Palestine was their colony, after all.
Palestine was a mandate, which is completely different from a colony.
Also, following that logic, should Utah become its own Mormon nation? Just another example.
Have the Mormons cried out for a newer state? No. The thing is, a Mormon is still an American. Religion and nationality are divided most of the time. But for the Israelis and Palestinian Arabs, religion IS part of their nationality. Do you get where I'm coming from?
They take over the land by force.
It was given over to them, and the extra land was land they took when the Arabs turned into aggressors first after 1948. It's their fault they got a bloodied nose.
A single word constitutes not an argument. If you're going to play that way, I'm just going to label your arguments ''absurd'' or ''silly'' and then claim my argument is superior. Which is not a debate.
And PLO is right, right in the sense that B4 israel there were only palestinians.
And before the Palestinians, there were the Jews of the Israelite Kingdoms. Really, how many times must we point it out that the Palestinian Arabs arrived centuries after these Jews? And, didn't you say that you think such time-based arguments are illogical? Then why are you using it again?
and u misinterpreted my point I said palestinians own the land and as an owner they have the righ to welcome some one or not welcome someone but jews came under the supervision of brits.
Nope. It was part of the British Empire, so I suppose they would have the right to welcome people or not? Furthermore, there were Jewish majority areas, so I see no reason why they can't welcome their own people.
But u react too much emotionaly, thats not a good thing.
In that case, don't rage against the Israelis being godless intruders, because that's emotional overdrive too. Don't grieve over American drones in Pakistan because it is emotional as well.
Point in case, killing is wrong as it infringes on another person's right to live, unless that person has broken the law by taking another person's life already.
Against public's will.
Care to give evidence? Since you claim might is right, the British did conquer Palestine, and had a right to do as they please. By your logic.
That is the most stupid thing I ever heard noone is mad enough to kill someone without a reason unless laws allow him to.
This is the single most hypocritical statement ever. Do you want me to link you to all the quotes you posted about killing all Israelis again?
Mark my words this aint gonna happen either.
Then don't expect the Israelis to budge. A military war is never winnable by the Palestinians, so if both sides refuse to negotiate, don't ever expect a Palestinian state.
Case in point.
A) You refuse to take in any evidence given by us, and ramble on. Classic example was the whole ''Who Came First'' argument, which we showed with numerous sources, including the PLO charter, to belong to the Jews.
B) After you had your argument wiped, you wormed out of it.
C) You never put in any points or reason apart from ''Kill all Israelis'', ''Israel shouldn't exist'', ''Israel needs to be destroyed as a state''. Such statements are mere statements without valid arguments, which you have not proven or given.
D) You have thoroughly broken Forum Rules by showing contempt and hostility and making such remarks towards the Israelis, which is a no-no.