The US would see it. The drones cameras can zoom in, take a picture of your face, send it in to the nearest base, and the picture would probably be detailed enough for the people at the base to point out freckles you didn't even know you had. Not to mention they'd notice the village being taken over and the actual terrorists disguising themselves as civilians. You're plan is beyond flawed. None of that would go unnoticed. It'd be no different than robbing a bank and smiling for the cameras as you light up the place.
This war has gone on for far to long. We need to win this war or we will go bankrupt. Not to mention that these soldiers have families that may not see them ever again. people are dying the war on terror has lasted for ten years and the war is still not over.
Not to mention that these soldiers have families that may not see them ever again. people are dying the war on terror has lasted for ten years and the war is still not over.
Not that many have died compared to other wars. More Americans died in the single attack on Pearl Harbor.
As soon USA leaves afghanistan, then the taliban will take over the goverment. Which means the mission failed. And since the mission didnt succed, the war is lost. And we will be back to where we started.
As soon USA leaves afghanistan, then the taliban will take over the goverment. Which means the mission failed. And since the mission didnt succed, the war is lost. And we will be back to where we started.
The Afghan Army and government are stronger than what most people think they are.
And since the mission didnt succed, the war is lost.
There were two aims.
The primary driver of the invasion was the September 11 attacks on the United States, with the stated goal of dismantling the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization and ending its use of Afghanistan as a base.
The United States also said that it would remove the Taliban regime from power and create a viable democratic state.
Parts of each have already been achieve and I believe talk of victory isn't entirely impossible.
You wouldn't be able to see it, it'd be so high up in the air. Do you mean to tell me that you think our military equipment is that bad?
It is't like they'd be stripping in the streets and changing
It would see the village being taken over. Think of the Predator drones as the all-seeing-eye on the back of $1's. They can see just about everything that goes on in streets and cities when they're flying. Your plan won't be going too far. Not to mention that the strategic minds of the US generals and other high ranks clearly out-match any 14-year-old. They would dissect your plan, find every flaw it has, and then come up with a counter-measure to make positive there are no survivors on the enemies side. Hell, a good squad leader could do the same thing.
Answer: Common sense
Here's a better answer: no compassion or heart for the innocent.