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111 posts

What do you think should be done about bullying? Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever been the bully? What kinds of bullying are there.
With bullying becoming a growing problem in America, how do you think it should be delt with. It is a federal offense to bully anyone based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, or national origin. Have you ever been bullied based on any of these things? If so now is the time to speak out on bullying before anyone else becomes a victim.

  • 145 Replies
111 posts

xDuked, I agree bullying should be stopped. 314d1, have you ever been tormented to the point of breaking down crying begging to go to a different school? No? Well if any of you have, or have had a similar situation, you know words hurt.

3,817 posts

Not all girls are body builders.

I fail to see what gender has to do with this conversation.

The guy who hassled me in high school was 6foot and huge. At first he was just kind of fat but he put effort in at the gym and could push me over with his index finger.
Don't think your idea works in every situation.

Well I am taller than he was, so no I wouldn't know what it was like to be picked on. But why does that stop you? There are few people bigger than me, but I simply treat them the same as the rest. For example, playing football with my friends I was charging a guy twice my weight. I didn't stop, just as I wouldn't for someone half his size. Of course I fell when I impacted him, so I got up and did it again. If you can't fight, learn how. Go practice martial arts or something. Perhaps something not focused around strength, if you are to insist that you are weaker than the other guy.

314d1, you are acting stupid and insensitive. No, of course words don't hurt when you are doing it to yourself to act out a point. Untill you have been a victim of bullying using words, you will never know.

You just called me stupid and insensitive, but I don't feel anything. So by this logic I was just bullied, but I don't feel hurt at all. Sooooo... Thanks for proving my point that words don't hurt.

Sigh. So misguided. Words -are- just words to an extent but... Have you ever heard of mental abuse? Not all abuse is purely physical. People can use words to screw with your minds, press buttons, tug on certain topics that you're sensitive to.

Yes, words can hurt.

Now I just got called misguided to. Oh noes, helpz me from da cyba bulliez! Really. I am not feeling anything. Sure there is such thing as mental abuse, but only if you are letting them abuse you mentally. You don't rely on them as you do with parents. Either punch them in the face or toughen up. They only hurt if you actually let the words hurt.

I Primary School I was a bit of a twit and the reactions of others around to me is revolved around that - directly or indirectly. Whilst I view it as bad I appreciate the fact that this is the way it's turned out because I feel I've developed traits otherwise less likely to be obtained - independence being one of them.

That, and I can see the hypocricy, general cruelty and passive systematic approach people generally have. It's weird looking at things the way I do now - especially given that the people I think about actually aren't even consciously aware of it.

Kind of sad how I know them more than they know themselves, huh. :P

So what you are saying is that you where a nerd. I get it.

Funnily enough I see this in the media all the time. :>

To the point where I no longer watch it. Kind of annoying really.

Happens. I really don't care.

It takes thought for what comes after - that and I would have to think a lot to be able to mentally push myself into hitting them, I'm overly cautious, and I actually don't care.

If you actually don't care, then you don't have to punch them and it is probably not affecting you. Just ignore it then. And really, how much thought do you have to go threw to get this scenario? "I hate this guy" is just a step away from "How about I punch him?" for me, and it seems to be a logical ladder...

No need to take it too far, granted it's a fair thing to do but in the eyes of a higher authority very unnecessary and inappropriate.

I have been punished worse for the few fights I have been in where I only punched the guy once, rather than several times. Might be because I am older, but really it seems that a fight is a fight to the higher authority, as long as no one is severely injured.

I thought you was being sarcastic about AGians being nerds? :P

111 posts

No, there is a difference between acting and being.

3,139 posts

Well I am taller than he was, so no I wouldn't know what it was like to be picked on. But why does that stop you? There are few people bigger than me, but I simply treat them the same as the rest.

I'm a 5foot4 girl who weighs 100 pounds. The one time i tried to stand up to him saw me running into him and landing on the floor.
My point was not directly gender, but strength.

Also, i see you missed the point of words don't hurt YOU.
But do hurt other people.
30 posts

Thanks for proving my point that words don't hurt.

Maybe not to you.
It can be mentally traumatizing for people who experience it on a regular daily basis.
3,817 posts

Written by someone who's clearly just skipping posts in this thread.

I'm done with you.

No. I just know that you are being overly emotional. And no you are not done with me, it seems like half the people who say that are still going to reply after they say that *Ques reply*

You should definately listen to her before making such assumptions about someone you don't know. Incase you didn't bother to read:

If you are debating on a flash game website in your spare time, 80% of the time your probably a nerd.

You can say words don't hurt all you want. In reality you're saying "Words don't hurt me". You're only you, and only 100% aware of your own feelings, not everyone elses.
How woul you know if words hurt me, or zydrate, or any other person in the world?


That is what I am saying, and if they don't hurt me they shouldn't hurt you. This is something that you just ignore and it goes away. And you are correct, I wouldn't care if I hurt your overly sensitive feelings.

You know, I been faced with bullying, only by my race...

I'm a Vietnamese and I been bullied in school mentally/physically since Middle School. I usually try to take it in, but it hurts for a little while... bullying should be stopped, and people shouldn't be using words to hurt people like curses/calls/text/etc, or physically like fights and etc.

Physical bullying is of course something that should best be prevented. But words should be uncensored. Stopping this word bullying thing is just idiotic. At most, it should only be enforceable in school. Everywhere else, especially the free haven of the internet, you should be able to say whatever bigoted thing you want.

xDuked, I agree bullying should be stopped. 314d1, have you ever been tormented to the point of breaking down crying begging to go to a different school? No? Well if any of you have, or have had a similar situation, you know words hurt.

No it shouldn't, and no I haven't. If that does happen to you, your a wimp and should grow a pair (Running out of metaphors and now feel the need to reuse them until I can find the time to find better). Words don't hurt unless you let them.

No, there is a difference between acting and being.

What was that replying to?

I'm a 5foot4 girl who weighs 100 pounds. The one time i tried to stand up to him saw me running into him and landing on the floor.
My point was not directly gender, but strength.

Then learn martial arts, like I said. Hell, if you where O.K with pretty much any style of fighting you could sweep kick him to the floor at least. Doesn't take much skill to do that, or must strength, to fling down someone to the ground. Well at least for me it doesn't...

Maybe not to you.
It can be mentally traumatizing for people who experience it on a regular daily basis.

Only if you are a wimp who lets that happen.
111 posts

Being tramatized does not make you a wimp, it makes you a human. Even the best if them get traumatized by something or other.

30 posts

if they don't hurt me they shouldn't hurt you.

Basically, everyone should have the same feelings and views on things you have?

If that does happen to you, your a wimp and should grow a pair

Ignorant much?
You say you've never been bullied-- you don't know what it feels like, it is tormenting.
3,817 posts

Being tramatized does not make you a wimp, it makes you a human. Even the best if them get traumatized by something or other.

Being traumatized maybe, but being traumatized over what some guy said to you does make you a wimp. This isn't the Vietnam war we are talking about, this is some kids hurting your widdle feelin's. If you can be hurt by someone calling you "stupid", "fat", "gay, "ugly", or worse things I am not able to say do to the censor, you are a wimp. We are not even talking about a boozing mom saying these things to a little kid, we seem to be focusing around the high school aria. If you are contemplating suicide over what someone said to you, you are a wimp.

Basically, everyone should have the same feelings and views on things you have?

Basically they should be able to obtain them if they wish to.

Ignorant much?
You say you've never been bullied-- you don't know what it feels like, it is tormenting.

You just called me ignorant, does that count? No, it isn't tormenting unless you let it be.
111 posts

What we're talking about right now is a little more than being called fat, or ugly. Right now we're talking about being emotionaly and mentally abused severley by peers.

3,817 posts

What we're talking about right now is a little more than being called fat, or ugly. Right now we're talking about being emotionaly and mentally abused severley by peers.

...So being called ugly and fat and the things I can't say on this forum. Yep, that seems to be what we are talking about. If you are damaged by being called anything, your a wimp.
111 posts

No, you can say whatever you like, I just don't think you need to be so rude and inconsiderate to others.

30 posts

I just don't think you need to be so rude and inconsiderate to others.

*waits for the I'm being cyber bullied from 314*
111 posts

No, I don't feel bullied. I just don't like the rudeness.

3,817 posts

No, you can say whatever you like, I just don't think you need to be so rude and inconsiderate to others.

Some people here seem to wish to make hurting others wittle feelings illegal. I am here to say that is BS.

*waits for the I'm being cyber bullied from 314*

Cyber bullied, really? Criticizing your idiotic ideas is now bullying?

No, I don't feel bullied. I just don't like the rudeness.

Oh no! Not teh rudenezz!
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