ForumsThe TavernTop 5 things young teens have completely wrong, (A Rant)

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I have noticed that teen culture has changed a lot since I was 13, and teens these days are so different, and it makes me die a little inside that they are so coddled and sheltered these days. It's actually quite sickening. The things people push on teens today is ridiculous and stupid. Here's the top five things I have found completely wrong with teen culture today.

#5: Vampires don't sparkle: I'm sure you all have heard of that horrible, horrible waste of money and bad talent known as 'twilight.' Not only did they make just about the WORST movie in history, they also completely destroyed the lore of the vampire. Teens these days now don't understand what a true vampire is. Vampires don't sparkle, vampires don't fall in love with humans, vampires don't talk about their feelings. Vampires are blood- sucking demons of the night who pray on humans for their blood. THAT'S IT! They don't sparkle in sunlight, THEY DIE! They don't talk about their feelings, they don't have feelings. Vampires don't fall in love with ugly women, either. They take the hottest chick in the village, and bite her to make her the vampire's bride for the sole purpose of producing little vampire babies. They also live in Transylvania, not WASHINGTON.

#4: The idiocy of cartoons is astounding: Cartoons these days have to be done by people who get paid in meth, because there's no other explanation for the absolute crap they put on TV these days. Growing up, I watched Tom and Jerry, the Looney Toons, those good cartoons that actually had a plot and actually were funny. the crap on today is absolutely horrible.

#3: The true value of a dollar: Kids these days don't understand what it is to have money, the green blood that makes the world spin. When I was a kid, I had to scrub the house SPOTLESS so I could make $1.75 so I then could sprint to the already passing ice- cream truck, in my bleach- stained shirt to get a ninja turtles ice cream bar. Now, kids just DEMAND it! They do absolutely NOTHING! I work 34 hours a week to make a wage where I STILL can't move out of my house, I can barely afford my car, and I never have enough money to go to walmart and buy a pair of pants, FOR WORK! What are these kids going to do when the mommy and daddy honeyhole runs out? have a temper tantrum and cry about it?

#2 Just because you have an autotune doesn't mean you have talent: The music teens listen to is TERRIBLE! Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus? Give me a break! they use so many auto tunes and voice effects that talent is completely useless! As long as they are good looking, they put em on stage and auto tune the hell out of them. The first band I listened to was the Beatles, there is true talent. The kids these days have absolutely NONE! It's like the record company went out and said "who is the most marketable idiot out there?" BOOM! Justin Biever. (I hereby REFUSE to correctly spell his name. he doesn't deserve it.) Biever has no talent. Biever is a total ******.

And the #1 thing teens have completely wrong is......

...wait for it....

DA- DA! The #1 thing kids have completely wrong is the meaning behind school: Seriously. Is is so imposed on kids that the meaning of school is to be the most popular person ever and have the most boyfriends/girlfriends they can. IT'S NOT! The purpose of school is to educate you so you don't suck at life! Half the crap they teach you, you'll probably never use, but they are also teaching you other things by the head fake (thank you Randy Pausch!). Yeah, you may never need to know that ridiculous math equation, but you're learning problem solving, critical thinking, and how to take something, and apply it universally. There is a point to learning this, and the point is so you don't fail at life.

Overall, my hopes for the generation under me are completely gone. I have no hope in any of these kids, and they're all going to be failures at life.
Rant over.

  • 96 Replies
2,917 posts

Anyone seen the Regular show? Tat is a #4 exception.

5,365 posts

They're releasing another one (Breaking Dawn) later this year. The hype's coming back.

Please tell me Bella or Edward dies. Either one would be fine. Both? Awesome.

Implying the music you listen to is the best kind of music.

I imply nothing. I fully believe that my music is better. Let's not bring this up again. Last time, I wanted to vomit.

I think those girls are very much a minority.

95% of them dress like that where I live. It must just be New England, then.

5. Aggree, though in my area, Twilight seems to have gone extinct.

Mav, can I live with you?

2. Totally aggree. Autotune doesn't sound natural. So how people listen to it, is beyond me. Its gotten even worse, in my opinion. First Autotune, now its just a total lack of substance. Selena Gomez's new hit 'Like a love song', just has her repeating the chorus for the last 2 minutes of the song. 'I love you like a love song baby'. What happened to talent?

Exactly! Almost all pop music is simply droning the same line.

2:Agreed, which is why I am listening to metal bands with no need for autotune.


Why? Just because a few people can't simply ignore it? Also, there are people that like auto-tune because it sounds better to them. It's like saying all heavy metal needs to be done away because I and people I know don't like it. It's not going to happen, and if we don't like certain music, we ignore.

You can't ignore it. It's everywhere. I can't turn on a radio without hearing it. It's on every channel. Only two or three times in my life have I heard something on a radio that I like. I don't think you'd like it if you heard two songs by your least favorite "artist" every day of your life.

#5.Yes the girls have turned vampires into something it shouldn't be.

Bram Stoker would have a heart attack. In fact, as I was watching Blade II a few weeks ago, I thought about walking up to my 14-year-old female cousin and saying, "Look, Marisa! These are what real vampires look like." Yeah, I do nothing but daydream...
15,595 posts

I fully believe that my music is better.

If you state it as fact, it's wrong, but in your opinion it's better. Last time you tried to state it as fact, which was annoying, you couldn't see where you were wrong.
Let's not bring this up again.

I show you where you are wrong because it seems like you think everything you think is fact, when it's not. Let me get this through clearly - Your opinion on music is not a fact for everyone.
You can't ignore it.

You can.
It's everywhere.

No it's not.
I can't turn on a radio without hearing it.

I can. I rarely hear Justin Bieber mentioned on the radio.
It's on every channel.

No it's not.
9,438 posts

Selena Gomez's new hit 'Like a love song', just has her repeating the chorus for the last 2 minutes of the song. 'I love you like a love song baby'. What happened to talent?

ROFL. The first time I heard that I was like, "Who's messing with the record, making it skip?!!?!"

Please tell me Bella or Edward dies. Either one would be fine. Both? Awesome.

Sadly no.
From Wiki on Breaking Dawn, the last part of the "Plot summary" section:

"Edward, Bella, and Renesmee [their baby] return to their home in peace."

Leaves potental for a sequel.

Also, there are people that like auto-tune because it sounds better to them.

Well of course it sounds better than if they sang it without. The 'artists' fail at singing, that's why they use it!
370 posts

#5. I can't stand it. They have completely destroyed the lore. Nothing irks me more.

#4. I do occasionally see reruns of the older stuff. I just can't stand most of these new cartoon but, Avatar: The Last Airbender is good along with a few others.

#3. Yep people complain all the time. Oh, my mom/dad wouldn't get me this or that. Everyone wanted to know if I was getting a car for my 16th Birthday (last year). I still don't know where their parents get all the money from. I would get a job and help out but I can't, I have to watch my younger siblings and only get about $10 a week. Then they tell me well they can get whatever they want. Good for them but, I have to work for it! It is okay though, I will be more prepared for life then they will be.

#2.Can't stand it. Don't like it. One of the reasons I only have five friends. People tell me the music I listen to is no good. (It is all before the '90s.) Well, at least these people had talent and didn't need auto-tune to make it big. The Beatles, The Steve Miller Band, The Eagle, The Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, Amon Amarth, the list goes on.

#1. Thank You! This is the other reason I only have five friends. If you do good in school, you are considered a nerd or geek. If you don't have more that 10 friends, a facebook account and twitter well, you are unpopular. My freshmen year of high school 12 people failed the Algebra I class I was in because they were worried if they did good their friends wouldn't like them anymore. I am unliked because people say I spend to much time in my studies, then they get mad when I get A's and they get D's. Also we were discussing the U.N. and it's creation in my World History class. Some one, and this is a serious question, raised their hand and asked if the U.N. still existed.

I have given up on anyone younger than myself and all of the people my age. I just... wow, it makes me wonder. I have found a few that give me hope but, it is not enough. If you are not popular in this world or pretty you can't really make it. We are to focused on popularity and image rather than what we need to be. We should be focused on the way forward, not how to make ourselves look better, but how to make ourselves a better person.

23,530 posts

"Edward, Bella, and Renesmee [their baby] return to their home in peace."

Leaves potental for a sequel.
Oh dear god, when will this abomination die, every movie/book is another stake in what was a real vampire 10 years from now nobody under the age of 20 is gonna know that vampires die in sunlight.
370 posts

"Edward, Bella, and Renesmee [their baby] return to their home in peace."
Leaves potental for a sequel.

Oh, No, please say it isn't so. *Huddles in corner* Why?

10 years from now nobody under the age of 20 is gonna know that vampires die in sunlight.

It's already starting. People my age think that that book has true lore in it. I tried talking some sense into them but... it didn't work. They looked at me and said "That's not true, everyone knows they sparkle." *Sigh* If only there was something I could do to stop this madness.
23,530 posts

You could build a time machine go back in time and kill the creator.

5,365 posts

If you state it as fact, it's wrong, but in your opinion it's better. Last time you tried to state it as fact, which was annoying, you couldn't see where you were wrong....I show you where you are wrong because it seems like you think everything you think is fact, when it's not. Let me get this through clearly - Your opinion on music is not a fact for everyone.

Yep, just what you said last time.

No it's not.

Yeah, it is.

You can.

No. Like above, I hear it every single day of my life.

I can. I rarely hear Justin Bieber mentioned on the radio.

What country do you live in? It sounds like a wonderful place.

No it's not.

I see something on t.v. about him every three days.

ROFL. The first time I heard that I was like, "Who's messing with the record, making it skip?!!?!"


"Edward, Bella, and Renesmee [their baby] return to their home in peace."

Leaves potental for a sequel.

1. Screw this, I'm Canadian now.
2. Who in their bloody right mind names a human being something like "Renesmee"? I'd rather be named Khepri. On second thought, I actually like that name...
3. Why can't we let it die?
4. From 1:25 to 1:55 is how I feel.

Oh dear god, when will this abomination die, every movie/book is another stake in what was a real vampire 10 years from now nobody under the age of 20 is gonna know that vampires die in sunlight.

Twilight is killing vampires like Harry Potter is killing magic.

Oh, No, please say it isn't so. *Huddles in corner* Why?

I'm scared too... Let's escape to Canada together!

I tried talking some sense into them but... it didn't work. They looked at me and said "That's not true, everyone knows they sparkle."

Ok. My American patriotism has officially been drained to 0%.

You could build a time machine go back in time and kill the creator.

Maybe we just need to watch more Star Trek to figure out how!
370 posts

You could build a time machine go back in time and kill the creator.

Hmm... this is good. I am only hoping for something more practical. I do not wish to wait any longer than I must. Also, planning murder so you don't get caught would be rather hard. It takes a lot to make sure you don't leave anything behind.
23,530 posts

1. Screw this, I'm Canadian now. I'm scared too... Let's escape to Canada together!
Well I do like the cold...
Twilight is killing vampires like Harry Potter is killing magic.
Thank you.
Ok. My American patriotism has officially been drained to 0%.
Hail (picks random country to try and escape these horrid abominations) Australia.
Maybe we just need to watch more Star Trek to figure out how!
I'll gets the discs you get the nerds.
Hmm... this is good. I am only hoping for something more practical. I do not wish to wait any longer than I must. Also, planning murder so you don't get caught would be rather hard. It takes a lot to make sure you don't leave anything behind.
I feel it is too deep rooted no to be removed using normal methods.
15,595 posts

Yeah, it is.

It isn't a fact because I know many people who don't even pay attention to him, therefore what you're saying isn't true. If you don't like him, it's easy to ignore him. If you see stuff about him, you must be watching MTV, or VH1. That's the only places I've seen him.
What country do you live in?


Well, you may see stuff about him all the time, but I don't. The last time I saw something about him on television was about a month ago, when they had MTV awards, I believe. I never see him on commercials or any of the stations I watch television on. I also haven't seen any billboards with him on them, nor have I seen advertisements on the Internet.
9,438 posts

I still don't know where their parents get all the money from.

Bank loans causing massive debt leading to our economy failing.

Well, at least these people had talent and didn't need auto-tune to make it big. The Beatles, The Steve Miller Band, The Eagle, The Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, Amon Amarth, the list goes on.

They tuned their own voices thru practice, not technology. That's why they were big. And awesome.
370 posts

I feel it is too deep rooted no to be removed using normal methods.

A time machine it is then!

Ok. My American patriotism has officially been drained to 0%.

That's what happened to me. To Norway! (Just because)

Maybe we just need to watch more Star Trek to figure out how!
[quote]I'll gets the discs you get the nerds.
I know a few nerds.
5,365 posts

Also, planning murder so you don't get caught would be rather hard. It takes a lot to make sure you don't leave anything behind.

I watch plenty of CSI (all three) and Criminal Minds. I could help you, no problem.

Well I do like the cold...

We can form our own isolated community!

I'll gets the discs you get the nerds.

Trekkie and grade A student right here.

If you see stuff about him, you must be watching MTV, or VH1.

I pretty much watch the news and Netflix.

They tuned their own voices thru practice, not technology.

Exactly. Once again, take Tom Araya. He was a respiratory therapist. That probably helped him a great deal.

That's what happened to me. To Norway! (Just because)

Good metal over there.
Showing 46-60 of 96