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111 posts

What do you think should be done about bullying? Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever been the bully? What kinds of bullying are there.
With bullying becoming a growing problem in America, how do you think it should be delt with. It is a federal offense to bully anyone based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, or national origin. Have you ever been bullied based on any of these things? If so now is the time to speak out on bullying before anyone else becomes a victim.

  • 145 Replies
322 posts

Verbal bullying is really not a problem.

For real? Do you know what it's like to get the "silent treatment" in school?
3,025 posts

Oh no. I was saying that the first group killed, the second group got over it and made a successful t.v show.

I know what you meant but I was just pointing out how South Park follows the same principle

Still, a lot of people take insult to it.

Exactly, only I don't think I'm any more intelligent. I get better grades and they act as if it's a bad thing

They're idiots for thinking it's a bad thing, and probably they do not understand how the infrastructure works. I can safely say that in most aspects of intelligence I am smarter than my peers.

A lot of the kids who get bad grades are smart but don't try.

That is indeed true, but if they lack the fundamental knowledge of actually trying, it's kind of their fault.

Or their parents / guardians. It's difficult to judge younger people due to their heritage and how much it can effect them. It even applies to adults quite often.

Do you know what it's like to get the "silent treatment" in school?

What is the silent treatment?

- H
3,371 posts

There's this kid in school who gets bullied, but it's almost as if he tries to get bullied. He's constantly singing and saying irrelevent things to disrupt class. And no matter how many times he's told to stop he doesn't. The abuse against him isn't physical it's verbal. He purposely annoys people and is surpised when they get upset at him again and again. It is a pretty hard issue if you arn't in classes with him, but I try not to be like a bully. It doen't mean I'm okay with him being annoying because he does it on purpose and it's not something he can't help, but I just don't find ostracising him is going to make him stop cause it it been done and hasn't helped.

322 posts

What is the silent treatment?

To put it short, getting ignored.
3,025 posts

To put it short, getting ignored.

Ah. Dealt with that, it's no big deal for me really. :P

There's this kid in school who gets bullied, but it's almost as if he tries to get bullied. He's constantly singing and saying irrelevent things to disrupt class. And no matter how many times he's told to stop he doesn't. The abuse against him isn't physical it's verbal. He purposely annoys people and is surpised when they get upset at him again and again. It is a pretty hard issue if you arn't in classes with him, but I try not to be like a bully. It doen't mean I'm okay with him being annoying because he does it on purpose and it's not something he can't help, but I just don't find ostracising him is going to make him stop cause it it been done and hasn't helped.

Sounds like a RL troll lol. I would say giving no reaction would help, but generally I wouldn't think your friends / people in your school would be able to control themselves enough to simply ignore him.

It usually works.

- H
322 posts

Ah. Dealt with that, it's no big deal for me really. :P

How can it be no big deal? Do you never talk to anyone in school? When I say Ignore I mean the very definition.
1,482 posts

GoblinD, the silent treatment is no big deal I think. If some kid doesn't want to chat with me, then fine, screw him. It is not as if he can muster up 100% of the populace to ignore me. I've never seen anybody people hated that he couldn't find someone to talk to. [Maybe in a smaller school, its true?]

1,482 posts

Exactly, only I don't think I'm any more intelligent. I get better grades and they act as if it's a bad thing. A lot of the kids who get bad grades are smart but don't try.

Sorry for the double post, but I just wanted to agree with this. High School for me, has been ridiculously easy. Besides math/science courses, I think it is impossible to really judge anybody's intelligence, all the stupid kids aren't stupid because they happen to think any slower, they're just stupid because they make dumb choices and then wonder why they can't understand anything in, lets say English, after not having read the book just because they were too lazy.
Though in my school, there are enough smart kids/better grade getters so that it isn't like any kid with an A is left out.
370 posts

I wasn't bullied. I have been mean to other girls though when I was extremely younger I stopped that though. Someone tried to bully me in highschool but the school was very strict about bullying and I made sure to let a dean know what was going on. He was expelled from school after others complained about him too. My mom has always taught us to fight and curse people out. My younger brother has Down Syndrome and people have tried to be mean to him but he fights people back. I think my mum's way for dealing with a bully has worked-fight them back.

3,025 posts

When I say Ignore I mean the very definition.

When I did / do deal with it, it's not really a matter for me - I see the idea that they finally left me alone an oppurtunity if anything.

Yes, I've learnt to always look at the bright side of things, as shown on Page 6.

Do you never talk to anyone in school?

I do, but quite frankly I wouldn't care less if they decided to ignore me, the first reason would be that it wasn't my fault and is really theirs.
The second? Call me arrogant but it's their loss, as said (also on Page 6) I like to be independent, it's another oppurtunity.
The third? It's another oppurtunity for simply relaxing, thinking, doing whatever, just having a walk - I chose that before having the possibility to talk in the Hall in my school with friends, because it was pouring down outside and everyone was in, I wanted to just relax for 5 minutes.

GoblinD, the silent treatment is no big deal I think. If some kid doesn't want to chat with me, then fine, screw him.

Basically my first point.

It is not as if he can muster up 100% of the populace to ignore me. I've never seen anybody people hated that he couldn't find someone to talk to. [Maybe in a smaller school, its true?]

Even then it can't be too much of a big deal if someone is capable of doing that.

Sorry for the double post, but I just wanted to agree with this. High School for me, has been ridiculously easy.

A bit too easy, especially when my maths teacher put up a number like this:
He asked us if we could name this number, and I don't think he expected me to raise my hand and say "With the American numbers (A british billion = 12 Zeroes, an American = 9 Zeroes, the American version is more widely used, even though I live in Wales) it is twelve quadrillion, six hundred and eighty four trillion, two hundred and ninety four billion one hundred seventy-two million, one hundred and eighty six thousand five-hundred and two."

He was gobsmacked, everyone was like "What?" and I was laughing.
My bro-in-law was laughing as well since he was right next to me and had NO IDEA wtf just happened lol.
Moments like that make me laugh. :>

Besides math/science courses, I think it is impossible to really judge anybody's intelligence, all the stupid kids aren't stupid because they happen to think any slower, they're just stupid because they make dumb choices and then wonder why they can't understand anything in, lets say English, after not having read the book just because they were too lazy.

It's fundamental stupidity, in some cases. However I do have to say reading books etc is a pain.
Not that I've had to do it, extended work hasn't been too much of a problem although quite honestly I can understand that reading a large book is very annoying and even unnecessary in a lot of cases.

Though in my school, there are enough smart kids/better grade getters so that it isn't like any kid with an A is left out.

Where do you live?

I think my mum's way for dealing with a bully has worked-fight them back.

It generally does work but in some situations it isn't a good option. In mine for instance it would show a radically stupid change of character and a very unnecessary act considering I'm on no bad terms with people, really speaking.

- H
14 posts

Do you know what it's like to get the "silent treatment" in school?

I have, for about a week.
It honestly didn't bother me, though, sometimes I prefer to be alone than to be with others, which may sound incredibly stupid to some.

When people saw it didn't bother me, they just started talking to me again..
2 posts


Bullies shouid just find another outlet for thier anger or stress, and if the reason they are being misstreated, or ignord at home they should talk to a school counceler or other trusted adult.

1,606 posts

Fascinating. I've never been bullied, because I'ev always been 1-2 feet taller than everyone else, but the fact that you can get bullied, AKA discriminated against for some of these things, I find interesting. Personally, I.... DOn't really get why girls become lesbian. There's literally not reason. Anyway, I don't bully them because of that, even though I have that ability within my grasp. I'm more of the vindicator-type bully. I bully bullies. Or you could say I make sure they don't bully other people. Howeveer you wanna take that.

3,371 posts

Personally, I.... DOn't really get why girls become lesbian.

I think they're born that way, you can't really help that. I think it's good that you don't let bullies bully people.
35 posts

Personally, I.... DOn't really get why girls become lesbian.

i don't think that they're born that way but pushed that way early in life from different influences
Showing 121-135 of 145