ForumsThe Tavern(Nostalgia) Was AG better before?

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1,100 posts

Hello. While I was exploring AG-based Xats, I've met several unactive/banned/"old-school" AG Users. Most of them said that, one of the main reasons to their inactivity here is that the site was better before.

Is that true?

How better? They say that the threads had more quality back in time.

Well, I can't tell if it was. I joined June 26th, so that's not too much knowledge on our awesome site...

- R

  • 1,018 Replies
15,595 posts

A forum wipe would be nice. All these pointless threads that are cluttering up the forums are kind of bothersome.

You're acting as if a wipe will change people from producing these useless threads.
12,319 posts

You're acting as if a wipe will change people from producing these useless threads.

Behavioral change is irrelevant when deciding whether to favor the wipe or not since removing bad stuff is better than not removing bad stuff.

Also, I am in favor of a forum wipe, except for any stickies that are still relevant.
15,595 posts

Behavioral change is irrelevant when deciding whether to favor the wipe or not since removing bad stuff is better than not removing bad stuff.

Yes, wipe the forums even though there are still good threads around with people posting in them occasionally, so that when the forums have zero threads everywhere people start coming up with "favorite this", "this or that", etc. threads and that's what there will mostly be.
12,319 posts

It seems as though most people are in favor of the wipe, and logically, there don't seem to be any reasons left to transfer all the old forum data to AG3. That's fine.

I think I've found one that's not in favor of a forum wipe. Then again, you said "most," not "all."
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I think I've found one that's not in favor of a forum wipe. Then again, you said "most," not "all."

I think if you get most of the vets here, they won't be in favour of it.
5,061 posts

But there's so many completely useless threads at this point, and outside of the AMW and stickies I can't think of any threads whatsoever that need to be preserved.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

But there's so many completely useless threads at this point, and outside of the AMW and stickies I can't think of any threads whatsoever that need to be preserved.

The main threads in the WERP, which might prevent people from rehasing the same old dreary arguments again and again.
5,061 posts

Need I remind you that those threads are filled with endless reposts of "I have science on my side you crazy fool." and "I'll pray for your soul, believing in God requires faith not science."

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Need I remind you that those threads are filled with endless reposts of "I have science on my side you crazy fool." and "I'll pray for your soul, believing in God requires faith not science."

Recently it hasn't. By importing such threads over, there's already a main mega thread for people to discuss and view arguments accumulated over the years, instead of having newcomers create a Religion thread everytime and having mods delete it.
13,657 posts

1. If the staff do their job, there should currently be no stickies that would still be relevant, because all that information would be placed on the help page where it belongs.
If they don't, then such stickies needs to be updated anyway.
2. Poetry I assume the creator will save themselves and then repost. That will also mean that they might get a second round of exposure on their talent, which is always nice.
3. Bigger discussion threads tend to run in circles, and can easily be remade and continued, or might even be improved, not to mention the possibility of better moderation in such threads, which will be a good thing for everyone but the people who believe demotivational posters are good responses to certain points.
Everything else... S&S needs to be cleaned out, because there is no clear definition where help asking threads go, where suggestions go (I assume that role will go back to that section again after AGv3 is launched), and what support actually is.
Newcomer's is mainly two things: Questions asked and introductions. While it might be interesting to see how people were introducing themselves, there seem to be little merit in keeping that either.
AGv3 section will go, since the launch will result in few new changes and suggestions being brought in.
Video games... Oh god... Considering the usual quality of most non-vets around, I doubt there is anything worth saving there, that can't be re-pointed out and re-debated.
The walkthroughs might be worth preserving considering the amount of work put into many of the guides, but there is a general confusion around what a guide is (many ask help where they should have kept those to the Flash Game section), and what guides are allowed (only AG relevant tutorials). This cleaning up would probably take forever.
Flash game section... See VG, just with even shorter replies and a lot more to lose due to the user content.
The forum games is what it is, and it could need some new blood anyway.
And so on and so on.

Anything that is worth something for you could probably be copied over to a note pad document or your email, anything else can be redone from the ground, and probably done better.

But as far as I have seen, they are going to keep the forums the way they are for a while after launch because the forums are not the priority.

5,845 posts

I'm in favour of the wipe but to be honest I don't care. Make it easier for the staff, they don't lose anything by wiping the forums. I've said this before, everyone who's anyone will remember everyone else who was significant in the community. Some threads are going to be really missed especially in the AMW but clearing it all off makes people who were around for that be able to look back fondly at the memories of AG2. Art can be reposted, just some of the conversations and posts will be gone forever, and you can't revisit it.


6,800 posts

If the forums are wiped, than there should be some sort of obnoxious tab that shows when. That way, no one can miss it, and no one can complain about it.

Seeing as I have a part of my soul invested in the AMW, this is just a tad bit important.

Rather, why not carry over all stickys, and any thread that has recieved activity in say, the last three months? A sort of compromise, you could say.

1,946 posts

Rather, why not carry over all stickys, and any thread that has recieved activity in say, the last three months? A sort of compromise, you could say.

The problem with this is that, while it may be a good idea for the AMW and WEPR, there would be a lot of useless threads coming over that have been dead for the last three months.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Rather, why not carry over all stickys, and any thread that has recieved activity in say, the last three months? A sort of compromise, you could say.

Stickies would be outdated given AG'3 changes.
3,137 posts

How about we just keep any active thread that is relatively important? But then comes the discussion of what threads ARE important?

Showing 856-870 of 1018