ForumsThe Tavern"I Don't Want to Live on this Planet Anymore"

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What things in this world, you think are SO STUPID, you just wanna say "I Don't Want to Live on this Planet Anymore".

Pizza's a vegetable... Is that so?

  • 277 Replies
784 posts

please explain it more next time

5,552 posts

I'm simply pointing out that your topic name is misleading. That if it is taken literally you could point out that even if you didn't wanna live on this planet anymore that you'd have no choice till they've invented a way of terraforming a plant, duh...

Perhaps, but the OP post makes it clear what it's about, and if you're posting without reading the OP post you shouldn't post at all :P

PROTECT IP and SOPA makes me want to throw up. Kinda. It seems like an ignorant kick in the shins, and I feel like the result will be (if the bill will actually get passed), "Oh, did I do that?" with a sheepish grin. With the fall of internet businesses come a blame on the economy, etc. Stupid 'Overton Window' effect.

There's always ridiculous laws and stuff attempting to be passed. It really makes you wonder if people are that stupid or if they just wonder that themselves and see how far things go.

wow! this game makes so much sense i dont no what the heck u mean! lol

274 posts

Perhaps, but the OP post makes it clear what it's about, and if you're posting without reading the OP post you shouldn't post at all :P
Ah, ****, I forgot to read that. But I still maintain that if you don't wanna live on this planet, then tough ****, cuz you ain't got no choice, know what I'm sayin?
wow! this game makes so much sense i dont no what the heck u mean! lol

Yeah I don't get it either... what're you trynna accomplish here? Is this even your thread? I don't understand if you're trynna defend this guy's thread or if you're trynna have a reasonable debate; I'm not sure what your objectives are...
274 posts

Try reading the OP before replying to any thread, even if you think you know what it's talking about. ... Like Kasic said.

Which makes me think, it's people that don't follow the rules like they're trying to be cool or just ignoring a fact that would make the world a whole lot better both for them and for everyone else that makes me not want to live on this planet anymore, though also really long sentences could also apply.
I'm saying that I disagree and that I do wanna live on this planet for those reasons, duh...

Maybe in the future that won't apply.
274 posts

There are some life-sustainable planets in the universe; you could probably Google it and find a few different examples.

And besides, this is just a saying, it's not like you actually have to mean it when you say it. It's just a feeling of complete palm-into-face sort of feeling.
Oh, I might've misunderstood the situation. I took it too literally. But that is why I never feel like that because I always tell myself that that is concurrently impossible. Because even though there are some planets capable of sustaining life out there without the need to terraform it, they're too far beyond human reach so far. Mainly because we'd age and die or run outta fuel before we got anywhere near there. As for sometimes feeling pissed off, fairly much all the time in high school and virtually never now that I'm at college and if I ever am it isn't because of college, except maybe the stress of it, ya know? There is one planet out there that could sustain life, but the gravity is too strong for humans; we'd be crushed by the gravity of it and it is too far away to reach anyway. So if life does exist on there, then they'll have had to have taken a different evolutionary track than us.
1,747 posts

Someone see me with my ASUS Eee-Pad Transformer TF101. First they get a bit impressed, then they ask: "Is that an iPad?"


The reason that I care is mostly because I really dislike Apple and an Eee-Pad is much better.

I made this:

8,253 posts

Also, olives, those little black things and mushrooms. I'm sure at least one of those is a vegetable D;

Olive's a fruit. And shrooms are shrooms, they have nothing to do with plants at all

@gamer66618, sure, there are reasons to want to stay on this planet, and yes, we can't even get away now. But, this thread has been made to rant about those things that get overseen by hopeless optimists, and I see it as good to be aware that not everything is pink. Luckily, just imagine a pink world... *shudders*

Wow, this Eee-Pad looks like it's hovering above the keyboard^^
274 posts

@gamer66618, sure, there are reasons to want to stay on this planet, and yes, we can't even get away now. But, this thread has been made to rant about those things that get overseen by hopeless optimists, and I see it as good to be aware that not everything is pink. Luckily, just imagine a pink world... *shudders*
Everything is beautiful. All the hate there is in the world makes it as it is. That is therefore true perfection: balance. Balance between good and bad. Balance between good and bad. The balance between the rich and poor. The balance between people with rights and people fighting for them. The Africans dying of dehydration and the Americans dying or obesity. This is beauty and this is what we've fashioned; this is a miracle this is what the world is about. If you wanna complain about it, you're simply complaining about balance. And balance is what keeps civilisation and prevents chaos. Yes that means some disadvantages but we've learned to live by it whilst we are trying to ignore African poverty, the charities are trying to ram it down our throats. While we're trying to be homophobic, the homosexuals are ramming it down our throats. While we're trying to hate politics, politicians are ramming it down out throats; but don't let you think that this is a bad thing. This is balance and we need it to keep order and civilisation to our lives. If everything was bad we'd kill ourselves. If everything was good, we'd get bored from nothing to complain about. Therefore everything is perfect because there is no room for improvement. Let's face it; this is as good as it gets and it ain't gettin no better than this...

Wow, this Eee-Pad looks like it's hovering above the keyboard^^
That is spam and has nothing to do with this topic; at least not directly anyway...
274 posts

He was answering what makes him want to say, "I don't want to live on this planet anymore", and therefore, is not spam.
Oh right, I misunderstood...
Hey, what's wrong with pink? >.>

You're such a colors-ist. Against pink. Gah. This makes me not want to live on this planet anymore. [/sarcasm]
Why would you overreact like that? Even if you don't like people that don't like pink, then isn't that discrimination against people who don't like pink? Also I don't think that that'd make you want to terraform a planet to live on it or die in space...

Anyway what really pisses me off is when people complain about the planet. It is what it is. Stop complaining about it; it ain't gonna do nothin about it, so stop whinin and get on with it...

I don't like humans.
274 posts

Apparently I didn't make the sarcasm tag big enough...
What sarcasm thread?... Oh, THAT sarcasm thread? Duh, I should've seen that [further sarcasm].
Well, it's partly humanity's fault - most of us are too lazy to try to change like they want us to. They get angry. Government makes restrictions based on what we can do because the minority complained.
Like I say, we wouldn't do anything about it because we're too lazy as a species to do it. We're just all talk. But when it comes down to it; ain't no one gonna do nothin'.
"I don't want to live on this planet anymore."
Yes you do. It has its faults but it ain't so bad. You should be used to it by your age. I'd tell you to grow up, but I don't like that saying, so instead I'm gonna say "congratulations on your childishness" [sarcasm not implied...].
274 posts

Well, obviously, we must have done something; otherwise they wouldn't be such about saving the environment and all.
There isn't; that's a fallacy. Really that doesn't happen at all. Only the environmentalists and those pleasing them ever do anything about it. I don't even really give a **** about it at all...
*Palm-into-face* It's just a saying of how 'facepalm'-y you feel at something. I didn't actually mean it; besides, it's the point of this thread. If you're going to argue it, go somewhere else.
No because it's a debate thread and I'm debating the relevance of the question. So where else would I go... Jeez, don't go gettin cranky bout it...
274 posts

Also the planet is as good as it gets. It's got buildings, food, plants, women to **** and it has the amenities you want. It is as perfect as it can get with a fully functioning economy (well, an economy at least...). So why start again on a new planet? It may be a &quotunch-in-the-face" but it still is a void question seeing as you can't actually leave the **** planet unfortunately.

8,253 posts

Have you read my post on page three, the third one? If not making me want to leave the planet and humanity behind, at least it makes me want to exterminate such people. The world is as good as it gets with us on it, and sadly sometimes it's not good at all.

Oh, and there's dangerously small disease-transmitting arthropodes pretty much everyhwere on the globe. Another reason to leave it. You can't enjoy a walk straight across the beautiful forest if you are always reminded that you could get bitten by a tick and get meningitis, right?

274 posts

Sorry. I go cranky sometimes.
That's okay, I accept your apology...
You know what factories can do to the environment?
**** the land and destroy the planet? No they can't. They just increase the rate of global warming is all. Not actually causing it...
It is a great planet, though I sort of have to agree with the environmentalists, we definitely could be treating it better. That's only because we are ignorant jerks, though.
Yes but you want you're food don't you? You want your car, don't you? You don't want the economy to collapse, do you? Therefore it is necessary and anyway, who gives a **** about a couple of plants...?
274 posts

Have you read my post on page three, the third one? If not making me want to leave the planet and humanity behind, at least it makes me want to exterminate such people. The world is as good as it gets with us on it, and sadly sometimes it's not good at all.

Oh, and there's dangerously small disease-transmitting arthropodes pretty much everyhwere on the globe. Another reason to leave it. You can't enjoy a walk straight across the beautiful forest if you are always reminded that you could get bitten by a tick and get meningitis, right?
It's always good. Breathe in that lovely pollution; lovely jubbly! And no it wouldn't stop me from walking through the forest; I'd walk through the nature even if it was a risk killing me. There's always a risk of cancer from background radiation, so why not risk a little bit of meningitis for which they have a cure for?
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