Alright I have been researching theories talking with other Atheists and I have discovered some people who are Atheists but for the wrong reasons like... 1.Settling a score with God because they hate him for (whatever)reasons. 2.Just because. Some good reasons... 1.There is no evidence. 2.A book written by primitive people is no proof for any God/Gods. 3.Nothing can be omniscient and omnipotent. Any other reasons can be stated for I am interested in some of your reasons or reasons not to be.
I have no reason to be an atheist. I'm fine as is. I can believe in God and you don't have to believe in him. quite simple.
You have no reason to be, and that's ok. But I have reasons, personal reasons that not all must share. I just wanted to say that some people have reasons to be atheist, contrary to what SchoolBus said.
Although, you have to admit that assured eternal rest sounds like a good reason
"Statistically, no matter what you believe in, the chance to get punished"
So would you like to be punished like statistic says? What would save you from human things like statistics? I just said you could make your life not to be in the same statistic!
âI only believe in statistics that I doctored myselfâ â Winston S. Churchill
if you believe in God but theres nothing like any almighty, would nothing be mad about ya?
No, but there's nothing to do about it. Though I am convinced anyway that there is no afterlife so I don't care
You however said "if you believe in God but theres nothing like any almighty, would nothing be mad about ya?". This is a probabilistic argument, and basically the core statement of Pascal's wager, which is purely statistics. The only problem with it is that it is true only for unrealistic assumptions. Realistic application of pascal's wager result in the loss of that core statement, leading to what I wrote before.
I just answered your probabilistic argument with another probabilistic argument and it's just a logical thought experiment, so leave Churchill be^^
In any material consecvence: would it be so bad to believe there's more than our materialistic world what humans can imagine? Should we be that pitty?
Honestly? No it isn't bad to be convinced that there's more to it, it would be bad however to lie to oneself only because 'there's no harm'.
It's fine if you're not an atheist. I'm fine with people believing in a deity. But you're saying that being atheist is, what, useless, futile, has no reason, stuff like that? That is an ignorant and intolerant attitude and I'm just trying to make you realize it.
If it doesn't matter (which I've already concluded), I prefer to stay true to my convictions if you allow so.
It's fine if you're not an atheist. I'm fine with people believing in a deity. But you're saying that being atheist is, what, useless, futile, has no reason, stuff like that? That is an ignorant and intolerant attitude and I'm just trying to make you realize it.
he's just saying he doesn't want you to go to hell. If you don't believe in Jesus--wait let me put it another way-- if you do not follow Jesus Christ you will go to Hell. Of course this is some of the reasons why some people are atheist, because they say "why would A loving God send a bunch of people to Hell?" So I can understand why some people are atheist. some atheists just want fact.
he's just saying he doesn't want you to go to hell.
He didn't say so. But if he meant it, thanks but no thanks. I don't need compassion, be it true or hypocrite; I'm fine without.
Of course this is some of the reasons why some people are atheist, because they say "why would A loving God send a bunch of people to Hell?" So I can understand why some people are atheist. some atheists just want fact.
Wait, you think the only reason some people are atheists is to try and debunk hell? Probably got that wrong..^^
You should listen to some of the testimonies from when the people began to doubt and then come back to Christ.
Or you can (pun not intended but couldn't resist)
Theres no reason to be atheist. You will be realized in your last moment. Anyway, if you believe in God but theres nothing like any almighty, would nothing be mad about ya?
You could be worshiping the wrong god or perhaps the real test is to see who can think for them selves instead of following blind faith. The possibilities are nearly endless and not confined to your narrow view of God.
if you do not follow Jesus Christ you will go to Hell.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23 No matter what you burn in hell. So you obviously do not know your bible. What you mean is that only if you truly believe in Jeebus, then you can go to heaven. So if you've had any doubt.. Really the whole concept was made up so people would pay their dues to the church back in the day..
The bible said god is just and fair. Many things make that untrue, here are some just to name a few.. 1: God ordered Izaak to be sacrificed in the the binding of Izaak. 2: I can be the fairest man and be the nicest guy but if i don't believe in Jesus i burn in hell? How the heck is that fair?! An atheist thinks religion is corrupt, I think it was a good thing, it stoped people from misbehaving.