I think evolution should not be taught in schools. I am a Christian, and I believe in intelligent design. I think I speak for all Christians when I say that evolution should not be taught as fact in schools.
and how can they tell by looking at bone structure and DNA. What factors in the bone structure and DNA show that man is primitive like an ape and then evolves to what we are now.
You cannot prove evolution BASHA, do not be a fool. If you attempt to do so, you can only come out looking like an imbecial. Granted, one cannot prove Creationism either. We can speculate, and show examples and such for each cause, but one cannot necessarily prove either one to be correct. That is what makes this topic such a great discussion.
Here's a couple of diagrams evidencing bone structure.
Causal links from items like Mitochondrial DNA, Similarity matrix regressions, and disparate population sampling provide strong evidence for DNA showing evolution.
Evolution is a fact. The reason it is called the Theory of Evolution is because it is a scientific theory, not a layman's theory. There are so many sources out there providing so much evidence for evolution in so many ways that for someone to not believe means they have to have been willfully ignoring the evidence.
On the other hand, you seem to be promoting ID, Ricador, which has no credible evidence, and in any case is senseless, because if there was an intelligent designer, it did an AWFUL job of designing even the most basic creatures.
Hmm, the images didn't shrink down to fit the forum. One can still right-click and save the image to view it in it's entirety.
My point stands. There is so much evidence for evolution that to even require a cite that it's worthwhile is willfully ignorant. Asking for a cite on a particular, or something that doesn't sound quite right, and doesn't show up in a cursory search of the internet? I'm fine with those. Asking for a cite that evolution exists? Willful ignorance, or worse, intellectual laziness.
Kane yeah I look similiar to an African-American but it doesn't mean I evolved from him or he evolved from me, just because things look alike doesnt mean they evolved, because if you cut off a kids arm and then he cuts his kids arm off and they keep doing that for generation after generation not EVER will one of them be born without an arm, it just doesn't work that way. and Basha it CAN't BE PROVED
redbedhead, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of evolution. I am not saying you evolved from African-Americans. You, and all AAs, have a common ancestor that was some kind of ape. While it is true that similar looking things do not necessarily evolve from each other, a series of creatures showing progressive changes due to environmental pressures is one of many supporting factors.
Also, the thing you describe with the arms is NOT evolution. What you are describing is Lysenkoism, which was popular in the early Soviet Union for political, not scientific, reasons. It has been disproved, and wholly displaced by evolutionary theory.
Evolution has been proved in the same with several different kinds of organisms, fruit flies being the most common due to their quick reproductive cycle.
Please educate yourself about what evolution is and isn't before you try to argue for or against it.
kanethebrain is right, smart intelligent answers, still i dont think evolution should be taught in schools simply because christian parent like these one on the board or something will grab their guns and kill the teachers so it best to leave it alone. and evolution is a theory supported by scientific evidence. you Intelligent design supported dont and any way to classify animals or how they can only through a book 2000 years ago and some lies of church