In this spin-off of CtO, there is a lovely city called Lolcatia! Unfortunately, the previous villains of CtO are pissed off at Lolcatia for it's causing them to be killed by intrepid Objective Completers. So, they decided to level the city! Little do they know that the Objective Completers are ready to protect their city...
@sonicheroes95: Ooh, right in the pupil. You deal 8000 damage!
@tom0000009: Done. Also, it's not a nuke, it's barely enough to make your innards misplaced.
@rick073: sonic dodged your attacks! However, you did manage to deal 2000 damage somewhere.
@GeminiDelta: Your big long post plan is negated due to Famine being dead, so you cannot do the Armageddon call! Death can't revive that many heroes at once, since it would break the life stream too much. As for Pestilence, he rages and starts calwing...something invisible by Lolcatia. It uncloaks and reveals itself to be Chameleos!
War mostly missed Sonic, but he did do 10,000 damage though block penetration and shockwave damage.
@Darkfire45: Which targets would be the right ones?
You buy and upgrade an Arcana Elemental into Space type.
@CommanderDude7: Your attack does little to the newly enraged Fatalis! And by little I mean 2000 damage.
@Nicholas98: The normal units STILL can't get past Teostra and Lunastra...
The Chameleos's roar of pain recoils the heroes! again...
Fatalis lobs a fireball right into CommanderDude7, criticalling him!
Kushala Daora blows hurricaine force wind at the sword, redirecting it to Lolcatia!
I use the Fire Elementals to attack Doragyurosu and Chameleos, Frost Wyrms and Ice Elementals to attack Lunastra and the Electric Elementals on Kushala Daora and Gold Rathian.
Actually NVM. Death stays behind and sacrifices a King-fu kitteh to bring back a hero! He does this as much as he can per turn. How's THAT for not breaking life stream too much?
"NOT IF I CAN ****ING HELP IT!" I shout angrily as I start running towards the armory. I feel better now. I can't let Sonic use his powers... Memedrenaline starts, fresh and new. I grab a knife, Flame-Resistant Vest, and the file dramatic_opera_singing.mp3. I run towards sonic, drop the file, play the music, and funnel all my energy towards my left hand. (Which holds the knife, btw.) I attempt to stab Sonic in the face, and also try to cause I shockwave that will daze him.
i duck under the knife and slash you with Skyward Dragon, before closing my eyes to focus. "heh, you're trying to stab me with a knife? you really are an idiot." i proceed to unleash a high speed slash combo on TNWNN(I exited the chaos realm earlier.)
When sonic closes his eyes, I jump away from said attack, then I get out a surprise plasma grenade, (YES THE ONES FROM RAZE KYLE.) and stick it on Sonic's face. "I do learn, now that move was a bit silly of me." Smiling, I use all my energy to move away from Sonic. "Send me a postcard, OK?"
... hey tom, why do you have a grenade on your face... *looking at tom from where tom was standing a second ago while he gets the grenade that came from TNWNN*