
145 25304
111 posts

What do you think should be done about bullying? Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever been the bully? What kinds of bullying are there.
With bullying becoming a growing problem in America, how do you think it should be delt with. It is a federal offense to bully anyone based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, or national origin. Have you ever been bullied based on any of these things? If so now is the time to speak out on bullying before anyone else becomes a victim.

  • 145 Replies
3,371 posts

Verbal bullying is really not a problem. As we have gone over many times before.

I think it is. You don't need to punch someone to make them feel like there don't belong and arn't cared about. If you don't get much love and you are constantly hated then you won't think anyone loves you and that can lead to deppression.
3,817 posts

I think it is. You don't need to punch someone to make them feel like there don't belong and arn't cared about. If you don't get much love and you are constantly hated then you won't think anyone loves you and that can lead to deppression.

I think your wrong. Who cares if you are not loved and cared about by the people you don't like anyway? If you really think that because a few people make fun of you, you are completely insecure and a wimp. Really.
30 posts

If someone is driven to suicide by words

Words and physicality. *

especially words said by someone they never knew

You don't know people in your school and those who live around you?

have never even seen over the internet

You don't have to see someone over the internet to know what they look like and whatnot.
3,817 posts

Words and physicality. *

No, we are only talking about words here.

You don't know people in your school and those who live around you?

No, but I don't know you, yet you claim that I am bullying you.

You don't have to see someone over the internet to know what they look like and whatnot.

If you have never met them before, never heard anything about them, and they have no impact on your life then yes you need to see them. Or if this isn't the case, what do I look like?
3,371 posts

No, I'm saying that if you are hated more by bullies then loved by the people who care about you then you won't feel as loved.

Bit I agree with you if it's someone you don't know over the internet. If it's in person then I disagree.

30 posts

yet you claim that I am bullying you.

Wait.. wait..
Where did I say you were bullying me? XD

Because, if that's what your opinion of bullying is, you have no idea. :3
111 posts

No one said you were bullying 314d1, and no it's not all about word I just want you to realize that words area form of bullying as well. And you have to be rude and put other's ideas down.

5,061 posts

Verbal bullying is really not a problem.

Just because it is YOUR OPINION that verbal bullying is ineffective doesn't mean that it actually doesn't effect people.

And I don't even want to hear you call a victim a wimp anymore. If everyone on Earth had the exact same mindset such issues wouldn't exist. Hence people miraculously reacting in different ways to different things.
9,504 posts

No more ad hominem fallacies, 314d1.

383 posts

No more ad hominem fallacies, 314d1.

He may not know what that is.
38 posts

bullying can't be stopped, learn to live with it and get over it, or else you'll become a pychopath serial killer, i have been bullied and i got over it, and guess what? i'm living a good life, if you ever look up killer's mos then you'll find that some have been bullied and never got over it, bullying won't go away

3,371 posts

You're right that we can't stop it, but we shouldn't allow it either. You're also right about getting over it in some cases. One example would be the columbine massacre. Two kids who didn't get over being bullied came to the school and shot it up. Another two who did went on to make south park.

1,434 posts

Bleh. Bullying? It doesn't happen at my school. My grade has enough morals to understand that if you're bullying on someone, it's not funny, its just being a ****, and the bully shall be shunned.

This reminds me of a not-so-happy time in our school. We had just entered Frosh year, and everything was going good, until this new girl started throwing some wrenches into our class' structure. Calling people names, spreading rumors, gradually, we alienated her, and she eventually moved an emotional wreck. Life was good. B^D

But in all seriousness, it maybe wasn't the best of options. Ah well, screw with the peaceful medium of things, the peaceful medium lashes back.


Oh yea, as an open Satanist, no one has really been able to make fun of me because of it, they just ignorantly ask questions like "so you don't believe in god" or "You do know he's the bad guy, right?"

Ugh. Hail Lucifer. Down with bullies. and don't smoke while you're at it.

3,025 posts

You just called me stupid and insensitive, but I don't feel anything. So by this logic I was just bullied, but I don't feel hurt at all. Sooooo... Thanks for proving my point that words don't hurt.

Realize how words can act, and how attitude / behaviour does influence you. It does not simply be the idea that people call you something, you shrug it off and it's Game Over. It usually stretches to the point where it actually does effect you and it was not your fault and not under your control.

Now I just got called misguided to. Oh noes, helpz me from da cyba bulliez! Really. I am not feeling anything. Sure there is such thing as mental abuse, but only if you are letting them abuse you mentally. You don't rely on them as you do with parents. Either punch them in the face or toughen up. They only hurt if you actually let the words hurt.

I'm fairly sure we get your point but I do not know if Zydrate and Jeffereysinspiration are expressing theirs properly. Words? Not a big deal, but it's the general attitude / behaviour and actions they do in relation to you that can screw things over a large deal. That, and social interaction etc is nearly a requirement for humans.

your a wimp and should grow a pair

Learn better oration, at this point you sound like a **** - just throwing it out there.
Do I disagree? No, not necessarily, but that's from your perspective, I don't know exactly what problems they've had but I know the problems I've had and I can observe how general behaviour towards someone can be HUGELY influencing.

Only if you are a wimp who lets that happen.

Nope. How reliant are people on eachother? A hell of a lot - it's that simple. When you're reliant on something and you cannot be offered it you're kind of screwed, and the most insulting thing is that it's not necessary nor fair.

Basically, everyone should have the same feelings and views on things you have?

It's not necessarily flawed however it's closed-minded and in his case, very blunt. I agree with 314d1's point but not his method of getting his... "message" across.

for being to top student of the class

I hate that.
It also lenses on how idiotic things can be - yay, I did good, now apparently people dislike me for having better intelligence..
Because that makes sense? Brawn > Brains in school and it's a piss off.

but being traumatized over what some guy said to you does make you a wimp.

Generally this is the case, but realized that by merely being bullied people have grown up differently to you - it may appear obvious that shrugging it off, over and done with is the most logical and self-beneficial choice EVER (which it kind of is), but to those who didn't even go through puberty and had to deal with it changes it a large deal.

If you are contemplating suicide over what someone said to you, you are a wimp.

Stop with the "if's". You're throwing what I think are hypothetical situations in the equation to make it appear more like you're right - no one said anything about contemplating suicide.

Basically they should be able to obtain them if they wish to.

Ironically you're the one preventing this by being so harsh.
Are you right? Maybe, but you, as I said, look like a **** to a fair few people here.

Me included, actually, it's only that I understand your point (I think) that I'm trying to get it across in a better manner (which hasn't even been that, I'm just going through the posts).

You just called me ignorant, does that count? No, it isn't tormenting unless you let it be.

Stop passing off any insult or even a question as a method of bullying, it seriously begins to show how little you understand the scope of the situation - and ruins the credibility of our points.

...So being called ugly and fat and the things I can't say on this forum

Another assumption? Who's side are you on? (Hint: It should be "everyones&quot
You just seem to be stirring up an argument on this issue instead of actually trying to properly influence others, what exactly do you hope to achieve by looking like this toughie?

Some people here seem to wish to make hurting others wittle feelings illegal.

SEEM to. As I've said mental abuse - even if you don't let it get to you can go very far because it's out of your control.

Cyber bullied, really? Criticizing your idiotic ideas is now bullying?

No, I think he was talking about you're stupid interpretation of what would be "You just called me rude and inconsiderate but do I feel my widdle feelings being hurt? No."

Now that that is settled want to bring some actual points up?

The points I've risen.

nother thing, did you get on this fourm just to bash other people's feelings? If you were just going to be rude why did you join the conversation in the first place?

I think he has a valid point although I have said it does not always apply, the bullying I think he's referring to is very minor and I do not count is as bullying however the way it can expand rapidly is damaging, and I'm not even talking mentally.
Nor physically, it's kind of neither but both.
It restricts what you're able to do because of the lack of social activity - it's a little more extreme but it makes sense.

You are basing it off the assumption that everyone who doesn't feel like a perfect little flower every second of every day is a tortured human being and, some are suggesting, anything that takes away the perfect flower status should be illegal.

You throw out the assumption that he threw out that assumption - don't be a hypocrite of all things.

How is this relevant at all?

Because if I went onto Christianity FTW saying Christians are indoctrinated evil dickheads who haven't got the mental capacity to accept that they're wrong, I wouldn't really be listened to now would I?
You imply the same message here.

I was just saying, some people feel like they don't have a place because of others words, they feel like an outcast.

*Raises hand* I'm still in that position, but seeing the blatant imperfections and attitudes others behold, I cannot give a smaller dump.

And it makes them a wimp. Every day.

How about you back that up.

Now could you bring something interesting and new to the table? I feel like I am debating with a parrot.

You're not really debating, you're throwing out your point in such a dull manner I and probably those you're.... "debating with" are beginning to think you're hopeless.

Yes it does. If you can be hurt by something as harmless as words, then you are a wimp who needs to grow a pair. It doesn't mean you have been hurt, it means you have been overly emotional. Words don't hurt, unless fired from an LRAD.

This argument isn't really valid until you understand my point which I hope is what are the others points as well. Granted, I've not thrown out hypothetical or real life situations but that's because I really don't have one I can recall.

Your the one offended, so you must be the insecure one.

Sorry Zydrate but I kind of agree with this logic.

Verbal bullying is really not a problem. As we have gone over many times before.

It's the common consequences of verbal bullying which can be very disruptive.

You really think driving one to suicidal intentions is "fun?"

I think (I hope) he wasn't talking from his perspective. You know the idea, just chilling with friends and when one of them says something you're able to line up a good line of banter which everyone (hopefully including the "victim&quot laughs to? I don't see the logic in bullying but I could guess that verbal bullies find it the same thing (for them).

I think your wrong. Who cares if you are not loved and cared about by the people you don't like anyway?

Your brain.
(It's a long video but in here it mentions the need for social interaction)
(The video is not religious, despite it's name, although it does dredge up where the idea of Religion may have come from - "The meaning of life&quot

By this logic is not being hurt by verbal abuse unnatural? Kind of, yes. I'm not saying it's illogical but to those who haven't paid direct attention to the idea of shrugging off verbal abuse they're more inclined to be hurt than to do something else.

If you really think that because a few people make fun of you, you are completely insecure and a wimp.

Put it in better words, I can't say I disagree but I can say I would not sound like such an ignorant fool. It's for all our sakes (and do not bring up something about them being unable to take it or something - your attitude implies idiocy and lack of knowledge, learn that).

No, we are only talking about words here.

You ask for an interesting topic and then plan to stay solely on this one? Verbal abuse can expand, as I've said, and that's what I think you do not understand.

what do I look like?

You've got brown hair with blue eyes, roughly 6,3 tall and 72 Kilos.

He may not know what that is.

Wikipedia is his friend, Zydrate :>

Another two who did went on to make south park.

In terms of offensive by verbal abuse - is South Park not following the same principle? They're not necessarily doing anything wrong and this is supposed to be freedom of speech, right?

South Park owns, but I must say it'd be quite saddening to see someone so highly influenced by it - considering how stupid South Park is (not saying SP's bad, but we all know how stupid things are in SP ).

Bleh. Bullying? It doesn't happen at my school. My grade has enough morals to understand that if you're bullying on someone, it's not funny, its just being a ****, and the bully shall be shunned.

What school do you go to?
... Can you catch me a flight?

Calling people names, spreading rumors, gradually, we alienated her, and she eventually moved an emotional wreck.

Verbal bullies are glass cannons it seems.

But in all seriousness, it maybe wasn't the best of options.

It's a morally correct (eye for an eye) and viable (you did it) option, it is not a bad option and thus there is no better.
Sure you may have been able to get something better out of it, but it doesn't make it a better option. In a way.

Ugh. Hail Lucifer. Down with bullies. and don't smoke while you're at it.

- H
3,371 posts

In terms of offensive by verbal abuse - is South Park not following the same principle? They're not necessarily doing anything wrong and this is supposed to be freedom of speech, right?

Oh no. I was saying that the first group killed, the second group got over it and made a successful t.v show.

I hate that.
It also lenses on how idiotic things can be - yay, I did good, now apparently people dislike me for having better intelligence..
Because that makes sense? Brawn > Brains in school and it's a piss off.

Exactly, only I don't think I'm any more intelligent. I get better grades and they act as if it's a bad thing. A lot of the kids who get bad grades are smart but don't try.
Showing 106-120 of 145