ForumsThe Tavern(Nostalgia) Was AG better before?

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1,100 posts

Hello. While I was exploring AG-based Xats, I've met several unactive/banned/"old-school" AG Users. Most of them said that, one of the main reasons to their inactivity here is that the site was better before.

Is that true?

How better? They say that the threads had more quality back in time.

Well, I can't tell if it was. I joined June 26th, so that's not too much knowledge on our awesome site...

- R

  • 1,018 Replies
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

AP won't be for community participation in AG3, but any relevant stickies should remain. Other than that, I don't really care if the forums are wiped.

He was talking about how this thread has more than 900+ posts, it shows how much nostalgia there is. Not AP.
1,100 posts

Oof. Dropping a bomb here, again. Breaking the concept of "hiatus", but I must do it due to the messages on the last page.

Forum wipe: friend or foe?

==>Would you like if they performed a forum wipe?

==>What "famous-but-pointless" (or threads on the first page with a less-than-solid topic) thread you think that "must die in a horrible fire" (Cen would totally say that ^.^)?

==>What threads do you think that can actually be saved? (Threads with a less-than-solid base but that worth posting)

==>Threads that are good enough to die?

So, with those words, I fade away, being swallowed by the darkness... the darkness of a non-operational computer...


1,100 posts

Aww... Sorry for DP, but major fix incoming:

==>Threads that are too good to die?

NOW I fade to the darkness.


1,100 posts

Uuh... what?

Threads with tons of answers and, at the same time, an awful topic.

"Wait, what am I doing here?"



Cya! Have a nice hiatus, I guess?

Thanks, friend.
13,344 posts

Would you like if they performed a forum wipe?

No. I don't want to have to start fresh in this community again. I've had to go on leave so many times just so I could start over, and this time I think I finally did something right. I'm not going through that again.

That's only a personal note, though. It isn't necessarily the way everyone feels.

What "famous-but-pointless" (or threads on the first page with a less-than-solid topic) thread you think that "must die in a horrible fire" (Cen would totally say that ^.^)?

None of them that haven't already died in a horrible fire must die in a horrible fire. If they weren't bad enough to be deleted in AG2, what qualifies them to be deleted in AG3?

What threads do you think that can actually be saved?

They can all be saved, it will just take more time and effort to save them all. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but I would much rather have AG2 stick around for an extra year or so then have AG3 come around sooner with its history all blanked out.

This community is legendary. It's lasted nearly four years, and I've been a part of this community for three out of those four years. That's longer than most game site forums I've ever seen. We didn't get that way overnight; it took some time for the community to grow into the vast, diverse forums that we know and love today (or rather, "when AG was better&quot. To destroy all that's been accomplished just to make the AG3 release date sooner is a horrible idea.

If the forum gets wiped, I'm going with it.
8,051 posts

==>Would you like if they performed a forum wipe?

Yes. I'm tired of this incessant pseudo-sentimentality. There was memorable moments, but going on about every little thing... Stop holding so much value in the past. Stop it.
13,055 posts

Yes. I'm tired of this incessant pseudo-sentimentality. There was memorable moments, but going on about every little thing... Stop holding so much value in the past. Stop it.

The CTC2PP thread is amazing and it has lot's of history and I'm a big part of it so no I don't want it to be wiped.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

==>Threads that are too good to die?

The Poetry Contest and the WOM.

They can all be saved, it will just take more time and effort to save them all. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but I would much rather have AG2 stick around for an extra year or so then have AG3 come around sooner with its history all blanked out.

Not alone buddy.
5,061 posts

I advocate the forum wipe with limitations, there are many threads that should be reserved for v3 on the other hand there's just so much- crap in certain sections of the forums that it would be ridiculous to keep it around. There is a difference between archiving and hoarding after all.

The AMW for one, should have the majority if not all of it's threads kept around, if only for the great work that has been featured therein over the years.

I'm tired of this incessant pseudo-sentimentality.

I call bull****. For many users, myself included, the fellow users on AG have become friends, to completely wipe the threads would mean to take every photo album, home video, etc. and burning it. It's not living in the past, it's just looking back at memories.
15,595 posts

I wouldn't like it if they wiped the forums, but it doesn't matter what we think about it. They're going to do whatever they please, and whatever is convenient and best for them, so they probably will wipe them if Cormyn was telling the truth about it being difficult to transfer them.

I'm not sure what I'll do if they're wiped; I might leave or I'll stick around to re-create some threads, but it all depends on how active the forums will be by the time that happens and what threads pop up. If it's all just "favorite", "this or that", etc. for the first week then I see no point in being here.

2,765 posts

Sometimes I wonder about forum wipes and then I realize that I was only here since 2009.

There is nothing in AG that I have contributed in that would be worth keeping. All of my posts rarely ventured out of the tavern, forum games and flash games.

However I insist that some threads in the AMW do stay. I remember how long it took me to read through the WOM the first time (Before I realized there was an archive). I now still read the WOM every update.

Now as for the people that are plan just leaving if the forums get wiped. Bit extreme?

Say your house got burned down and everything in it and all you had was your family. Would you leave your family? I don't think so.

AG is your family. AG2 is your house. AG3 is your new house. Stop being stupid and just accept it. You'll always have memories. Take screenshots if you want. But in the end its an internet forum...

13,657 posts

I am still calling wipe. I know some people are sentimental about it, but a fresh start with the newly implemented rep system might work better, not to mention it will be a lot cleaner and easier to keep clean (something we get suggestions about every three months or so).
One thing is all the things AG is, another thing is what it will be and can be without the restrains of old happenings.
(And Strop has saved the WoM I think, considering what he/we are going to do with it, so no issues there. The MWT... Well...)

3,371 posts

I think if they're going to wipe there should be a warning. Like,

FORUM WIPE IN 10 hours

Like that. So that we could know and plan ahead of time. The problem though is that it may kindof hint at the release of AG3.

1,766 posts

A forum wipe would be nice. All these pointless threads that are cluttering up the forums are kind of bothersome. Not now, but when AG3 comes (if it ever does).

From then, we can make new memories!

13,344 posts

Now as for the people that are plan just leaving if the forums get wiped. Bit extreme?


It seems as though most people are in favor of the wipe, and logically, there don't seem to be any reasons left to transfer all the old forum data to AG3. That's fine.

I can see that in the future, I will probably build up a very high post count in AG3 (maybe the highest at one point), and I'll probably stay there for as long as it runs because I'll have nowhere else to go. And when it comes time for the release of AG4 and a new forum wipe, I'll probably be battling for the preservation of the AG3 forums, despite the fact that I really don't have any good reasons to keep it.
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