I think evolution should not be taught in schools. I am a Christian, and I believe in intelligent design. I think I speak for all Christians when I say that evolution should not be taught as fact in schools.
I also agree with homegrove here, because when Charles Darwin was first making his theory he didn't have the high powered microscopes that we do now and he thought that single celled organisms weren't that complicated and so he thought you could easily get that from nothing. Now alot of scientists see how complicated the single-cell organsims really are and the statistics for evolution being real are off the charts they are looking at new theories, but not neccesarily intelligent design.
do we agree that biology should be taught in school?
if so, then we agree that evolution should be taught in school, because every basic topic covered in the biology classroom (or at least the ones in Indiana) relates back to it.
we also can agree that bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics, correct? this would be evolution in the process
@homegrove: I think you're proving Moegreche's point. There are many screeds against evolution on the internet, which echo most of the arguments against it in this thread. They are all false an have been disproved many many times, in peer-reviewed academic literature.
Neither of you cite statistics, so let me provide some at the following links from credible polling sources: http://www.data360.org/graph_group.aspx?Graph_Group_Id=286 http://www.livescience.com/health/060810_evo_rank.html http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn9786-why-doesnt-america-believe-in-evolution.html
Summary: Of the countries surveyed, only the US and Turkey had less than 50% of people believing in evolution. Not surprising, given the educational systems in the US and Turkey.
@redbedhead: Yea, me not responding shows something. It shows that I went to sleep because I have this thing called work I have to go to in the mornings.
The Cambrian Explosion could have many causes, including an environment more conducive to divergent adaptation, genetic complexity reaching a point where mutations could have a larger effect, and synergistic effects between organisms. We can't be sure, but even if we had no idea, the Cambrian explosion doesn't disprove evolution; really, it supports it.
do we agree that biology should be taught in school?
if so, then we agree that evolution should be taught in school, because every basic topic covered in the biology classroom (or at least the ones in Indiana) relates back to it.
we also can agree that bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics, correct? this would be evolution in the process
Evolution should definitely be taught in schools, because it's science, it's proven, and you can't understand biology outside of the framework of evolution. It teaches critical thinking, processes, and many other skills.
Saying we shouldn't teach evolution because not everyone likes it is like saying we shouldn't teach the Civil War because Southerners don't like it.
When I took a high school Biology class, I learned of genetics and all fields around that subject, while still in a Christian basis. Yet, everything about Biology can be related to a Christian belief. On the flip side, many aspects also can relate to evolution. In the end, it comes down to which one wishes to place their faith in. But that is a different subject all together.
@kanethebrain (catchy, eh?) There are many 'screeds' against evolution on the internet, many of which probably make no sense at all. However, there are also many documents/topics against Creationism, with just the same effect. Check out youtube sometime, and search for such videos. Some may make seem logical to you (being to evolutionist, I assume?) but many are just fluff.
On the topic at hand, Biology should definetly be taught in schools, but like I stated before, biology alone does not confirm evolution. we also can agree that bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics, correct? this would be evolution in the process Incorrect, actually. Although resistances are created, no other changes are made - it is the same exact creature (let us say a fly, for example), except with a resistance to a certain chemical. How does a resistance to a chemical, make new appendages, organs, bodily systems, etc? How this leads to morphing a fly into a different organism... is beyond logical comprehension (at least for me, to some it may well do so). Like Moegreche said, it is hard to put forth a 'grand' stance on this subject, so many things are hard to explain... but nevertheless, I KNOW someone is going to complain that a resistance gained is a sign of evolution, but whatever. Preaching to a wall.
how come none of you can put evolution and Christianity together, i personally believe that evolution happened but God used his hand to guide it, it is way to complex to happen at random but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened at all
It should be taught in school. They're not saying to beleive it, they are just saying to acknowledge it and understand how this theory works. If you find out that Jewish people don't beleive in Jesus, that doesn't mean you beleive that too. No ones is asking you to renownce your faith, so relax.
how come none of you can put evolution and Christianity together, i personally believe that evolution happened but God used his hand to guide it, it is way to complex to happen at random but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened at all
Thats exactly how I feel about the subject. Evolution doesn't disprove anything in my eyes. Remember when it was herecy if you thought the universe didn't revolve around the earth? Now it's plainly accepted, this subject should be turned over like that theory.
Evolution is perfectly fine, in my opinion, if God is in the picture. Of course, that denies the Biblical account of Creation, as stated in the Bible, and most evolutionists do not want to have to submit to a God... so, if you choose God and evolution, you are disliked by both communites :/
@homegrove: Oh, there's plenty of bad attacks on creationism. Atheists don't have a monopoly on smart people, and Theists sure don't have a monopoly on stupid.
A better place to look at the pro-creation or pro-evolution sites. The pro-evolution ones use evidence from many sources, cite papers published in peer-reviewed journals, and plain logic. the pro-creation sites have none of that, and are nothing but a house of mirrors. That's why creationism should stay out of school; it's not science and it's not proven.
Also, resistance to drugs IS a proof of evolution, but you seem to not want to hear any evidence that doesn't agree with creationism.
@SkullZero1: Great point that Evolution does not disprove Christianity. It does not even try. There's no reason why a person can't be a theist and accept evolution. It's incorrect to say that evolution requires a deity, though.
o.k. i'll hive an example of evolution there is a type of bird that got stranded on an island due to continental drift the only abondant food source on that island was a nut with a very thick shell. The birds with the bigger beak could break the shells easier so they were more healthy and attracted more females so after about one hundred years or so that bird had a very thick and stout beak while the birds on the main land still had the little beak more adept for their enviorment
wow kane you still are being stubborn. Evolution isn't proven. If Evolution has been proven noone especially the scientist that support it would still call it a theory so how can you call it truth when you still say its a theory yourself. It's impossible to prove. Christianity has scientific proof for example: Back in the old days God had told the Jews not to eat pork because he knew of the parasites that were in it if they didn't cook it long enough (and they didn't have the heat to burn it out) and theres no way LOGICALLY that anyone writing the bible would have any clue of that.
Pigs wallow around in mud! Of course they're filthy animals, that proves nothing. Because this discussion keeps shifting away from evolution in schools to evolution itself, this is the last post I'm going to make on this because there is already an evolution thread somewhere. But your attempts at refuting evolution, redbedhead, have fallen well well short of your goal and only further prove why it is that people can't accept evolution - because they don't understand the terms involved. It's called a theory because it's not a law, that doesn't mean no one believes in it. The theory of gravity (sorry to keep using this example) is something that we know it exists, we're just not sure why it exists (there is also a Law of Gravity, but that's something else). Gravity is much more theoretical than evolution, so if you're going to attack anything being taught in schools it should be gravity, not evolution! The phrase "Christianity has scientific proof" is one of the most illogical things I've ever heard. Before you make some crack at evolution not being a scientific law, go take 5 seconds and google "scientific law." It's clear that you have no idea what that means, nor do you have any idea what a theory is. Also, on the pork thing, if people kept eating undercooked pork and kept getting sick, then I'd say it's pretty easy for them to figure out what's making them sick - even if they had no idea about parasites or bacteria. And why on earth would god make pigs and essentially poison them? This is all about simplicity. It is much easier to reason that species can evolve (as we see with the AIDS and flu viruses every single year) than to assume a magical fairy dancing around and shooting fairy dust to make everything. Denying evolution is not only invalid, but it's just ignorant. If you don't want your kids to learn biological principles then send them to some god school somewhere, where they fill their heads with the holy spirit instead of information.