487 posts

4: most suck now, but I still love me some loney toons.
3:I take great offense to that, but you are right on most teens. I am working to save money to buy my car, I earn all of my money from my job. I used to be much worse, but working at a safeway has given me the start of a work-ethic system.
2:Agreed, which is why I am listening to metal bands with no need for autotune.
1:I really hate you for saying that. you are right in the fact that we teens don't like school much (I'm fine with school myself, I don't socialize much), but some of us still know what is really important about education.

bottom line: you have many points, but not all teens are like this. some you should still have hope for, but you seem to think if one teen is this way, then all are like that. you only looked at those annoying mainstream kids who curse a lot, listen to terrible music, bleed money from their parents, etc. how dare you compare teens like me to those types of fools.

15,595 posts

All of this auto tune crap needs to be done away with.

Why? Just because a few people can't simply ignore it? Also, there are people that like auto-tune because it sounds better to them. It's like saying all heavy metal needs to be done away because I and people I know don't like it. It's not going to happen, and if we don't like certain music, we ignore.
You think I could be a millionaire?

If you have talent and land a record deal, sure. But if you can't sing well and aren't recognized, nope.
Everyone is obsessed with "getting girls" and crap like that.

They do it just for bragging rights


I go to school to learn and socialize, I'm not going to be a robot in school and just use it for learning. I'm going to socialize with people because that's how you're going to make many friends. If I get with someone, I don't do it for "bragging rights". I get with them because I like them.
2,911 posts

5: I don't think you've had a legit conversation with an average teenage boy about vampires in the last 2 or so years. That's just my take on it if you think that.

4: Times change, deal with it. Sure I love to watch shows like Adventure Time and Regular Show, but in my entire group of friends, we still enjoy Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry more.

3: I'm trying to get a job because I'm never paid for the chores I do around the house. I 'm alos being told I'm going to probably have to pay for my own car because me and my older sister are only 15 months apart in age. So until I get a job, I'm going to be making monthly payments for a car with birthday money and christmas money. I don't think I've ever asked (let alone demanded) for money from my parents if I'm able to pay for it myself, if I can't, I nicely ask. And if I don't get the money, it gives me something to save up for.

2: Again, you probably haven't talked to an average teenager recently. I know tons of people at my school and other schools that don't listen to the mainstream music of today, including me and my circle of friends. But music is a choice, people won't listen to music simply because it takes talent, it might not be their preference. They might be able to appreciate it, but that doesn't mean they'll be buying it/downloading it. People listen to the type of music they listen to because they like it. I listen to about all sub generes of metal because I like it. I'm not a big fan of jazz, but I'm able to appreciate the talent that goes into making jazz. My firend, on the other hand, listens to bands like Cage the Elephant and Arctic Monkeys. Sure he likes the power metal I'll show him every now and then when I find a new power metal band, but he doesn't like death metal. He's able to appreciate it, but he's definitely not going to be buying/downloading it anytime soon.

1: At my school, we call people who think like that d***** bags. I think that explains that last one.

1,287 posts

I agree with you.A lot of teenagers are spoiled brats.

#5.Yes the girls have turned vampires into something it shouldn't be.

#4.I watched those same cartoons as a kid.Along with all the stuff from Nick.Now I watch the Simpsons and sports.

#3.Yes,teens do beg for money and get it which spoils them.There's times when I'm making sure my parents don't spend to much money on me.Even when I was a kid!

#2.Right now some of the singers are absolutely terrible.There are some good ones like the Black Eyed Peas and Eminem,but I still listen to the Beatles.Led Zeppelin is good,KISS,Guns N' Roses,Deep Purple,Aerosmith,there all great.

#1.That is the most true thing I have ever read.My school is over their heads with popularity,While me,I get straight A's and don't care about my popularity.I have friends,but I still keep up the grades.My school is the best in my district and 'm happy because of that.I know someday I will be the boss of those kids that were popular.They won't be the best for ever.

There might be some stuff I think your wrong about,but I think your mostly right pyro.

3,152 posts

5. Vampires are not loving, caring, kind... They are non existent, they bite peoples necks, they live in coffins in the basements of castles, they die in sunlight. (Bravo on your amazing description)

4. I don't care for TV (In whole, not just cartoons) as much as i did 6-7 years ago. Good shows never come on, its all unrealistic. Not a bit of reality left.

3. I never ask my parents for money (except if i need clothes or something). They said i will have to work to get money from people in the future and they said i should start now. Learning the value of a dollar is one of life's most important lessons. I have learned that working hard to make money is one of the best things in the world.

2. Music? HA! I prefer the oldies, like the beach boys, the Beatles, Louie Armstrong.... The stuff now days is all about sex and love and drugs.... There is no feeling left in today's music.

1. Education is very important. Other kids do not understand what the value a High School Diploma. Education is the only way you will become a success in life. You can never accomplish anything in life without a good, solid, education.

15,595 posts

The stuff now days is all about sex and love and drugs.

Er.... that's how most old rock and roll is. Like the 70s-90s.
High School Diploma. Education is the only way you will become a success in life.

No it's not. People have found other ways to become successful in life without doing illegal activities.
You can never accomplish anything in life without a good, solid, education.

Yes you can.
858 posts

#5 Twilight sucks. I agree.
#4 I don't like TV much. I really only watch science shows.
#3 I never ask for money, but then, I really don't need it right now.
#2 Music today sucks. My iPod is full of stuff from when my parents were young. And 191 Monty Python sketches.
#1 i go to school to learn and socialize. The whole "I have a girlfriend, I'm so much better than you" thing is stupid, and luckily no one at my school does that.

349 posts

I hate the popular kids in school because I'm athletic and they keep begging to join them when I hate them with a passion.

15,595 posts

Why do you hate them, Brave?

296 posts

#1.That is the most true thing I have ever read.My school is over their heads with popularity,While me,I get straight A's and don't care about my popularity.I have friends,but I still keep up the grades.My school is the best in my district and 'm happy because of that.I know someday I will be the boss of those kids that were popular.They won't be the best for ever.

I get honor role ever quarter that's my goal and if I get straight A's I did really good (I pushed myself last school year because if you got straight A's you'd get a free breakfast from Tim Horton's (I know nasty, DD all the way) but I still did, I did my school work). All that hard work paid off though because I got Advanced in both OAA (the big state test) tests. But I'm popular so you can be smart and be popular at the same time (but most popular kids are dumbutts who sit at school and talk when the teacher is talking and they don't do they're homework because they are "busy&quot. I popular and smart, I'm trying not to be as popular and stay under the bus, but I'll still be up-to-date with everything.

So tis' possible to be smart and popular, you don't have to be one, to be another (yea everyone forgets homework some point in time but that's ok as long as you do it and don't do it any more).

(I wish they had preview on these forums)
523 posts

#5: When I picture vampires I picture it looking like Dracula, you know, short hair and a cape. But most teens(mainly girls) think of some guy with short emo hair, sharp teeth, and a chiseled body. Makes me wanna puke.

#4: I agree, a lot of cartoons these days arn't even funny. Some even say things like "Lol" or "Noob". Like why!? That's for the internet, not for tv. But some shows are actually decent, like Regular Show and The Garfield Show.

#3:I know some people who are so greedy. Like they beg for money to buy some shoes that look cool. Like Jordans or some other new shoe. I just get whatever I can find that fits really.

#2:I know right! I mean, some of the music these days are kinda decent. But not from big stars like Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus. But it's from everyday people on the internet (Not Rebecca Black) but mainly people from Newgrounds or so. Anyway, 2000's isn't really the time for music. It was the mainly the 1980's where the music was great. People had no autotune really or anything and just had pure talent.

#1:That is like the worst problem at my school, like the most popular person is also causes the most trouble and has the worst grades. Like one guy I know in my science class is a football player, popular, and has a lot of friends. But guess this, he's in freaking special ed, and he can't read at all really. Now I find that quite hilarious. Me and some guy I sit close to like to make fun of him, but not because he's in special ed, we're not like that, well at least I'm not, not very sure about him. But the reason is because he makes fun of us because we're sort of outcasts. He probably does that to make him feel better about him self. But not all popular people are bad at school, some are very smart and make all A's, and is in all honors. But that mainly is the nice kind of popular people, not the jerks that think they're better than everyone and pick on the less popular.

3,415 posts

There are some good ones like the Black Eyed Peas and Eminem.

Sorry, but I facepalm'd. It's still relatively okay if you like Eminem, I can understand that, some people like that genre, but black eyed peas? Seriously?

It was the mainly the 1980's where the music was great. People had no autotune really or anything and just had pure talent.

What about the 70s? And the 60s? They were both excellent times for music.

Oh, and I think I can add a thing to the list:

#6: Like, stop like saying like like all the like time, it's like so annoying and like stuff.


I understand you got it from talking with other people that say "like" all the time, and I am okay with saying "like" all the time when talking to friends; but when- for example- talking to a teacher, reading an essay, or presenting a huge project... Please stop saying "like" a million times in every sentence you speak...

^ I know I may get a lot of rage posts here saying it's just their normal way of saying things, and nobody cares when they say it... But it's just my personal opinion...
8,051 posts

#5, I see no hype about Twilight anymore, why not keep hating on N-Sync while you're at it.

#4, They went child-friendly and main-character-win. I grew up when they were pushing the limits with things like Ren and Stimpy.
Johnny Test is the exact opposite of Dexter's Lab.

#3, In one of my uncle's family's, everyone has a 32gb newest generation iPod or iPhone. That's one for dad, mom, 11 year old, 8 year old, and 4 year old. It isn't really the kid's fault, it's parenting.

#2, I dislike people's music choices if they're all those newer ones with autotune, and the ones that are all just classics as if you're showing off. 'Yeah, man.. I like Queen.. Led Zepplin.. Pink Floyd.. ACDC... You know..'

Try actually searching around for some interesting music like Primus or Atticus Ross's work.

#1, If you ever move from the Midwest to the South it'll seem like your ranting definition.

9,438 posts

#5, I see no hype about Twilight anymore, why not keep hating on N-Sync while you're at it.

They're releasing another one (Breaking Dawn) later this year. The hype's coming back.
9,438 posts

[and just so I don't get a bashing for knowing that, my sister's obsessed and I checked Wiki to be sure of what I was posting. I am most certainly not a fan.]

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