ForumsThe TavernTop 5 things young teens have completely wrong, (A Rant)

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I have noticed that teen culture has changed a lot since I was 13, and teens these days are so different, and it makes me die a little inside that they are so coddled and sheltered these days. It's actually quite sickening. The things people push on teens today is ridiculous and stupid. Here's the top five things I have found completely wrong with teen culture today.

#5: Vampires don't sparkle: I'm sure you all have heard of that horrible, horrible waste of money and bad talent known as 'twilight.' Not only did they make just about the WORST movie in history, they also completely destroyed the lore of the vampire. Teens these days now don't understand what a true vampire is. Vampires don't sparkle, vampires don't fall in love with humans, vampires don't talk about their feelings. Vampires are blood- sucking demons of the night who pray on humans for their blood. THAT'S IT! They don't sparkle in sunlight, THEY DIE! They don't talk about their feelings, they don't have feelings. Vampires don't fall in love with ugly women, either. They take the hottest chick in the village, and bite her to make her the vampire's bride for the sole purpose of producing little vampire babies. They also live in Transylvania, not WASHINGTON.

#4: The idiocy of cartoons is astounding: Cartoons these days have to be done by people who get paid in meth, because there's no other explanation for the absolute crap they put on TV these days. Growing up, I watched Tom and Jerry, the Looney Toons, those good cartoons that actually had a plot and actually were funny. the crap on today is absolutely horrible.

#3: The true value of a dollar: Kids these days don't understand what it is to have money, the green blood that makes the world spin. When I was a kid, I had to scrub the house SPOTLESS so I could make $1.75 so I then could sprint to the already passing ice- cream truck, in my bleach- stained shirt to get a ninja turtles ice cream bar. Now, kids just DEMAND it! They do absolutely NOTHING! I work 34 hours a week to make a wage where I STILL can't move out of my house, I can barely afford my car, and I never have enough money to go to walmart and buy a pair of pants, FOR WORK! What are these kids going to do when the mommy and daddy honeyhole runs out? have a temper tantrum and cry about it?

#2 Just because you have an autotune doesn't mean you have talent: The music teens listen to is TERRIBLE! Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus? Give me a break! they use so many auto tunes and voice effects that talent is completely useless! As long as they are good looking, they put em on stage and auto tune the hell out of them. The first band I listened to was the Beatles, there is true talent. The kids these days have absolutely NONE! It's like the record company went out and said "who is the most marketable idiot out there?" BOOM! Justin Biever. (I hereby REFUSE to correctly spell his name. he doesn't deserve it.) Biever has no talent. Biever is a total ******.

And the #1 thing teens have completely wrong is......

...wait for it....

DA- DA! The #1 thing kids have completely wrong is the meaning behind school: Seriously. Is is so imposed on kids that the meaning of school is to be the most popular person ever and have the most boyfriends/girlfriends they can. IT'S NOT! The purpose of school is to educate you so you don't suck at life! Half the crap they teach you, you'll probably never use, but they are also teaching you other things by the head fake (thank you Randy Pausch!). Yeah, you may never need to know that ridiculous math equation, but you're learning problem solving, critical thinking, and how to take something, and apply it universally. There is a point to learning this, and the point is so you don't fail at life.

Overall, my hopes for the generation under me are completely gone. I have no hope in any of these kids, and they're all going to be failures at life.
Rant over.

  • 96 Replies
23,530 posts

Good metal over there.
Exactly. Once again, take Tom Araya. He was a respiratory therapist. That probably helped him a great deal.
Yet again agreed.
I pretty much watch the news and Netflix.
Usa Network is about all I really watch on TV.
Trekkie and grade A student right here.
Otaku at your service.
We can form our own isolated community!
Agreed what shall we call ourselves.
15,595 posts

I pretty much watch the news and Netflix.

MTV and VH1 news? Local news? World news? He'll probably appear on the first and third, and maybe the second if he's in town or something. Perhaps you are his long lost brother!
4,689 posts

The fact that I agree with this makes me feel old. Better yell at some kids on my lawn.

1,930 posts

#5: I never had the time to get into the real vampire, Transylvania thing and the ting that sucks is that twilight totally doesn't make me interested in vampires at all anymore.

#4: I watched a lot of cartoons as a child and now I'm like, wow that stuff was soooo bad, the only good thing from my era is spongebob.

#3: The only times I get cash is my birthday, Christmas and sometimes Easter. I got paid like 25 bucks to watervac all the water out of my mom-moms basement and 50 to baby sit the neighbor's kids for 5 hours but that is pretty much all the income I have made this year.

#2 I was raised on the whole, Beatles and David Bowie so nowadays I came out liking stuff like Modern Rock, Grunge, Pop-Punk, Punk and other modern and 90s rock genres, so I'm pretty good on this.

#1 Your right, I don't like school, but I enjoy some classes, like science, social studies LA and band, also I'm not one of those popular kids, well at least not the ones that have 500 GFs, get with everyone, plays every sport(I make my &quotopularity" in the music world) and treats people that are not in their inner friend circle like crap. But your right no one except the "nerds" care and popularity is a bunch of BS.

26,677 posts

I just want to say....... well, your rant kind of said everything that I wanted to say. It seems the only good American culture we have left comes from Japan.......

464 posts

#5 I never saw that movie and I never intend to

#4 I loved lonny tunes and tom & Jerry but I mainly watch spongebob and The Simpsons ( only seasons 6-9 though)

#3 I understand the value of money but I never spend any. Right now in my wallet Theres 145$ in there that I havent spent in 2 years. I save it until theres something worth it.

#2 This one I agree mostly. I'll only listen to music that was before 1980 with the exception of Weird Al.

#1 School was perfect until the 6th grade that's where it hit rock bottom. 98% of all kids change from loving school to what your description says. It's those kids that suck the fun out of school.

511 posts

I am so agreeing with you. I know it sounds stupid but if I could have been sent back 60 years ago and live my life then I would be a way more happier kid. Not that I'm not happy now but more happy, you know.

I totally agree that the pop music people listen to know is stupid. I need oldies from the 50s-80s.

Also a little thing added. Cars looked way cooler back then. Now every car looks the same in my eyes.

Thanks for giving me the knowing that there are other people out there who think the same way as I do.

26,390 posts

#5: Keep in mind that not all teens like Twilight. At all.
#4: Did you just say that Tom and Jerry was a good series with an actual plot? Can anyone say "hypocrisy"? It's a show about a cat chasing down a mouse and trying to murder him, plus lots of violence. And it's a cartoon, it's meant to entertain children, it doesn't have to be Inception to do that. For the record, I watched Scooby Doo growing up. That was a pretty good show.
#3: To be fair, money was worth a lot more back in the day, and it makes sense that you'd have to work hard for $1.75 because the American dollar was worth much, much more back then. $1.75 would buy you a whole lot. And don't say that, because a lot of kids do work for their money. Some get allowances, sure, but I know plenty who babysit or have a paper route or something like that.
#2: My two favorite bands are Disturbed and Avenged Sevenfold. Nuff said.
#1: Yep. I know that, lots of other kids do too. The ones who don't care about school wouldn't care even if they knew what it was about.

I know this is a rant, but I wanted to correct you because I hate it when people generalize and stereotype like this.

511 posts

Other thing I think is totally stupid. I don't know if this happens in other places as well.

I know some people who have a paper route but get brought by their parents across the houses or the parents deliver them alone.

Then why have a paper route at all?!?
Just give your children the money right away.

529 posts

#5: Vampires don't sparkle: I'm sure you all have heard of

1 i hate Vampire movies

#4: The idiocy of cartoons is astounding: Cartoons these days have to be done by people who get paid in meth, because there's no other explanation for the absolute crap they put on TV these days. Growing up, I watched Tom and Jerry, the Looney Toons,

ok i agree cartoons today suck badly thats why I watch looney tunes

#3: The true value of a dollar: Kids these days don't understand what it is to have money, the green blood that makes the world spin. When I was a kid, I had to scrub the house SPOTLESS so I could make $1.75 so I then could sprint to the already passing ice- cream truck, in my bleach- stained shirt to get a ninja turtles ice cream bar. Now, kids just DEMAND it! They do absolutely NOTHING!

i have to work for my money i dont just go up to my parents and demand it if i did i wouldnt get allowence.

#2 Just because you have an autotune doesn't mean you have talent: The music teens listen to is TERRIBLE! The first band I listened to was the Beatles,

not all kids listen to shi**y music just most... i sometimes listen to the beatles, i listen to good charlotte simple plan green day.. not the terrible new music that has no meaning

in some ways i think that u shouldnt of wrote this page cause u could offend some teens but not me I agree with u on most of this stuff cause most teens do that.. but not all teens are like that, i for 1 dont like JB, Twilight, im not spoiled, i hate new cartoons, and i dont date just to date
15,595 posts

not all kids listen to shi**y music just most. not the terrible new music that has no meaning

It's subjective. Just saying.
1,612 posts

I'll only reply to the ones I don't agree with.

#2 yeah, these new singers don't have any talent. Does that mean that people shouldn't listen to it? I suppose people listen to music because it sounds good, not because it was made by a genius. So, if someone likes autotuned music, should he not listen to the music he likes just because the singer is dumb?
Another thing, auto tunes and voice effects are made by people. Talented people. So when you are listening to an auto tuned song you are still listening to the product of someone's talent, just not of the person singing.


horrible waste of money

who wasted their money? surely not the fans, because they liked it, and obviously not the makers, that made a ton of money with the movies.
Teens these days now don't understand what a true vampire is.

Lol? True vampires? The bat-men aren't any more real than the sparkling dudes. People have always done the same thing to every fictional creature. They take an old myth and they modify it. Just look to all the manipulations and spinoffs that writers gave to the good old creatures from The lord of the rings.
32 posts

I agree with everything in the original post, except number 5 I have problems with. Not because I like Twilight, I actually really hate what the series has done to vampire novels. But just as much, I hate people getting mad about it without getting their facts straight. While it's unfair to complain about "real vampires" when in fact every story is adding to the mythology, and Twilight added a stupid mythology to it, but that's a different complaint. Here's a little timeline for you, consisting only of "accepted" vampires.

-1819: Short story The Vampyre is published.
-1845: Varney the Vampire, penny-novel series.
-1897: Bram Stoker publishes Dracula.
-1922: Nosferatu film.
-1976: Anne Rice publishes Interview with the Vampire.

Research these as you will, but here are key facts:
-Dracula is not the original vampire
-Dracula was weakened by sunlight
-Dracula and previous vampires were charming and seductive
-The first vampire to burn in the sun was Count Orlok
-Count Orlok was not charming
-Lestat was charming, proud, and attracted to both genders
-Lestat did not burn in the sun
-Twilight still sucks, but it's not "wrong" so much as "amazingly stupid"

9,462 posts

#5: Vampires don't sparkle:

Agree to an extent. There are a number of different vampires through out lore and movies, some died in sunlight, some were just weakened, while others had no effect at all. (NON UP TIL THIS WASTE DUMP SPARKLED)
Vampires in movies have been romanticized for decades, Twilight took this to a sickeningly new... low.

#4: The idiocy of cartoons is astounding:

Agreeded, I've been wondering who hired from the back of the short bus at CN. Though some of these recent remakes of 80's cartoons have been pretty decent.

#3: The true value of a dollar:

#2 Just because you have an autotune doesn't mean you have talent: The music teens listen to is TERRIBLE!

These have been pretty much complaints throughout history about kids.

#1 thing kids have completely wrong is the meaning behind school: Seriously. Is is so imposed on kids that the meaning of school is to be the most popular person ever and have the most boyfriends/girlfriends they can. IT'S NOT! The purpose of school is to educate you so you don't suck at life!

This one doesn't seem like it hasn't changed since our parents time or even before. This defiantly was around during your time in school as was mine.
271 posts

I think we could add the Violence. They are totally disconnected of the reality (not all kids fortunately).
I'm only 19 and i'm afraid by the behavior of the younger generations. There's a lot of things that go wrong...

So to give my opinion about the five things that you have pointed:

#5 I agree, for me a vampire is a terrifying undead. This is not a lamp who bright during the day -_-

#4 Hum I love some new cartoons like Spongebob. Yes it's totally stupid, stupidity can be fun SOMETIMES.
Te best cartoon, for me, remains Tom & Jerry

#3 For me it's the euro 8) I think you right. Personnaly, I'm sure that I don't get what it's work hard to get money. I'm from a mid-upper class and I always got what I wished when I was a little child. (I never asked awsome toys too^^).

#2 I'm a Musician and for me, this is a BIG problem. Nowaday music just sux. People love to listen ****. Yes we are all differents and we can't all like the same thing. But I don't understand how is it possible to like Bieber and Co. In my opinion, that shows the stupidity who has grown since the 2000 year (and if it's not the music, watch objectively TV Programs -_-)...

#1 I was always a good pupil, I'm on the end of my studies and yes, Children don't understand nothing about school. I'm only 19 and I have seen lot of people who have already failed their studies cuz they are too lazy. Their life is not finished, but they have to seriously change.

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