ForumsThe Tavern[Necro] The meaning of life...

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274 posts

Ever wondered what your life meant? Is it a simple and subjective as birth to death? Cradle to the grave? Or is it more complex than that? What is life to you in its many complexitites? Discuss, argue, debate NOW!!!

  • 83 Replies
274 posts

I'll start you off; I believe that the meaning of life is an infinitely ongoing circle of life to death; cradle to the grave. Infinitely ongoing never-ending. Like I saw on Torchwood: Miracle Day, you remove one and the other goes to hell. What do you think?

8,253 posts

Come on, everyone knows now. It's 42.

I believe that the meaning of life is an infinitely ongoing circle of life to death; cradle to the grave.

What exactly do you mean by infinitely ongoing circle? Does this refer to indidivuals, like, reincarnation cycles and the such, or is it meant more generally?

The meaning of life is the meaning you give your life yourself. That's the wonderful thing. There's no objectve one.
5,340 posts

i think the meaning of life is hapiness. we all have our wills, we all want things. one wants money, one wants love. but in the end all the things we want make us feel the same thing: hapiness. everything we chase is supposed to provide us with happiness when we eventualy get it.

some people say that its to pass on your genes. i disagree. a person who had children but for some reason lives like a zombie and doesnt enjoy life at all lives a meaningless life in my opinion. yes he gave life, maybe he helped people, but in the end whats important is how YOU feel in the end. can you say that if you will make children you will be ready to die? that your part is done? do notice i said make children and not raise/have children. because that is already more then just making them. thats having a family.

same thing goes for the opposite, i think that a person who was truly happy in his life had a much more meaninfull life then someone who never enjoyed them.

we all enjoy/chase different things. but in the end, all of us are aiming for one thing: happiness. except for those who gave up on that, and for me giving up on happiness is the same as diying because as i said, with not happiness there is no meaning in my opinion.

wow i talk alot when its about something i actually understand XP

274 posts

What exactly do you mean by infinitely ongoing circle? Does this refer to indidivuals, like, reincarnation cycles and the such, or is it meant more generally?

The meaning of life is the meaning you give your life yourself. That's the wonderful thing. There's no objectve one.
I mean that people live then die, then their offspring have offspring and die which applies for all species of life, not just humans. Obviously there' asexual reproduction where by they divide infinitely and grow exponentially but that's just generally unicellular organisms.I'm generalising. Obviously you are entitled to your opinion.
Discuss, argue, debate NOW!!!

I can't answer this in five minutes? D:

some people say that its to pass on your genes. i disagree. a person who had children but for some reason lives like a zombie and doesnt enjoy life at all lives a meaningless life in my opinion. yes he gave life, maybe he helped people, but in the end whats important is how YOU feel in the end. can you say that if you will make children you will be ready to die? that your part is done? do notice i said make children and not raise/have children. because that is already more then just making them. thats having a family.
Okay, that's fairly deep; that's the sorta stuff that I'm lookin for. Basically happiness dies with you. You are young so live life to the fullest then die a miserable old *******! .
same thing goes for the opposite, i think that a person who was truly happy in his life had a much more meaninfull life then someone who never enjoyed them.
I agree there...
we all enjoy/chase different things. but in the end, all of us are aiming for one thing: happiness. except for those who gave up on that, and for me giving up on happiness is the same as diying because as i said, with not happiness there is no meaning in my opinion.

wow i talk alot when its about something i actually understand XP
Not really; I already have all of that; now what I crave for in life is scientific and mathematical intelligence and knowledge; that is what I want out of life...
That is kind of true. Anything you do is to make yourself happier - even if you do something that you think will make you be horrible, in reality you're happy because you did what you wanted.
If you mean doing something like raping a 12 year old, then yes I'd do that if I wanted to, but I don't, so I won't... I think that happiness is the persuit of life, but not the end all and be all of it. I think that we crave sadness as well. That is balance is what goes up must come down and at the end of the day we want both...
5,340 posts

I think that is true. Anyone who is happy is probably better off than someone who isn't. I don't really know how I can give an example without it being redundant :P A better word to use might be 'joy', though. If you're police officer, you obviously wouldn't be happy that you get to chase criminals and are put in constant danger, but you enjoy your job.

he could be happy he is protecing people :3 and even make the criminals learn their lesson. who knows they might turn all right in the end?

You're so smart :P

awww thanks (... that wasnt sarcasm right? i never get sarcasm... also shows how "smart" i really am XP)
274 posts

Wait, which is this topic about, the meaning of life as we seek it or 'the big picture'?
Pretty much both...
5,340 posts

Not really; I already have all of that; now what I crave for in life is scientific and mathematical intelligence and knowledge; that is what I want out of life...

that would satisfy you. in other words make you happy. and even if not. you are already happy. and that is why you wouldnt chase something that is too important to you. im guessing you want knowledge but you wouldnt chase it like the things you already have and make you happy.

If you mean doing something like raping a 12 year old, then yes I'd do that if I wanted to, but I don't, so I won't... I think that happiness is the persuit of life, but not the end all and be all of it. I think that we crave sadness as well. That is balance is what goes up must come down and at the end of the day we want both...

in a way, that would make him happy. and for him his life had a meaning. because as i said, in the end whats important is that YOU are happy. a different person who would want to do it but wouldnt: he wouldnt do it because for some reason it would make him feel bad. regret, or anything else. that would take the happiness in doing that thing away making it meaningless
2,413 posts

Thanks a lot. Your question made my brain explode.

5,340 posts

Humm. I still think that 'joy' is a better word, though :P

not my first language so im not sure. for me (please remember what you read 2 seconds ago: not my first) joy is more like something you feel for a short moment. while true happiness is something for a longer period of time and more well... happy and meaningfull. joy could be just playing a video game, but i dont think anyone would chase that unless it really makes them happy... which makes me think more about happiness again.
8,253 posts

I mean that people live then die, then their offspring have offspring and die which applies for all species of life, not just humans. Obviously there' asexual reproduction where by they divide infinitely and grow exponentially but that's just generally unicellular organisms.I'm generalising. Obviously you are entitled to your opinion.

I do agree with that, I was just checking... except the 'divide infnitely and grow exponentially', is not completely true. But that's microbiology and thus another topic..

i think the meaning of life is hapiness.

Happiness, like, contentment without too much sacrifice because every moment you're not happy is bad, or hard work and sacrifices to reach a different kind of satisfaction and happiness? Or both? Or completely different?

some people say that its to pass on your genes. i disagree.

In some way, passing on your genes is simply the meaning of reproduction. Not the meaning of life. So, yeah.
5,340 posts

Happiness, like, contentment without too much sacrifice because every moment you're not happy is bad, or hard work and sacrifices to reach a different kind of satisfaction and happiness? Or both? Or completely different?

well i talk about the kind of happiness that everybody wants. for me it would be living with my love a peacefull life with no connections to my past. its alittle hard to explain but that kind of happiness isnt such a big deal or unusual when you have it, but it means everything when you still chase it
274 posts

Sorry for the double-post, I always forget to refresh... Dang ninjas, they're so ninja-y.

I can't complain, though, ninjas are pretty cool.

In fact, one of my goals in life is to become a ninja.
Stick to the topic, Jeol, stick to the topic...

that would satisfy you. in other words make you happy. and even if not. you are already happy. and that is why you wouldnt chase something that is too important to you. im guessing you want knowledge but you wouldnt chase it like the things you already have and make you happy.
I agree but if you're already happy you always crave something else. Mine is intelligence which is depressing me and stressing me out. But I'm already happy, so why not search for something interesting rather than satisfying? But if you're already happy, you're not goin to search for happiness, are you...?
in a way, that would make him happy. and for him his life had a meaning. because as i said, in the end whats important is that YOU are happy. a different person who would want to do it but wouldnt: he wouldnt do it because for some reason it would make him feel bad. regret, or anything else. that would take the happiness in doing that thing away making it meaningless
No, I'd do it anyway for sexual gratification. Why not? I wouldn't do it because I don't need to **** a 12 year old girl to get my sexual gratification, so I won't. But you could even if you didn't want to because the girl is young and you don't like destroying her innocence, but you do it for the sake of your hard-on, or because someone puts a gun to someone's head and makes them have sex with their own 12 year old girl; there are many circumstances whereby you could have sex with a 12 year old girl against her will when you don't fell happy about it...
Thanks a lot. Your question made my brain explode.
LOL! I aim to please!...

not my first language so im not sure. for me (please remember what you read 2 seconds ago: not my first) joy is more like something you feel for a short moment. while true happiness is something for a longer period of time and more well... happy and meaningfull. joy could be just playing a video game, but i dont think anyone would chase that unless it really makes them happy... which makes me think more about happiness again.
Yeah but you get used to happiness. Joy is a nice sharp sensation, like the joy you get mid-orgasm. Happiness you get used to. Like having a wife to **** and kids that you love with all of your heart. A family is stereotypical happiness and joy is non-defined. Therefore it depends on your point of view...
5,340 posts

I agree but if you're already happy you always crave something else. Mine is intelligence which is depressing me and stressing me out. But I'm already happy, so why not search for something interesting rather than satisfying? But if you're already happy, you're not goin to search for happiness, are you...?

i think i said what i meant wrong? because your saying exactly what i meant. your not chasing happiness anymore. just satisfaction.

No, I'd do it anyway for sexual gratification. Why not? I wouldn't do it because I don't need to **** a 12 year old girl to get my sexual gratification, so I won't. But you could even if you didn't want to because the girl is young and you don't like destroying her innocence, but you do it for the sake of your hard-on, or because someone puts a gun to someone's head and makes them have sex with their own 12 year old girl; there are many circumstances whereby you could have sex with a 12 year old girl against her will when you don't fell happy about it...

alittle bit off topic. there is a difference between doing something and willing to do it. not everything we do causes us hapiness. but the things we want to do will./

Yeah but you get used to happiness. Joy is a nice sharp sensation, like the joy you get mid-orgasm. Happiness you get used to. Like having a wife to **** and kids that you love with all of your heart. A family is stereotypical happiness and joy is non-defined. Therefore it depends on your point of view...

(lol you sure like that reference XD)

im not sure what your responding to though. again it feels as if you just said what i did in other words
8,253 posts

Happiness you get used to.

There's a bit of truth to that. If the goal of our life is the thing we want the most, then it will for most people probably be a ever-changing goal since we long for what we don't have right now, like a cat with attention deficit disorder... really enjoying your achieved things is hard over a long time. Except when you're old and weary and are happy with your life because you know you won't do a lot of other things.
274 posts

I did, though! I mentioned that the meaning of my life in part is becoming a ninja :P
Oh, right, sorry then. Wait, that doesn't really stick to the topic, does it? I shall try to make it so..
Obviously I would enjoy being a ninja; well it might not necessarily make me happy, I would definitely enjoy it.
Further LOL!
I think it mostly depends on the family, and joy is undefined, so it might as well be the meaning of life.
Sadly that's only part of it, so this topic doesn't draw to a close...
i think i said what i meant wrong? because your saying exactly what i meant. your not chasing happiness anymore. just satisfaction.
alittle bit off topic. there is a difference between doing something and willing to do it. not everything we do causes us hapiness. but the things we want to do will./
The meaning of life is also partly sexual gratification. Without it there would be no births and no life. Even if it does mean that paedophiles have sex with kids or force their parents to do so. It still means a population to exist. Therefore the meaning of life is partly sex!
im not sure what your responding to though. again it feels as if you just said what i did in other words
Again yes I partly do.
(lol you sure like that reference XD)
Yes I do, sex is a beautiful thing. It is necessary to sustain life, therefore why not practice by masturbating?
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