I apologize if it's in the wrong section, wasn't 100% sure where to put it.
Anyways, what are your opinions on premarital sex? (and please, if you're christian, don't base your opinion on what 'God said', Your personal opinion would be most thankful)
I think it's perfectly fine for 14+ year olds to have sex, but only if they do it smartly. If my son/daughter came to me and said 'Dad would you mind if I had sex?' I'd probably say something between the lines of being smart and using contraceptives. I myself lost my virginity at age 16, it's really not a big deal, just be smart about it, and avoid children (unless financially and mentally prepared for a child) and especially STD's.
anyway i think its ok as long as it is kept secret and there is protection as long as the relationship has been going of for more than 1 month
I agree that you should always protect as long as you're not in a lasting relatioship, but why keep it secret? It's just a question of tact, of course it would be awkward to shout it around publicly, but nothing's wrong with talking about it with your friends.
Also there's absolutely nothing wrong with sex without being married, I mean what does marriage change so dramatically? If you marry someone, you're probably already in a strong relationship with said person since some time, and if your religion is ok with it, it's also perfectly legal. But if you don't like it, of course, don't do it, it's your choice and that's ok.
There is nothing wrong with premarital sex, I think. I mean I was almost 17 when I lost my virginity but I almost dated the girl for a year and we are still together. But if u do it smart there can't be anything wrong with it. But there is a family in our village who are extreme katholic (no offense, it isn't really katholic it is some kind of weird spinn-off) who are truly against premarital sex, and last month they discovered their daughter was pregnant. And she isn't seeing anyone so that was a little embarrassing for them.
Yes, 18 or it's statutory ****; which is a crime. Don't ask me why.
Actually it is only statutory if one of the consenting lovers is above the legal age. If they are underage, or both above the legal age, than it is ok.
Nope, unless you read what I said wrong. When I said christian, I mean a real christian a.k.a the one that follows the bible. Corrected me if I'm wrong, but I was pretty sure that the bible said that god wants to follow his rules, that's why there is a book.
Nope, unless you read what I said wrong. When I said christian, I mean a real christian a.k.a the one that follows the bible. Corrected me if I'm wrong, but I was pretty sure that the bible said that god wants to follow his rules, that's why there is a book.
Following every part of the bible doesn't make you Christian. It makes you a Christian who follows every part of the bible. Christianity doesn't mean following every part as something literal. There's a minimum requirement you need to was to be Christian. Following every word in the bible isn't really a requirement.
avoid children (unless financially and mentally prepared for a child)
So the rich children or children that have ties to higher jobs. Not a very good percentage, mind you. One teenager in a standard job, part-time or full time, cannot support a family.
Yes, 18 or it's statutory ****; which is a crime. Don't ask me why.
I'm going to say this varies between states. If one is legal and one is not, then yes. If both aren't, then that's varying. There are still crimes listed that even children can be accountable for, but I'm not sure that statutory **** is objectively included.
Following every part of the bible doesn't make you Christian. It makes you a Christian who follows every part of the bible. Christianity doesn't mean following every part as something literal. There's a minimum requirement you need to was to be Christian. Following every word in the bible isn't really a requirement.
Following every part of the bible doesn't make you Christian. It makes you a Christian who follows every part of the bible. Christianity doesn't mean following every part as something literal. There's a minimum requirement you need to was to be Christian. Following every word in the bible isn't really a requirement.
I didn't really understand your 2 first sentences, but anyways... I never said it had to be literal, but even without being literal, you're still taking the ideas from a book instead of your mind. Unless you bend the meaning of the bible, which doesn't make you any better. Oh, and what's that minimum requirement? I haven't read anything in the bible that says you can listen to the parts you like and ignore the rest. I'm not saying that a moderate christian is bad, I'm just saying that christianity (the bible) does not tell you to be moderate with the rules.