ForumsThe Tavern(Nostalgia) Was AG better before?

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Hello. While I was exploring AG-based Xats, I've met several unactive/banned/"old-school" AG Users. Most of them said that, one of the main reasons to their inactivity here is that the site was better before.

Is that true?

How better? They say that the threads had more quality back in time.

Well, I can't tell if it was. I joined June 26th, so that's not too much knowledge on our awesome site...

- R

  • 1,018 Replies
2,917 posts

noobs asking for a second chance.

Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?

What do you guys think the grand prize for the winner of WoM?
2,917 posts

Thwah? Do you mean what do you think of the grand prize, or what the grand prize should be? Sorry, I don't keep up with the WoM much.

Winner gets a video about them, and something else made by strop.
1,100 posts

Responding to things since the 49th page.

WE the veterans of Armor Games, in order to create a more perfect Community, establish Order, insure internet Tranquility, provide for the Common Defence Against SPAM, promote Proper Grammar, and secure the Blessings of Dan to ourselves and our fellow gamers, do ordain and establish this Constitution for Armor Games.[...]

All powers of the new government shall be granted to those users ordained with the title of Moderator or Administrator, henceforth these individuals will hold complete authority over the laws and regulations of the community. No person who has not attained the age of eighteen shall be elected moderator. No person who is not a verified agent of Armor Games shall become Administrator. Vacancies within this esteemed group shall be filled upon the whim of the Administrators.

I emailed Justin a few times and he said it got accidentally deleted and he was going to try to bring all the posts back, but then he said they can't because they're too busy with AG3. Meh, I remember when "You're Banned" was deleted and Cormyn brought it back in a few minutes, so it shouldn't be difficult.

Nothing against Justin, but let's call Cormyn! Maybe he can solve this.
I found the eulogy for TTICA. Don't know if someone already posted it somewhere in this thread, but I thought it was pretty funny.

Look at the OP of it! It's ol' Patrick!
Am I the only one who thinks that he takes this way to seriously, because it's either that, or he's trolling the hell out of all of us.

What would be "this"?
All of the posts are gone, but notice how the thread is unlocked. ;D

So, anyone with more courage than me want to risk posting there?
As did I, which is why I had a "eureka" moment when I stumbled upon it while browsing through some random old page of the Tavern, looking for old AG memorabilia.

What other memorabilia did you found, Ernie?
It's only locked for the time being until certain mods figure out what's going on with it.

Therefore, posting in it is asking to have it gone/locked again...
Walker had something on his profile about a heart attack, still not sure whether or not that was a joke

Now his profile says something about a hamster and lack of internet.
Whatever happened to Carlie too? She was pretty cool to talk to back in '09.[quote]Carlie got a new job and left a very long time ago.
Miss having Uber and Estel around....

That makes me wonder: What happened to the other mods?
You guys are beginning to sound like noobs asking for a second chance. Get over it. It's gone. It can come back, but it's gone for now.

Don't be that pessimistic, Pazx. A big different is noticed between a dreaming vet and a desperate noob.
Just filling in the gaps....he got banned once did he?

More than once, as far as I can tell *coughthreetimescough*
Humm, you can't restrict threads, can you? That is, to only let specific users participate? I don't know if that would help much, but that might prevent a little bit of spammage.

Hmm, great idea. JEOL. SUBMIT THAT TO AG3 FORUM. NOW! (please).
Maybe people could just write longer and more thoughtful posts... It benefits the community more by providing something for people to actually comment on and isn't as im-in-an-out. Yay for discussion.


Maybe... maybe... when knives start to tear down the skies...
The internet never ceases to surprise me by spewing forth an insurmountable number of trolls. Lately though there aren't many on AG.

Well, I assume that, with a smaller community, the insurmountable amount of trolls was smaller. (Holy God of good grammar, that was awesome.)
Ah the nostalgia....(Yes Cen, see, we stick on topic.....)

Well, once all the posts are, somehow, related to Ol' AG, that IS being on topic. Nonetheless, you would make an OP proud if this don't get out of hand.
Yay for AG.!

That's why I love this place... The people here are awesome. I'm going to have some serious nostalgia in the future, either if I end up leaving or everyone else does.

Yeah, I think that too, pal. I can even imagine myself on my job sneakily lurking AG while my boss is not around.
Hopefully it will return to it's former state at some point.

Yeah... *dreams about it happening* Yeah... *drools*

Wow! Even though the weather is around 35 C, I have made once another wall of text. Sorry for the headaches, but I needed to show my opinions about the last pages. Thumbs up for aspirin!
6,800 posts

They disappear so often now it's almost expected. I'm more surprised when I see an influx of moderators now than when I see a lack of them. We're all used to it, though. It's been this way ever since the beginning of time

So that makes us an Autonomous Collective then?

What do you guys think the grand prize for the winner of WoM

They become a moderator. Strop and Cen *say* that its just pretend, but thats just to increase the shock factor when it actually happens.
13,657 posts

Hey, anyone remember when I wasn't a mod? That was times.

They become a moderator. Strop and Cen *say* that its just pretend, but thats just to increase the shock factor when it actually happens.

That is, if they actually win against the raiders.


Because she'd rather be what her education made her than an admin (who I am still not sure got paid).
Only reason I am here is because I can put this on my resume.

What happened to the other mods?

See reasoning in post about what the currently mods are doing. As for Moe, he resigned. Dank probably did too. Tuna went crazy/got hacked, I believe, Estel is being a manly man, Calm... Was cool, I think.

That is, to only let specific users participate?

Would go against our principle that this is a public forum (sans having to be a member), which means that someone should be able to post in the forums and in any thread they might want, which also is a good reason for all the clan threads to go die in a fire.

Oh, right, I kinda miss the Zombie Survival Club. The original one, where it was actually worth it to be crazy enough to imagine yourself stuck in a tall building with zombies on all the floors and the elevator broken.
That might have been the one thread outside of the WEPR (is that right, Knight?) that actually had a proper discussion going and half a page long posts.
1,100 posts

Would go against our principle that this is a public forum (sans having to be a member), which means that someone should be able to post in the forums and in any thread they might want, which also is a good reason for all the clan threads to go die in a fire.

Uh... yeah. Thinking about that now... JEOL. DON'T SUBMIT THAT. (please).

Democratically speaking, it would also, somehow, violate the 1st amendment from the american constitution. (5th amendment of the brazilian constitution).

Also, Cen, you really love to say that threads usually die in a fire, along with english grammar and comma rules, do you?
Because she'd rather be what her education made her than an admin (who I am still not sure got paid).

Well, does anyone knows what her education made her?
See reasoning in post about what the currently mods are doing. As for Moe, he resigned. Dank probably did too. Tuna went crazy/got hacked, I believe, Estel is being a manly man, Calm... Was cool, I think.

12,319 posts


Actaully, I got temp-banned twice, not 3 times. I got a 1-day and a 3-day, both for backseat modding. The 1-day seemed out of the blue, but the 3-day came after Masterforger's clan thread was locked (I got banned for backseat modding it).
1,612 posts

Well, does anyone knows what her education made her?

Something involving manatees. I don't know for sure though.
13,657 posts

Well, I was thinking it was open to anyone who wanted to participate, but if they weren't really contributing and were just spam/troll/flame/whatever - ing, they would be excluded from that thread specifically... Iduno

Well, if they were doing that, they would need to be excluded from using AG all together anyway.
I kinda like the idea, but I dislike the kind of control one might have over who posts and who doesn't.

That sounds real cool. What happened to it?

Thoad, mainly. He kinda stopped being that active, then he decided to remake the thread somehow, but it didn't lift off as well as it could. Besides that, most of the people posting there started, well, not to as it was a lot of work to write up a forty point plan of how you were going to escape from zombies in certain situations. Especially if you don't live a place where items can be used effectively for weapons, and you only have a gun if you are a cop, a hunter or have it illegally.
I think there was at least one more try and remaking it, but the latest one kinda hit the wall even before it was posted, so nothing much happened. Perhaps for the better. Some things are just too awesome to be redone. Like Godzilla, Lord of the Rings or, apparently, the ZSC.
13,657 posts

I am not awake enough to be on the forums. Last one.

Iduno, I just kind of saw it as a stricter version of the AG forums. Everyone is invited, as long as they comply with the thread rules.

Well, last time I heard about reputation, if you lost enough of it, you would be unable to post in the forums and what not. This is however a long time ago.

Also, Cen, you really love to say that threads usually die in a fire, along with english grammar and comma rules, do you?

It's a good saying. I also like the image of something dying violently in a fire, preferably screaming for its life, while I laugh... Note I said something, not someone, please.

The 1-day seemed out of the blue

You did get several warnings on you being too literal, back seat modding, sucking the fun out of everything by being so blunt you actually cut people and so on, so I guess you either had to ignore that or be oblivious to it.

@Carlie: Marine biologist, as far as I remember. Looked like a bunch of fun, probably better than looking after kiddies on a website.

What else, what else... Back in the days, when the white/blank armatar was still around, people continued to confuse me with Strop, even though he had that nice blue text, the "MODERATOR" under the armatar and he was and still is a lot more fun than I have ever been and will ever be. I don't really know why. It was a little amusing at times, and usually I let him know anyway...
I miss that armatar.
Even if the staffies thought it was too plain and colourless, it was a huge part of the forum identity, not to mention the prestige in keeping it when you were up in the ranks and everyone else had lost it.
The starry one didn't have the same feel to it, but while it was there, it was kinda nice. Now it just seems a little like some kind of reward for the people getting comments deleted, while the rest of us sit back and get forced, and I am using this word in its mildest meaning here, to wear these regular, boring shields.
1,100 posts

Ninja'd before D:

Cormyn doesn't have admin access anymore...

Awww... you're correct. But he could orient another admin into doing the task.
Well, I was thinking it was open to anyone who wanted to participate, but if they weren't really contributing and were just spam/troll/flame/whatever - ing, they would be excluded from that thread specifically... Iduno.

Now that... sounds good.
Oh gosh, I already have had a headache the past four days... :S

What happened?
Actaully, I got temp-banned twice, not 3 times. I got a 1-day and a 3-day, both for backseat modding. The 1-day seemed out of the blue, but the 3-day came after Masterforger's clan thread was locked (I got banned for backseat modding it).

Uh... okay.
Well, if they were doing that, they would need to be excluded from using AG all together anyway.
I kinda like the idea, but I dislike the kind of control one might have over who posts and who doesn't.

Well, it's an idea. But it needs improvements. Just like AG3 Open beta needs.
6,800 posts

violate the 1st amendment from the american constitution

ACLU Vs. The City of Reno, specifically, holds that American Freedom of Speech applies to the internet. ^^

Hey, anyone remember when I wasn't a mod? That was times

You got modded right after I joined. I remember everyone was saying you'd be the next mod, and I remember thinking...

Well, thats not important.
1,100 posts

Darn. Ninja'd again.

Hey, anyone remember when I wasn't a mod? That was times

Honestly, I can't imagine how it was like... maybe like a ... I don't know...
Well, last time I heard about reputation, if you lost enough of it, you would be unable to post in the forums and what not. This is however a long time ago.

It's a good saying. I also like the image of something dying violently in a fire, preferably screaming for its life, while I laugh... Note I said something, not someone, please.

:| I can imagine what you would do with a molotov cocktail and a car soaked in gasoline.
You did get several warnings on you being too literal, back seat modding, sucking the fun out of everything by being so blunt you actually cut people and so on, so I guess you either had to ignore that or be oblivious to it.

Wow, that's precise.
@Carlie: Marine biologist, as far as I remember. Looked like a bunch of fun, probably better than looking after kiddies on a website.

Wow... it sure looks like a cool job. Carlie, if you are reading this, I wish you the best of luck.
What else, what else... Back in the days, when the white/blank armatar was still around, people continued to confuse me with Strop, even though he had that nice blue text, the "MODERATOR" under the armatar and he was and still is a lot more fun than I have ever been and will ever be. I don't really know why. It was a little amusing at times, and usually I let him know anyway...
I miss that armatar.
Even if the staffies thought it was too plain and colourless, it was a huge part of the forum identity, not to mention the prestige in keeping it when you were up in the ranks and everyone else had lost it.
The starry one didn't have the same feel to it, but while it was there, it was kinda nice. Now it just seems a little like some kind of reward for the people getting comments deleted, while the rest of us sit back and get forced, and I am using this word in its mildest meaning here, to wear these regular, boring shields.

Wow, so the white shield shall be remembered as the symbol of the nostalgic AG.

Hey, what about it being the flag to the revolution?
2,917 posts

So that makes us an Autonomous Collective then?

*initiate Monty Python*

Hey, anyone remember when I wasn't a mod? That was times.

You used to be the most respected non-mod.

There will be less ghost accounts in AG3 due to there being no more email-suggest thing.
6,800 posts

*initiate Monty Python*

Help, Help! I'm being reppressed!
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