ForumsWEPRGlobal Warming

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274 posts

We all know that global warming is when the sun rays get trapped underneath the excess carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases, causing the sun rays to bounce back off it and stay in earth causing the temperature to rise. What do you think about it? Do you think that it is real? Or just a media hype?

  • 107 Replies
5,552 posts

You know, nevermind about my explanation about how the graph makes no sense, I tried 5 different times to explain it in a way that makes sense about how the graph doesn't make sense, and if I try to analyze the graph in that explanation it doesn't work because the graph is so messed up.

Leave it at this. The graph sucks and makes no sense whatsoever.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I cut and pasted the graph wrongly. It has no correlation to the secon half of my post. Mea culpa.

Just saying the graph makes sense. It shows how the atmospheric CO2 ie the total amount of CO2 on earth has increased with a pattern similar to how our own output has increased hence proving that we have some part to play hence disproving skeptics.

Pertaining to ice cores, it's those long ice tubes that scientist drill out of the ground and has different layers which build up over the years letting scientists monitor CO2 levels. It's hard to link it here when I'm on my phone. Later.

5,129 posts

To me though, that looks like it was cooling down, and then it spiked a little, went back to where it was, and slowly rose over a hundred years

yes thats global warming. it slowly increases over 100 year. not 20 degree in 50 year but 2 degree in 100 year.
befor 1900 humand didn't use as much fossil fuels. because almost evrything worked on steam or electrics. so from 1800 till 1900 it shows what was normal. from 1900 to 2000+ you see the temp. increase.
this seems to have started happening after world industry came to a boom in the early 1900's

and if we then also throw in the scientific fact that our polution is destroying the ozon layer. then i think it's fair enoufg to say that humans are heating up the world by destroying nature. aka global warming is speeded up if not started by humans.

if it was in large part contributed to by human industry, wouldn't there have been a larger spike/parabolic type curve as more greenhouse gases were released into the atmosphere yearly at ever greater quantities?

no global warming is a slow proces, localy weather changes more rapidly but on global scale it's going slow. what we have is hotter summers and colder winters. but winters get shorter because their is more warm weather on other parts of the world. so the average world temp. increases while local weather gets colder.

i sugest the source of my video. (wich was in the description) wich are independed and take count of other programs aswell.
here is a link to the source of my video explained a bit more on their site.
274 posts

Global Warming is a blanket of greenhouse gases trapping sunrays and heating the Earth up. Don't talk about deozonation! And I know that global warming is happening. My question to you is whether it is caused by humans or if it would've happened anyway? What' your opinion/fact based opinion/fact/gut instinct/other?

5,552 posts

My question to you is whether it is caused by humans or if it would've happened anyway? What' your opinion/fact based opinion/fact/gut instinct/other?

I don't think it's caused by humans, although we may be accelerrating it to a certain extent. There's really no definitive answer yet anyways and comes down to how you interpret existing data.
274 posts

I don't think it's caused by humans, although we may be accelerrating it to a certain extent. There's really no definitive answer yet anyways and comes down to how you interpret existing data.
True. What I'm asking is how do you [and others] interpret the data. Or if someone has no idea what they think anyways. So if it is caused by us, then who cares? And if it is natural then obviously it has nothing to do with us. If it is a combination as you suggest, then obviously there's not point in doing anything about it because it's gonna happen anyaway; we're just accelerating it; so what's the point in doing anything about it?
8,256 posts

There's a natural tendency, but we definitely have an impact on it. Why should we care? Because by accelerating it, we leave less time for species to spread to better locations, or adapt if it is a species with fast evolutionary rate. What I'm saying is, the result won't be the same if we act in order to leave almost no impact, or if we speed the process up. For biodiverstiy it would be very recomandable to try to limit our impact to a minimum.

274 posts

There's a natural tendency, but we definitely have an impact on it. Why should we care? Because by accelerating it, we leave less time for species to spread to better locations, or adapt if it is a species with fast evolutionary rate. What I'm saying is, the result won't be the same if we act in order to leave almost no impact, or if we speed the process up. For biodiverstiy it would be very recomandable to try to limit our impact to a minimum.
It depends on whether you care about biodiversity or not...
8,256 posts

In general biodiversity is seen as something precious, with positive effects and advantages. I personally deplore every species extinction, but I also think that for humanity, it has an objective value. Now, we would survive without, of course, but we would survive a lot of other things we don't necessarily want to experience...

274 posts

In general biodiversity is seen as something precious, with positive effects and advantages. I personally deplore every species extinction, but I also think that for humanity, it has an objective value. Now, we would survive without, of course, but we would survive a lot of other things we don't necessarily want to experience...
In what way is it benificial for humankind? I'm fairly certain that when we breed livestock we keep the same perfect breed of female cows for perfect milk and perfect meat from highland male cows. They are bred as embryos that are gentically modified to be perfect. Then they are inter-bred. That makes perfect life. So where's the necessity for biodiversity for humans? I understand it is good for the animal but why humans why us?
5,129 posts

My question to you is whether it is caused by humans or if it would've happened anyway? What' your opinion/fact based opinion/fact/gut instinct/other?

i don't think humans caused global warming. temp. has changed for longer then humans are around.
i do think that humans speed up the process to a very fast rate. wich is unhealty for our earth.

So if it is caused by us, then who cares?

why shouldn't we care about what our actions have caused to nature?

And if it is natural then obviously it has nothing to do with us

humans sudenly are not part of nature anymore?

If it is a combination as you suggest, then obviously there's not point in doing anything about it because it's gonna happen anyaway

if we stop speeding up the proces then the earth is able to recover from what we have done to it and let the global warming happen in 1000's of years instead of a few 100 year.

so what's the point in doing anything about it?

safe earth and ourself (as in humans) and all other living things from death. and then i don't literaly mean ourself but the next generations of humans.
i know it sounds a bit ectreme but thats the pics in the very long run.
8,256 posts

In what way is it benificial for humankind? I'm fairly certain that when we breed livestock we keep the same perfect breed of female cows for perfect milk and perfect meat from highland male cows. They are bred as embryos that are gentically modified to be perfect. Then they are inter-bred. That makes perfect life. So where's the necessity for biodiversity for humans? I understand it is good for the animal but why humans why us?

Monocultures and the like are of course better apt for mass production, but first, I don't like mass production or at least not the way it's handled now, second, they're much more susceptible to get completely ravaged by diseases or parasites. The more diverse a population or ecosystem is, the better it will withstand and recover from pathogenes. At the current point, bananas are more or less all clones, if a disease would spread fast across all cultures, you could say adios to bananas. That's why some researchers are keeping seeds of as many plants, especially culture-capable ones, cooled somewhere, so that we can react to such scenarios.
Also, maybe you wouldn't care, but others would if the whole environment would look the same everywhere on the globe in the same latitude.
274 posts

why shouldn't we care about what our actions have caused to nature?
It depends on whether you care about nature or not...
if we stop speeding up the proces then the earth is able to recover from what we have done to it and let the global warming happen in 1000's of years instead of a few 100 year.
Why do people care? They'll be dead by then anyway...
safe earth and ourself (as in humans) and all other living things from death. and then i don't literaly mean ourself but the next generations of humans.
i know it sounds a bit ectreme but thats the pics in the very long run.
Who cares? We'll be dead by then anyway...
Monocultures and the like are of course better apt for mass production, but first, I don't like mass production or at least not the way it's handled now, second, they're much more susceptible to get completely ravaged by diseases or parasites.
I already knew that.
The more diverse a population or ecosystem is, the better it
Knew that too...
Also, maybe you wouldn't care, but others would if the whole environment would look the same everywhere on the globe in the same latitude.
Again, what's so important about nature? It's fairly obvious that we use genetic modification to get our food, which is far removed from nature anyway, along with the upkeep of livestock so how does the change in the envronment affect us?
8,256 posts

For someone who was so utterly optimistic in the other thread about how grand earth and nature is, you seem to not care a lot about it actually...

It depends on whether you care about nature or not...

You'd better, or do you think we can survive without?

Why do people care? They'll be dead by then anyway...

Their descendants will have to live with it, and anyway it's a matter of principle. Which you don't seem to have a lot of.

Again, what's so important about nature? It's fairly obvious that we use genetic modification to get our food, which is far removed from nature anyway, along with the upkeep of livestock so how does the change in the envronment affect us?

Change in environment and climate affects us on sanitary, psychologic, economic, demographic levels at least. How many people will the new environment be able to supply? How many will have to die?
274 posts

For someone who was so utterly optimistic in the other thread about how grand earth and nature is, you seem to not care a lot about it actually...
I don't think that you understand. I love Earth even though it is ****ed up. That's including pollution and global warming and deozonation. I love the destroyed planet. It is beautiful to wake up one morning and breathe in the lovely CO2 pollution. *deep breath* *satisfied sigh*.
You'd better, or do you think we can survive without?
I think that we can survive without because of genetic modification and laboritries we can grow our own food without nature, therefore it is unimportant. Let's build cities over deforestation and enjoy the tall infrastructures and the beatiful skyscrapers and cars that are causing this beautiful planet! Yeah!
Their descendants will have to live with it, and anyway it's a matter of principle. Which you don't seem to have a lot of.
I'll give you that. Some people are as cold as ice, but I'm as cold as solid helium! [Which is, like, at a temperature of near to absolute zero (no temperature whatsoever: approximately -255 degress celsius(-ish)).] Plus I'm not planning on having any kids, so I couldn't care less about future generations decades or even centuries down the line...
Change in environment and climate affects us on sanitary, psychologic, economic, demographic levels at least. How many people will the new environment be able to supply? How many will have to die?
They'll be alright. With their genetically modified food and their genetically enhanced plants and livestock; temperature change isn't gonna result in many death except poverous people which are gonna die of cholera or famine anyway. The main way to tackle that would be to use charities to help them, lest they die.

Hope this covers all of your points. Anything else?
Showing 16-30 of 107