It is stupid once it's no longer medical, the reason why it's stupid is there is no other use for marijuana other than getting high, why do you want everyone getting high? What would your reason be for legalizing it?
It should be legal. Alcohol and tobacco are both more addictive. And when you smoke it you are less intoxicated than when you are drunk. AND it is much less hazardous for your health than smoking.
Yes, I think marijuana should be legal. It does cause lung cancer, but in a much lower percentile than cigarettes. There aren't really many negative consequences for smoking pot besides becoming really stupid, and but then again most people who smoke pot in the first place are already suffering that ailment. It doesn't cause you to become angry or aggressive like other illegal drugs, so I really don't see why it should be illegal. If people want to smoke pot, let them.
the reason why it's stupid is there is no other use for marijuana other than getting high, why do you want everyone getting high? What would your reason be for legalizing it?
It's not that we want people to get high, but why would it be illegal? It's not hurting anyone if they smoke pot, it should be their choice. With that logic, alcohol and cigarettes should be illegal as well.
no it shouldnt be legal... its a drug and drugs are drugs i dont care if you say its not as bad as other drugs.. cause they are all the same to me drugs ruin ur life and others.. i would know about drugs my life got destroyed by drugs and i didnt even do them..
no it shouldnt be legal... its a drug and drugs are drugs i dont care if you say its not as bad as other drugs.. cause they are all the same to me drugs ruin ur life and others.. i would know about drugs my life got destroyed by drugs and i didnt even do them..
What is your definition of drugs? Do you think cigarettes and alcohol should be illegal?
in my mind marijuana should be legal. it would lower crime rates, it would create jobs, the gorvernment could tax the hell out of it, it can create new trade markets, overall it would be a good thing.
of course there should be an age limit on it like cigarettes and alcohol, but i think it would be an overall positive thing
I think it should definitly be legal. It would give many jobs like delossantosj said, and if it was taxed by the government then they could make lots of money and save more from not arresting people who illegaly use it. And who knows, maybe it'll become more popular then ciggarettes and replace them.
What is your definition of drugs? Do you think cigarettes and alcohol should be illegal?
no i dont, but i think it would be good if they where illegal.. but i dont concider alcohol and smoking a drug.. im just against drinking, and drugs.. cause that stuff mest up my childhood
no i dont, but i think it would be good if they where illegal.. but i dont concider alcohol and smoking a drug.. im just against drinking, and drugs.. cause that stuff mest up my childhood
Does that include drugs intended for medical purposes?
It shouldn't be made 100% legal no - it's bad enough that youngsters can get it, but if it was legal and more readily available, i think you'd see a upsurge of younger kids getting addicted to it.
No. It shouldn't. People talk about how it will help the United States economy recover. But what about all those years where the economy was fine? It wasn't legal then. It shouldn't be now. It's nothing special. If you talk about how much weed you smoke, you're basically talking about how much of a waste of life you are. It makes you happy, but it's not real happiness. Grades in school will go down. Productivity will go down. It would be a nightmare. Maybe medically, it should be legalized, only to help treat patients with epilepsy, cancer, etc. But in my mind, it should remain illegal for personal use. Don't call me biased, either. I've done it. Once. I didn't feel any different, maybe a little more laxed and careful, and I certainly wasn't happy. I actually wanted to die.
alcohol, sugar, caffeine, and tobacco are some of the most addictive legal drugs. Those can all be abused and are bad for you, but they are all still legal.
If it were legalized, marijuana would probably be the safest drug on the market. It's hardly addictive, and unless you enjoy being stoned like an adulterous wife in Saudi Arabia all day every day, you're not going to develop many adverse effects. Only 10-30% of regular users develop any kind of dependency, and only 9% are serious addictions. Marijuana has also been shown to alleviate cancer.
@Jeff, You should be more worried about kids smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Both are much more dangerous, and more readily available.
@Pauler, Not every recreational user is smoking all of the time. Also, the state of the economy does not directly correlate to the legality of marijuana. If regulated by the government, we probably would be in better shape as a country. I hear Holland is doing pretty well for itself.
Also, this:
Don't call me biased, either. I've done it. Once. I didn't feel any different, maybe a little more laxed and careful, and I certainly wasn't happy. I actually wanted to die.
I call bias. Getting one mediocre high does not qualify you as the see all know all of pot smoking. Also, marijuana doesn't cause feelings of depression. Perhaps you can reassess that feeling of yours. I know this because I do smoke about once every few weeks, and I have been for about a year now. Different people experience it in different ways, but I have never seen, felt or heard of anyone becoming depressed after marijuana use, let alone while on the substance.
All that said, I believe marijuana should be legalized.