What do you think should be done about bullying? Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever been the bully? What kinds of bullying are there. With bullying becoming a growing problem in America, how do you think it should be delt with. It is a federal offense to bully anyone based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, or national origin. Have you ever been bullied based on any of these things? If so now is the time to speak out on bullying before anyone else becomes a victim.
I get bullied every day at school even though its mostly just teasing and if you cant stand to be called minor little names then thats your problem. Im 6 feet 1 inch so people are mostly to intimidated to bully me so people just tease with me.
That often happens to me. it's just teasing, although people could beat me up because I'm small. Some say things like call me stupid, and then they'll get mad at me for being too start when I answer a question nobody knows the answer to. I think they do it to me because I tend not to fight back, because I don't like hurting people. But they've done it for so long even I can't tell if I'm smart or dumb, I get so confused.
Northern Virginia. Highest GDP percapita in America! . We've also got a bunch of Koreans so the school ratings are pretty good, too.
I get bullied every day at school even though its mostly just teasing and if you cant stand to be called minor little names then thats your problem. Im 6 feet 1 inch so people are mostly to intimidated to bully me so people just tease with me.
I don't think we're discussing name calling or teasing. I mean, that's something I do to bigger people since its all joking and/or messing around while you're teacher is saying stuff you already know. Still, being 6'1 would be great. Sucks being short.
However I do have to say reading books etc is a pain. Not that I've had to do it, extended work hasn't been too much of a problem although quite honestly I can understand that reading a large book is very annoying and even unnecessary in a lot of cases.
Yeah, I'd take as many tough classes as I could but a lot of my classes load the students with busy work. You learn absolutely nothing they just want to waste your time -_- Can't wait till College
Yeah, I'd take as many tough classes as I could but a lot of my classes load the students with busy work. You learn absolutely nothing they just want to waste your time -_- Can't wait till College
It doesn't get any better *Crys*
How I feel about the whole bullying thing...well, depending on how severe it is, it can be really bad and that needs to be stopped. But if it's just minor like name calling, get over it, really. If it comes to physical problems, then that's when it needs to be addressed.