ForumsWEPREvolution in Schools?

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10 posts

I think evolution should not be taught in schools. I am a Christian, and I believe in intelligent design. I think I speak for all Christians when I say that evolution should not be taught as fact in schools.

  • 129 Replies
341 posts

kane yeah but you know your missing link well there is in fact over 100 trillion missing links in evolution, just for the record, oh and evolution is more of a cult for idiotic scientist

660 posts

but as I said earlier evolution isn't a theory or religion.

341 posts

ok basha im glad you asked, go to my page and go to debate_religion2 and that has alot you could actually learn, and I'm not even half way done so you can actually learn something intelligent

660 posts

ok redbedhead say there is no proof supporting evolution give me any little scrap of evidence supporting creationism

341 posts

kane if evolution WERE true than how do you explain the Cambrian Explosion? are YOU to stubborn to execpt the truth or are you going to remain in the cold dark not ever learning anything?

242 posts

Claiming that because there's a missing link, even many of them, disproves evolution is such a tired canard. Paleontologists are constantly unearthing fossils that show intermediate stages between species.

redbedhead, is there anything that would prove evolution to you, or are you too close minded to consider anything that doesn't match your little fantasy?

341 posts

no response? hmm that says something does it not?

660 posts

hey how about you anwser this question for me do you have any proof supporting creationism

3,826 posts

Evolution is pretty clear and internally valid. All of these objections, redbedhead, that you bring up are very standard creationist objections to evolution. When the scientific community attempts to answer these questions, the creationist sect accuses them of developing ad-hoc hypotheses.
It's really hard to tell just from typing, but it seems like this issue really angers you for some reason. If you want a debate in evolution, then there's a thread for that with plenty of people happy to debate you there. But in reference to its being taught in school - why on earth would we not??
It is a scientific theory that helps students understand concepts like natural selection, genetics, ecology, and mating habits. Evolution involves many aspects of biology and chemistry that the mere exposure to is well worth the risk of being slightly off the mark.
Perhaps some of the ancestory trees that scientists have developed are incorrect, but the principle itself seems very solid and any biologist worth his or her PhD accepts the theory. We used to teach that Pluto was a planet, but then we decided it wasn't. Does that mean planets don't exist? Of course not, but our understanding of them does change.
Ugh, that was an awful parallel... lemme alone

341 posts

ok moe, if you don't remeber I asked you to debate about that but you gave it to devoidless which we are still debating, and Evolution has so many flaws it's unreal and it shouldn't be taught in schools to dumb kids down.

oh and Basha I already replied to your comment

3,826 posts

Again, the flaws which you mentioned are refutable. Also, many theories have flaws, such as the theory of gravity. Now, I certainly hope you don't advocate a removal of the theory of gravity in public schools. In addition, many of our concepts such as causation and interaction aren't really fundamentally understood. But we have a pretty good idea of how they work.
In school, gravity is simply taught as an attraction between two massive objects. Clearly, it's way more complicated than that. The same can be said about evolution. We can explain the concept very simply in schools and the underlying principles behind it while not delving deep into the highly theoretical and complex parts of evolution like chaos theory.
I don't really see why you don't realize that the flaws you mentioned have been countered. Also, when you mention "it shouldn't be taught in schools to dumb kids down" I find it very frustrating, since that is the exact opposite effect it would have. At the very least, it would teach critical analyzing skills and how to judge and understand a scientific theory.

873 posts

well its not all about OMG WE CAME FROM MONKEYS!!! actully evolution does exist, ever hear the term survival of the fittest? well its talking about evolution and how the most adapted (evolutionized) species will live longer, and the people that belive the world is billions of world old, they have there opinion, nearly every philosophy can be proven by the people that belive in it

325 posts

Personally, on the subject of it being taught in schools, I believe it should be the students choice of which 'origins of the world' class he wishes to take - that way, it can be fair for everyone. As a Christian, I do not believe it should be taught in schools, but that would be a sort of oppression for those who believe otherwise.

And I always here that evolution is accepted by almost every scientist or scientific community - a load of bull. Pretty much all scientific communitites are starting to turn from this idea (as more about our world is being discovered) and beginning to accept that it had to have been some sort of intelligent design. Granted, no definite religion/ideas are being stated, but the idea of intelligent design is beginning to spread. I know - one of my closest friends is studying origins and such, and almost of all his professors can confirm this.

3,826 posts

Pretty much all scientific communitites are starting to turn from this idea (as more about our world is being discovered) and beginning to accept that it had to have been some sort of intelligent design.

If this trend does exist, I would like to see evidence of it. You might have professors at seminary schools or other religiously affiliated programs that are chosen to teach there because of their views, but this is not a scientific or academic approach. If you just Google something like "support for evolution" or "evolution evidence" you will be inundated by propaganda - most of it by creationists. I have seen this constantly where creationists try to present controversy where there is none!
This claim you make, homegrove, joins a veritable shopping list of other manufactured facts about evolution such as: Darwin didn't believe evolution, scientists have covered up x and y which disprove evolution, n percent of scientists don't support evolution, etc.
The idea of intelligent design can't be spreading, because that was the norm for a very long time. I hope that god will go the way of magick and leprechauns and the tooth fairy and just become another one of those silly stories people tell. Certainly that won't happen in my lifetime, but it's a nice thought.
325 posts

I do not know where you live Moegreche, (meant literally, as in what state, community, etc [not meant offensivly]) but in most places I have visited it has become increasingly clear to me that evolution is going down the dumps - ironically, the way you hope the idea of god would go. I do not care to turn anyone to believing this idea (truth, in my personal experiece, but I will say 'idea' for the general public), and do not expect anyone to say "I never knew that". Personally, I do not care if you believe what I say or not Moe, but just stating an experience I have seen with my own eyes.

As far as the internet goes, the internet lies. Why don't you type in 9/11 conspiracy and see what you come up with, eh? Obviously, not everything on the internet is false, but let me put it this way - it is VERY easy to place one's ideas on the internet, with no real ways to show evidence or proof of what one states.

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