What do you think should be done about bullying? Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever been the bully? What kinds of bullying are there. With bullying becoming a growing problem in America, how do you think it should be delt with. It is a federal offense to bully anyone based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, or national origin. Have you ever been bullied based on any of these things? If so now is the time to speak out on bullying before anyone else becomes a victim.
I was the victim of bullying throughout my school years, most of it revolved around my disability (I'm visually impaired and supposed to wear glasses - I hardly wear them anymore specifically because they got me bullied when I was younger), and it's a shame that more isn't done to tackle bullying of those with disabilities but of course I would say that. I only ever really bullied someone once and that was counter-bullying after putting up with years of abuse from him. As for the different types of bullying - how do you mean? Do you mean like cyber, verbal, physical, intimidation, discrimination? Or do you mean more like the things people are bullied over like race, sexuality, weight, gender, hair colour?
I have been bullied, was it pleasant? No. Did I get over it? Yes. That tends to sum up my attitude towards it as whole, kids can be cruel, but it's never bad enough to cause someone to kill themselves. However when adults or those close to being adults are doing it there is a problem. I have a problem with those campaigning to stop bullying or asking to report those who are bullies, this helps nothing not only will bullying not stop, but telling on someone won't win you any friends as a child. It's the sensible thing to do, but last I checked, common sense wasn't something kids have vast amounts of.
As for the crime question, it's not and it shouldn't be, however the act of committing a crime due to such factors is known as a hate crime.
I have been bullied quite a bit in high school but I learned that if you can't beat them physically you can always act like you don't notice what they are doing or trying to do to you, bullies get bored of that sooner or later and will leave you alone Anyway on topic no I have never been bullied on grounds of one of the above things
I was the victim of bullying throughout my school years, most of it revolved around my disability (I'm visually impaired and supposed to wear glasses - I hardly wear them anymore specifically because they got me bullied when I was younger), That's terrible, I think bullying based on diabilities is another one that's strictly prohibited. MageGrayWolf, I can totally see why you would lash out like that. The sad thing is that the person that was trying to cope with the bullying is usually the one that gets punished. Kyouzou, I see your point. But sometimes people just get so overwhelmed by it all that they feel there is nothing left to do, sometimes it is bad enough to take your own life. It all really depends on the circumstances. If you cause someone enough discomfort/ torment that they commit suicide, isn't it almost like killing them?
I was bullied. All you gotta do is go physical one time against the weakest bully around and all the rest will understand you're a "bad punching bag" and pick someone else to pick on. At least that worked for me in high school.
I got bullied, funnily enough not because I was gay, but pretty much because I existed. I was an open Atheist and got bullied for that fairly often. Otherwise, I was just an easy target.
Less so in the tail end of my high school years because I finally began to snip back so it was lessened, but the damage to my mind was done.
I used to have a few people like that. Its usually not about religion but about school politics, like: a way for the bully leader to unite all the bullies, or finding an excuse to label the next bully punching bag. Then again there are people who like to show off with their beliefs. I had a few guys that loved to show off that they are atheists and how religion is stupid, yes it did get people angry and yes it was completely unnecessary. Nobody talks too much about religion in school anyway, it shouldn't be hard to be a little modest and not try to be a preacher (or showoff).