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What things in this world, you think are SO STUPID, you just wanna say "I Don't Want to Live on this Planet Anymore".

Pizza's a vegetable... Is that so?

  • 277 Replies
2,911 posts

Pizza's a vegetable... Is that so?

I heard about that last night on SNL, I thought it was pretty funny.

But stupid people make me not want to live on this planet. Not going to go into a big story, (because there are just too many and they're all equally stupid in their own special way) but I consider stupid people the scum of the earth because

1, they're too lazy to to learn
2, they end up becoming rich through their parents (not always but it's happened many times)
3, they make everyone in the room with them look bad
3,517 posts

and also because I got rejected a few days ago

Boo hoo. I thought we were talking about problems EVERYBODY have or people who are problems.
8,253 posts

The fact that often people cut expenses on security and important procedures and such, only to gain more money; especially dangerous in the food and pharmacy industry, I mean those people are deliberately hurting and sometimes killing people.
One example: animal meal. If I'm not mistaken, it has been forbidden mainly because of the BSE crisis; now, it wouldn't be a problem if the animal meal was processed correctly. It's simply that at some point, under that dear Ms Margaret Thatcher who promoted bigger revenues at all costs, peolpe started to lower the heat in the meal processing to save heating expenses. With the result that BSE survived where it should not have.
Another example: nanoparticles. They don't have to be notified on the 'ingredients' list yet, so the industry puts them everywhere, for example to keep the meat 'fresh' longer so they don't have to throw it away so fast; or, they use TiO2 nanoparticles to keep things sptoless white, toothpaste among others. The only problem is that studies have shown that if rats are fed nanoparticles in a substantial amount over time their brain gets damaged; the problem is that those nanoparticles manage to cross the blood-brain barrier and thus can get into the brain, so if they're ingested regularly over a long period, they can do some damage.
In China (especially, but sadly not exclusively), they're using poisonous and carcinogenic things in the food industry; the rich upper class however, knowing what is in the food, eat only 'clean' organic food. The rest is doomed to ingurgitate whatever they can afford. This wouldn't be necessary if the industry would actually take notice of people's health instead of wanting to cut expenses to a minimum.

3,517 posts




Back then it was all Mini Wheats and healthy breakfast cereals. Now it's "a balanced breakfast" of COOKIE Crisp and COCOA PUFFS. Yep, that's part of the balanced breakfast. Cookies and Chocolate. Mmmmmmmmm.

It's not the manufacturers that piss me off, it's the parents that let their kids eat this stuff. You know why it tastes like a cookie? Because it IS a cookie. It's like having a bowl of almost a whole package of Chips Ahoy!

They'll see once there kids get 400 pounds.

2,074 posts

Here. I suppose so!

3,517 posts

[quote=The Article]As it stands, two tablespoons of tomato paste (the amount that goes on a one-serving pizza) counts as a vegetable[/quote]

You know what's funny? Tomato is a fruit.

[quote=Wikipedia]Tomato may refer to both the plant (Solanum lycopersicum) and the edible, typically red, fruit which it bears.[/quote]

8,253 posts

They'll see once there kids get 400 pounds.

Yeah well... it's almost as stupid as cola light or cola zero. Did you know that the sugar alternative they put in there increases your appetite for sugar/sweet things (apart from being unhealthy)? No joke., if you want to lose weight, don't drink cola. Period :P

Oh, and for all those cereals or aliments supposedly slimline/healthy etc.: just watch at the ridiculously small portion that you'd need to eat for the wished for effect. Often it's noticed somewhere with a really small writing on the side of the packages; in the case of a cereal I looked at, you'd have reached the 'healthy dosis' already by eating half a hand full. Really, people are stupid...
5,061 posts

The fact that our congressmen and women actually have the time to sit around and decide that pizza is a vegetable makes me want scream in anger, on another planet of course.

A while back, when I was a freshman in high school, I was talking to an acquaintance of mine who happened to be a devout Christian, we "debating" over the age of the world, whereupon she claimed that the world was only 5000 years old. Now the possibility of sarcasm did cross my mind, so I double checked, the response remained the same, and she maintained that she was being serious. When I asked her about the older religions and cultures in the world, this girl, a future IB student had the audacity to claim that ancient history was a giant conspiracy propagated by the governments of the world.

Never in my life have I heard something so utterly stupid. The worst part about that is that while she has changed there are so many more, who are both much older, and far more obstinate and ignorant.

3,517 posts
Nomad, if you want to lose weight, don't drink cola. Period :P

No! We musn't! We have to drink Coke products and the high calorie Gatorade's to stay healthy! -any unhealthy human being trying to lose weight

I find kids everyday who eat cafeteria lunch. Parents think this is fine. You know what they sell at my school EVERYDAY? Pizza, burgers, tacos, burritos, and nachos, along with the healthiest of chocolate milks and sparkling juice (basically the same thing as soda).

That's like eating fast food everyday for lunch. And the parents and kids wonder why they're a little out of shape...

Life is annoying. I feel like the only one who has sense in this world.
93 posts

i dont want to live on this planet anymore because this treat is stickied...

sorry if my english terrible.. i still learning...

3,517 posts

i dont want to live on this planet anymore because this treat is stickied...

I'm sorry, this is a thread... Not a treat...

And what is this deal on water doesn't cure dehydration? I don't anybody is THAT stupid to come up with that...
15,595 posts

When I'm often surrounded by people who refuse to work and do things in school (majority of students act like this at my school), then they complain about how they are doing bad. I mean, if you refuse to work and learn then don't come to school. Make it better for all of us. They're disruptive, too. I dislike being surrounded by these people 7+ hours on weekdays.

3,371 posts

I hate how most of the kids I know are so sexaphobic. And they'll immediantly deem any topics that they don't know about as nasty, wrong, or bad. I give them facts, and they just dismis it.

3,517 posts

And the people who are such prissy little babies about germs. So what if I drink out of someone's water bottle? I'm not gonna get AID's!

Some kid gave me a sip of his Gatorade at baseball practice when I didn't have anything. Another kid goes, "Bro, your gonna get mono."

And he was right. I did get mono.

No, I didn't.

It's people like those who I wanna smack

529 posts

i dont like the girls that start sh** talking about you just cause they dont like you.. its like get a frickin life and get over yourself.
yeah its happend to me people call me emo but still sometimes to some people (not me) can get really hurt about it you dont know what they are going threw, think about it before u say it.

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