I Primary School I was a bit of a twit and the reactions of others around to me is revolved around that - directly or indirectly. Whilst I view it as bad I appreciate the fact that this is the way it's turned out because I feel I've developed traits otherwise less likely to be obtained - independence being one of them.
That, and I can see the hypocricy, general cruelty and passive systematic approach people generally have. It's weird looking at things the way I do now - especially given that the people I think about actually aren't even consciously aware of it.
Kind of sad how I know them more than they know themselves, huh. :P
It all really depends on the circumstances. If you cause someone enough discomfort/ torment that they commit suicide, isn't it almost like killing them?
Yes and no. I've grown to dislike those who've developed a catalyst character past the age of 11, mostly due to the fact that I was probably the biggest problem-child you would meet prior to high school.
Anyone who takes their own life due to bullying... it's a difficult thing to go about - I generally perceive suicide as acceptable when you (and I know this is an exceptionally cruel way of putting it) have essentially been all the use you can be for what it would be to keep you alive. I would hate being unable to rely on myself, and being unable to do that what can I really do but keep those around me happy? If that would even work out.
If I have a working body, I can still do something, when I'm paralysed from the neck down without a family to be with, I would gladly see what's next.
No - I do not expect this to apply to other people, it is a pretty sad way to look at things but I also find it kind of prideful. Dignified, even. Bullying can change someones life easily, and it should not be perceived as I've tried to make it out for a fair bit of this post - as a good thing.
R I think it's a moral injustice if you take your own life when you still are a benefit to others that do not cost you any of your own rights / etc (Freedom of speech, your own happiness, etc)
I have been bullied quite a bit in high school but I learned that if you can't beat them physically you can always act like you don't notice what they are doing or trying to do to you, bullies get bored of that sooner or later and will leave you alone
Funnily enough going along with it only to undermine them when their mentality weakens (which isn't much really) is much better.
Or if you just taunt them, I was slippery to hook into a fight as a kid - physically? No. I just was a relatively good speaker and logically made out the "bullies" as ******bags.
Kind of surprised it worked really, but my attitude was hilarious now that I think about it - didn't flinch, I actually taunted quite a lot and I always spoke as if I was at or above their level in terms of... well everything. :P
I was bullied. All you gotta do is go physical one time against the weakest bully around and all the rest will understand you're a "bad punching bag" and pick someone else to pick on. At least that worked for me in high school.
Don't try and make it sound easy xD
It's easy to say it but much more difficult in the actual situation, I've the confidence that I can take out any of the "bullies" (I'm not bullied anymore but I'm not on the best grounds with pretty much anyone - which is good, I really don't want to be) but I literally lack the confidence to control myself from going further since I know it would take a
LOT (I cannot stress that word enough) to convince me that fighting the person in the first place was reasonable.
I'm not focused on it really, I'd rather invest my time thinking about how in Primary I actually had more self-discipline relative to how I am now, especially considering how I was kind of mechanical in everything I did - I hinted no emotion and it was actually very good a lot of the time.
Granted, it's not good all the time, and certainly isn't the best situation to be in, but self-discipline and that kind of self-control are two things I really want to get again.
No they didn't and trying to report it only escalated matters.
I found literally harassing one of the bullies in primary till he cried got him to shut up.
Was kind of hilarious when the teacher who everyone regarded as "safe" walked up to me, got down to my level and said "Maybe next time you don't take it too far okay?" as he chuckled.
I trollolololololed all the way home. :>
But i'm perfectly aware they can't totally protect kids, as most of the people posting here have bee bullied. But they've a better chance in school with you than out of school with you
That is from the movie Watchmen... right? The video clip? I remember seeing it from somewhere and I think it is.
Ultimately my point is putting the theory into practice doesn't bare the same results - mostly the psychological factor of things is what changes it so much.
Oh females of course were more violent.
The boys gave me the occasional shove, push, kick, slap or whatever in the hallways/outside.
The girls had the advantage of having the school lesbian alone in the locker rooms.
Generally in my school, and I am speaking only for what I've experienced, is that the girls are much worse - not violence wise, but generally just attitude, actions and etc. They're so easily turned against eachother etc and often so naive to the point where me and my brother in law told a group of 5 of them that we were laughing so hard because we were telling them and they did not understand. They replied with "You just finks your funny and you're not".
I guess they didn't catch on. We wasn't laughing at ourselves we were laughing at their stupidity for not realizing when we literally TOLD THEM.
Yes. Big bad ol' white heterosexual male atheist getting bullied for being white, heterosexual, and male all the time.
Funnily enough I see this in the media all the time. :>
To the point where I no longer watch it. Kind of annoying really.
And let's go with "awesome" in place of that major censor, there.
Let's go with a less edited version of the original and say bad@ss.
That, and I'm kind of slow in the sense of being truley witty. I always think of ****** comebacks... hours after they'd originally be useful.
I generally don't need to. Being logical I can simply say "Why does that matter?"
And it works. I love how people get puuuur vexed frum logicality in convo innit cuz.
Cool story bro. Just grow tougher skin and ignore it then. Or punch them in the face, doesn't take much thought to do that.
It takes thought for what comes after - that and I would have to think a lot to be able to mentally push myself into hitting them, I'm overly cautious, and I actually don't care.
Girl hits boy. Boy hits girl.
I don't yet see a change starting.
Let's put it into more context:
Bully has targetted a gay man, physical abuse.
The gay man after 2-3 months of this and the fact that his boyfriend left him is intensely annoyed and figures to take it out on the bully.
The bully is at least given a punch or 3 to the face and at worst is severely beaten - in either case no harm apart from the physical brawl should come to the homosexual, is it worth the bullies time in his POV?
Almost certainly not.
Now, this is not very realistic in that something probably would happen to the gay for self-defense - which put bluntly is utterly unnecessary bull**** which is morally unjustified in the Law.
Despite what everyone says, they are never "the best 4 years of your life".
They certainly are not. When 12 of the more mature people in my year (including me) were sent to a 3 day University Campus it was AMAZING. That's all I've got to say really, completely amazing.
As you go through the years the idiots are slowly funnelled out I guess, and independent / individual people start coming through more and more.
I actually can't wait to be at the age where I can attempt to get into Uni - hopefully I will and if I do... Oh my god :O
It was implied that you hit him multiple times. Well I tried to make it implied that it was more of a "Beat the crap out of them" kind of thing.
No need to take it too far, granted it's a fair thing to do but in the eyes of a higher authority very unnecessary and inappropriate.
Well maybe it was because your kind of a nerd?
I thought you was being sarcastic about AGians being nerds? :P
No but seriously, that is wholely off-topic and implies aggression given how the words "nerd" and "geek" are generally construed.
It'll be better for the ones with good heritage or with the looks that overshadow the fact that they're in reality as interesting as a wet carrot.
Other than that? I can't say much really, since it's all subjective and dependent on peoples individual experiences. 3 days at University beats the time I've had at High School, without a doubt.
- H