ForumsThe TavernTop 5 things young teens have completely wrong, (A Rant)

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I have noticed that teen culture has changed a lot since I was 13, and teens these days are so different, and it makes me die a little inside that they are so coddled and sheltered these days. It's actually quite sickening. The things people push on teens today is ridiculous and stupid. Here's the top five things I have found completely wrong with teen culture today.

#5: Vampires don't sparkle: I'm sure you all have heard of that horrible, horrible waste of money and bad talent known as 'twilight.' Not only did they make just about the WORST movie in history, they also completely destroyed the lore of the vampire. Teens these days now don't understand what a true vampire is. Vampires don't sparkle, vampires don't fall in love with humans, vampires don't talk about their feelings. Vampires are blood- sucking demons of the night who pray on humans for their blood. THAT'S IT! They don't sparkle in sunlight, THEY DIE! They don't talk about their feelings, they don't have feelings. Vampires don't fall in love with ugly women, either. They take the hottest chick in the village, and bite her to make her the vampire's bride for the sole purpose of producing little vampire babies. They also live in Transylvania, not WASHINGTON.

#4: The idiocy of cartoons is astounding: Cartoons these days have to be done by people who get paid in meth, because there's no other explanation for the absolute crap they put on TV these days. Growing up, I watched Tom and Jerry, the Looney Toons, those good cartoons that actually had a plot and actually were funny. the crap on today is absolutely horrible.

#3: The true value of a dollar: Kids these days don't understand what it is to have money, the green blood that makes the world spin. When I was a kid, I had to scrub the house SPOTLESS so I could make $1.75 so I then could sprint to the already passing ice- cream truck, in my bleach- stained shirt to get a ninja turtles ice cream bar. Now, kids just DEMAND it! They do absolutely NOTHING! I work 34 hours a week to make a wage where I STILL can't move out of my house, I can barely afford my car, and I never have enough money to go to walmart and buy a pair of pants, FOR WORK! What are these kids going to do when the mommy and daddy honeyhole runs out? have a temper tantrum and cry about it?

#2 Just because you have an autotune doesn't mean you have talent: The music teens listen to is TERRIBLE! Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus? Give me a break! they use so many auto tunes and voice effects that talent is completely useless! As long as they are good looking, they put em on stage and auto tune the hell out of them. The first band I listened to was the Beatles, there is true talent. The kids these days have absolutely NONE! It's like the record company went out and said "who is the most marketable idiot out there?" BOOM! Justin Biever. (I hereby REFUSE to correctly spell his name. he doesn't deserve it.) Biever has no talent. Biever is a total ******.

And the #1 thing teens have completely wrong is......

...wait for it....

DA- DA! The #1 thing kids have completely wrong is the meaning behind school: Seriously. Is is so imposed on kids that the meaning of school is to be the most popular person ever and have the most boyfriends/girlfriends they can. IT'S NOT! The purpose of school is to educate you so you don't suck at life! Half the crap they teach you, you'll probably never use, but they are also teaching you other things by the head fake (thank you Randy Pausch!). Yeah, you may never need to know that ridiculous math equation, but you're learning problem solving, critical thinking, and how to take something, and apply it universally. There is a point to learning this, and the point is so you don't fail at life.

Overall, my hopes for the generation under me are completely gone. I have no hope in any of these kids, and they're all going to be failures at life.
Rant over.

  • 96 Replies
325 posts

I totally agree with all of this. I do watch Spongebob though, and it's kinda stupid....but it's been around since '99, so I think I'm cleared.


111 posts

5. Vampires drink blood. They do not nore will they ever sparkel. I irks me when the other girls my age run around " Twilight is the best series on the planet, we love you Edward!" It has no plot and is about a whiney teenage girl.

4.The older cartoons were much better. I watched all of the shows on Boomarang when I was younger, now some newer shows are an exception. Like Spongebob, Fairly Odd Parents, and Avatar The Last Airbender( before it got made into a movie).

3.One time I cleaned the whole house top to bottom and got 1.50. We live in a two story, quite large house. I was satisfied. My cousins visited the next day and my least favorite cousin asked me " how come you didn't ask for more?", and I said " I'm happy to get anything at all. Now it is true that once in a while my parent will give me a dollar or two, or some spare change. I've been saving for years. I went to the mall the other day and bought some clothes. Well I got out my wallet and payed in small bills. One time I worked sixteen hours moving heavy boxes and emptying file cabanites and asked for no money but my parents felt bad beacuse I worked so hard and gave me 40 and another 10 that I won in a bet. Though I may sound kind of high and mighty, I have worked for all of my money. It's hard not to know the value of a dollar when living with your grandmother.

2. I listen to Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, MCR, Blink 182, System Of A Down, Rob Zombie, and other music of that sort.

1. I think we are lucky to be able to go to school. I work hard, have straight A's, true my sepelling is not the greatest, but that's not the point.

As for dressing like a s**t, I don't. I know girls that do but I don't.
Another thing that irks me about people my age is that they refuse to eat school food. Where I go to school it's actually pretty good. I've told other kids before, " why aren't you going to eat that? Did you know that about half of the world's population is starving, and thirty percent of the world's population is chronicly starving? Meaning they only get to eat about every three months."
I hate that I have to be part of this stereotype.

655 posts

BTW, autotune sounds cool. : / You aren't a teen now so you wouldn't understand why we like the music we do. I listen to music that people that are grown up used to listen to and think it's weird, just because it's not my generation.

289 posts

As a teen myself, I can sadly say that this stuff is true about most of them. My generation sucks!

455 posts

#4 is really funny. It's so true. Example? Cartoon Network.

2,911 posts

I listen to music that people that are grown up used to listen to and think it's weird, just because it's not my generation.

Music isn't made for specific generations, not even in the slightest. Music is made for people that will listen to it. Music is all about preference, and preference changes over time. But since pop, hip hop, and the other genres don't have the lasting stability that rock and metal have, the next generation will look at what you listen to and think you're weird for listening to it...and autotune= no good singing voice so they cover it up. Example: T-Payne or whoever that guy with the hat that was in the song "I'm On a Boat".
5,061 posts

I must admit that while I did laugh at your rant, I agreed with pieces of it. Unfortunately we live in an age where not only is everything insanely expensive but most children are raised to the belief that they can get anything they want without putting forth effort.

I can't help but disagree with you on the points about Twilight, and music, I will easily admit to not liking what Twilight has done to the vampire, however you must realize that for it to be so popular it had to be entertaining on some level. The same goes for auto-tuning, as you said our world runs on money, and if auto tuning goes well and helps roll in the big bucks that's what happens.

399 posts

I agree completly there is somthing wrong with kids now adays that is why i am so anti-social. Whats worse is thatr the adults are worse, i prefer the basement.

9,462 posts

Right now, I'm 15, so I can't really get a job yet, and my parents won't pay for me to do anything around the house anymore, which I mostly understand. However, that means I can't earn my money in any way

Found out the legal age to work picking crops on a grove is 12.
11 posts

#5. vampires? deadly, bite, blood sucking, killed by wooden stakes and silver bullets and garlic?? stupid fuc***** twilight.

#4. i dont watch too much tv. its a waste of time and when i do its late night shows. the good ones.

#3. money is to be saved and valued, but dotn be stingy. its a fine line between ecinomical and cheap.

#2. i dont listen to auto tunned ****. i listen to music that speaks to me. lupe fiasco, kanye west, chiddy bang.

#1. school is for learning i agree but there is also a social aspect to it. i am a gifted student and i understand the importance of school and the effect it has and is going to have on my life.

3,173 posts

#5 I agree that vampires shouldn't sparkle. I also found the Twilight movie to be very weak, boring, and mindless, but to quote wikipedia:

While even folkloric vampires of the Balkans and Eastern Europe had a wide range of appearance ranging from nearly human to bloated rotting corpses, it was the success of John Polidori's 1819 novella The Vampyre that established the archetype of charismatic and sophisticated vampire; it is arguably the most influential vampire work of the early 19th century,[9] inspiring such works as Varney the Vampire and eventually Dracula.[10]

As early as 1819 Vampires were charismatic and sophisticated.
9,438 posts

BTW, autotune sounds cool. : / You aren't a teen now so you wouldn't understand why we like the music we do.

I am indeed a teen, but I personally have a strong dislike of autotune. People should learn to tune their own voices like they used to thru years of practice.

I listen to music that people that are grown up used to listen to and think it's weird, just because it's not my generation.

That's because it has substance and deeper themes than you can handle.
13 posts

As early as 1819 Vampires were charismatic and sophisticated

RIP vampires 1819-2007
6,672 posts

how are you going to try and hate on our cartoons when you just said that you watched tom and jerry, that show was the most basic form ever that just seemed to show kids tons of meangless low minded violence. so that point of argument is obviously stupid.

once kids get jobs, and actually have our own money, we learn just how important it is.

2,906 posts

that show was the most basic form ever that just seemed to show kids tons of meangless low minded violence

tom and jerry may have been basic, but it was also funny and entertaining, unlike the cartoons I see on tv these days. what the hell is so enjoyable about total drama island? its just 5 different characters recycled into about 50 different animated bodies who accomplish nothing whatsoever. all that stupid show does is teach 10-year-olds how cool it is to act so much older than you actually are.
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