In this spin-off of CtO, there is a lovely city called Lolcatia! Unfortunately, the previous villains of CtO are pissed off at Lolcatia for it's causing them to be killed by intrepid Objective Completers. So, they decided to level the city! Little do they know that the Objective Completers are ready to protect their city...
War shoves back, only holding the baseball bat with one hand! Yeah, he's got some muscles. With his other hand, War draws Tournesol and stabs at Sonic's Android Heart!
let's try this. i use chaos control to form a wall infront of war to block the X slash, while sheathing Dragon's Destiny and summoning to me Skyward Dragon(a Long Sword)
After two turns, I feel OK. A scar formed where the slash was, but no matter. I get up. "Now, my old sniper..." I grab my old sniper. I hand crafted it, and it had handmade rounds. I cocked it, and raised the scope. "Seems good enough..." I wait outside on a vantage point. "Time to die, Sonic."
I tell the elementals to attack again. This time strike the right dragons. Next I send my Frost Wyrms to attack. Finally, I buy the Arcana Elemental and upgrade it.
I upgrade the u dragons again, and command the attacking units and defending units we have to go out there and fight like men for the safety of lolcatia, at the risk of their lives.
(Explodes from the insane amount of chaos energy in my body thus creating a shock wave stronger than that of a nuclear bomb and unfortunately, I was very close to lolcatia's walls)
Death punts tom into the knot of enemies so we can use that explosion to our advantage. After that, he calls back his soul and revives him!
Pestillence then follows up by equipping Dragonium armour and a Dragonsbane sword, thus becoming...A DRAGON SLAYER! He charges into the fray and starts combo'ing like crazy, explioting his armour's Fire immunity and his sword's Dragon-elemental attacks! Before that, he taps TNWNN on the shoulder. "Bro. Take this spare set of DragonSlayer equipment and defend Lolcatia liek a baws."
Famine sounds the HORN OF GONDOR...again. I know, I did this before. I dont think the horn's one use...shouldn't be. 'sides, we need it.
War leaps over the chaos wall and lands behind sonic. He swings the Jewelbat (Just thought that up for the really heavy, Diamond-encrusted PLATINUM baseball bat) overhead to crush sonic's skull, and stabs tournesol at his neck to decap him while he's switching weapons!
Some well-needed information. Death: Horseman with SRS BSNS. enjoys soul soup. Red mage class. Pestillence: He is the trip acidtrolls take. Enjoys making others jelly and mad, then dead. Defensive spellcaster class. Famine: The trolliest (?) of them all, screwed up africa for the lolz. Support class. War: BAWS. Epic fighter class.
Actually, revise Famine's action. He doesen't blow the Horn of Gondor. He saves that for later. Famine: *Takes out intergalatic walkie-talkie* "Commnce operation Damocles." ???: "You sure, boss?" Famine: "OF COURSE I'M SURE. COMMENCE NOW." ???" "Yes, sir." And far away in the sky, a space station's launch doors open. A humungous sword the size of the Eiffel tower slowly creeps out, hanging to the station by only a thread. ???: "3...2-AWW WHAT THE HELL 0!!" ??? pushes a button, severing the thread. The massive sword starts falling to earth...gonna take a turn or 2 though.
Gemini Delta has revived me yet again. Hm, umm I walk up to Sonic and um (thinks about the multiple times he's brutally killed me) and then I walk away and go hide behind our wall.