about time some american sees this. you go for president
As a Muslim from Pakistani decent I don't see any realistic hope of this
It's a cruel world when it comes to democracy
Then again, you get oil and a foothold in a strategic area next to Pakistan,Iran, China and Russia.
Okay, a few things.
Foothold? Afghanistan is one of the hardest places on earth to conquer, let alone ever say you have a militaristic foothold in.
Furthermore, strategic? They have trouble making runways for airplanes in some places, and as for getting into China, most of the path is covered by mountains, a better way is through Pakistan through the pass or south from Western Russia.
As for being next to Iran, that isn't strategic at all, if we were ever to invade Iran, sending in our battalion of 90,000 and somehow equipping them and asking them to move in by land or sea without backup makes no sense --
This makes sense because it is what we did last time, and supply our badboys from the sea and land on all of their harbors. That's where the people and resistance would be, anyway.
As for being next to Pakistan, you are correct, it is quite strategic since Pakistan's northern areas are much more rural and look much more like Afghanistan, obviously a reason as to why there is so much influence in the upper areas. Yet Pakistan has 180 Million people, half the US Population and a huge Army with Nukes. It is clearly not strategic, since Pakistan hasn't really been to swayed with the US activity in Afghanistan.
Oh, and for the Oil, Afghanistan does not have much of it. In terms of Iraq, much of the Oil is nationalized and though we've gotten access to some of it, it clearly isn't anything to be happy about or spend a billion a month for.
Overall, we get almost nothing, a bit of Oil but not enough to change any prices [Unlike being nice, which history has shown to lower prices], and no advantage in the military.
Definitely not worth the money.
So yeah, I don't like it.